Most of the stuff in this was either pretty standard or just not really feasible. All the work suggestions seem to assume that you have a lot of autonomy.
Most of the stuff in this was either pretty standard or just not really feasible. All the work suggestions seem to assume that you have a lot of autonomy.
This seems like good advice… for annoying people.
Overall pretty entertaining, though not my favorite of his. Still made me want to go backpack around Europe though. Reading travel books is terrible for my wanderlust.
I wasn't expecting to like this, so I was pretty surprised when I enjoyed it. It's junk food, but fun junk food.
Uh, what? Then it's just super dusty behind the books and super difficult to dust back there.
Yes! This book was everything I wanted. It hooked me from the first and just kept bringing it. Lots of fun. So glad the sequel is just coming out so I can pick it up soon.
Another book cart pick for me. I need to stop riffling through them when I'm at the desk.
For such a potentially dry subject as soccer formations this was interesting enough. There were a few times I felt like a little more explanation would have been nice though.
Fun enough, but nothing overly spectacular. A good summer road trip read. As someone who has taken long distance bus trips I definitely appreciated that part.
I think I should have read this in high school when I might have liked it more. Maybe. The book was just written so apathetically that I felt apathetic about it. Also had to keep reminding myself that Charlie was actually in high school and not way younger.
I loved this so much. Light and fluffy and just what I needed. I'll have to go read Fangirl now.
Nope. I found Frances to be really off-putting and didn't like her at all. Her relationship with Lillian started with a sex scene of dubious consent and then went to full on super-clingy which was just painfully awkward to read. The audiobook narrator was fantastic though.
So I spent most of this book hating Monty because she was kind of a self-absorbed ass. I was prepared to dislike the book because of it and rate it down. But then the ending redeemed her and the book. So a good read in the end.
I rated this like. But. This was nowhere near as good as the first two volumes. There seemed to be little actually happening and the wit and snark of the previous issues seemed to be toned down. It was still fun, but not what I've come to expect from Rat Queens.
This book is one of my favorites. I love the fact that it is so many stories and genres all wonderfully stacked into one complete and coherent book.
By far my favorite Murakami book out of those I've read so far. ❤️
One of my favorite fantasy books in a while. Definitely a favorite in general as well. The ending broke my heart but I can't wait to read more.
This is one of my favorite books ever. Everything about it is amazing. I rave about it to anyone who'll listen. ❤️
Gave my teens an option between novel and graphic novel for the book club. I thought a lot got lost in the new format. Most weirdly, considering the visual format, the photos were way less effective. Did love the use of color though.
I was super worried that this was going to be just as terrible as the new Batgirl of Burnside. But it wasn't. It was fantastic! Now my library just needs to hurry up on getting volume two. /impatient.
I generally liked this! The romance thing going on felt super weird though. Going to have to pick up "Every Heart a Doorway" now as I've heard it's similar to this but darker.
Too short and therefore a kind of abrupt end. But generally awesome up to that point. I would have loved to read more.
Just starting. Hopefully this is good since I picked this for my Teen's Summer Book Club.
Everything in this book is 100% true about life.
A bit of a slow start, but an amazing comic once it gets going. It really picks up once she leaves home.
Nice idea, but the whole thing just came off as too contrived and cheesy for me.
While this was a good book, I didn't feel like it quite lived up to all the hype surrounding it. It took me a while to really become interested, but once I was, it was a surprisingly quick read. I think one problem was that while I found Ye Wenjie interesting, I found Wang Miao to be fairly boring.
This book broke my heart but also manages to be one of my favorite books ever despite (because of?) that fact.
Listened to the audiobook narrated by the author and it was amazing. I loved Ren so much.
Nearly everything about this was terrible. It may have won a Hugo for best novel, but it really doesn't hold up well at all, imo. Terrible characters and terrible plot ruin a potentially interesting idea.
Kind of a let down after the ending of the last volume. While the previous volume built up a great feeling of tension and trauma, this volume slows down considerably. Most of the book simply focuses on Rick trying to make a decision with zombies and the whisperers hardly featuring at all.