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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
Top-notch USA Today Illuminating Washington Post A breath of fresh air Entertainment Weekly Memorable People I am a collection of oddities, a circus of neurons and electrons: my heart is the ringmaster, my soul is the trapeze artist, and the world is my audience. It sounds strange because it is, and it is, because I am strange.After the sudden collapse of her family, Mim Malone is dragged from her home in northern Ohio to the wastelands of Mississippi, where she lives in a medicated milieu with her dad and new stepmom. Before the dust has a chance to settle, she learns her mother is sick back in Cleveland.So she ditches her new life and hops aboard a northbound Greyhound bus to her real home and her real mother, meeting a quirky cast of fellow travelers along the way. But when her thousand-mile journey takes a few turns she could never see coming, Mim must confront her own demons, redefining her notions of love, loyalty, and what it means to be sane.Told in an unforgettable, kaleidoscopic voice, Mosquitoland is a modern American odyssey, as hilarious as it is heartbreaking.From the Hardcover edition.
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Ooh tough, so I'm relying on Google for suggestions. The tagged book sounds funny. I'm adding to my list!


Pruzy Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse is a fantasy YA in which eclipses are major plot points! It was a good read! 3mo
BookmarkTavern That does look fun! Thanks for answering! 3mo
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold

Something so annoyingly familiar about this main character…hoping I can get past it and get into the book. Reading it for my tutoring student so I‘m gonna have to deal either way!

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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I finished it about a week ago, but didn‘t know how I was feeling about it.

16yo MIM has moved to MS with her dad and stepmom after her parents‘ divorce. She isn‘t happy about it and after overhearing a conversation, in which she finds out mom is sick, she boards a greyhound to Cleveland to find mom.

#YesiReads #YA #cloudlibrary #litsyloveslibraries


TheBookAddict It‘s frustrating that dad wouldn‘t talk to her about the situation, she‘s 16 for Pete‘s sake! Her journey is very unrealistic and she meets who she needs to at the perfect moment without even trying. She‘s always witty and being very philosophical about everything. Also, where is dad during all this? 3y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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It was OK. Frustrating how a lot of the issues could have been avoided by better communication. Some aspects of the story were just a bit too odd and unrealistic. However, I was still engrossed.

Characters go on a road trip for #summerfun

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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I know this is short notice, but David Arnold (tagged book, Kids of Appetite) has been talking with authors ever Sunday night on Instagram live. Tonight, he‘s talking with Jason Reynolds (Long Way Down, Stamped). 8pm Eastern time. Also, his next book is coming out in 2/21, & he showed the cover on Insta. It was immediate #coverlove for me!

TheAromaofBooks Oh wow that cover is amazing!!! 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Catching up on posts since I missed yesterday.

#RoadTrip #BoundTogetherJune @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🚌📚👍🏻 4y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🚌 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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@babyruth2510 @TheAromaofBooks @Bookwormjillk I just got this and I‘m going to start it now!!!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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I won‘t say too much about this because it‘s a #LMPBC book. Overall I liked it, but I wanted to punch the dad in the face.

It‘s in the mail as of this morning @Professional_Book_Dragon

CC @TheAromaofBooks @babyruth2510

Professional_Book_Dragon Woohoo! I‘m excited! :) 4y
TheAromaofBooks RIGHT?! Like... she's plenty old enough to deal with the truth?? I enjoyed this story, but am always annoyed when it feels like one good conversation would have solved everything. 4y
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks YES just talk to your daughter, and no your new wife of 6 months can‘t do it for you. 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha now I'm looking forward to reading your notes in the book when I get it back! 😂 4y
cozypunk Your opening line! 🤣😍 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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This came in the mail yesterday. I‘m really excited to read it for #LMPBC Group D. I‘ll mail my book this week.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I love seeing my book travel around! 😊 I'm mailing my book today!! 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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I enjoyed this book and it‘s weirdness. Took a little bit to get into, but the characters and humor of this book got me at the end. Glad this was picked for our #LMPBC group otherwise I would never have picked it up. 3.75⭐️ @Bookwormjillk I will get this mailed out to you by the end of the week.

TheAromaofBooks Glad you enjoyed it!! I found some of the situations to be a little over-the-top but overall did like the characters. 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Visited five more states this month for #ReadtheUSA2020 / #SeparatedbyaPondTour!!


amber_ldsmom Oooh, what did you read for Maryland? 4y
Andrew65 Looking great, need to update mine. Watch out for my map later this week, reading figures gone out of the window and need updating! Well done 👏👏👏👍 (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks @amber_ldsmom - For Maryland I ended up reading Well Met (Jen DeLuca) - romcom. At this point in the challenge, I am just reading whatever I am reading, and then if it checks off a new location I use it haha I'm sure when I get closer to the end of the year I'll be trying to find books for specific states!! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - I know, life has been crazy! I kind of forgot it was the first of the month until right before I posted this stuff - saw someone else's wrap-up post and it got me thinking! Can't wait to see your map!! I'm doing pretty well with the US and England, but haven't visited Ireland, Scotland, or Wales at all! 4y
amber_ldsmom I was able to mark off four states with Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance, but it looks like you‘ve already got those covered, except for Oklahoma. 4y
sblbooks What did you read for North Carolina? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @amber_ldsmom - I'll keep that one in mind!! I've been trying to only use one location per book to keep things more exciting! 😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @sblbooks - I read Summer by the Tides by Denise Hunter. It wasn't my favorite of her books, though - I liked The Convenient Groom much better. (Although it takes place in Nantucket, so that doesn't really help with North Carolina haha) 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Mim is on a journey to find out what is happening with her mother who left suddenly one day. This is a YA book tackling mental illness. This is why families need to be open and honest about mental illness.

TheAromaofBooks Just read this one as my #LMPBC pick! Overall enjoyed it, although I did feel like some of the situations were a bit over-the-top. I read it because I read and loved Kids of Appetite by the same author a couple of years ago. Have you ever read that one? 4y
jb72 I felt the same. A few situations were a bit unrealistic, but overall I enjoyed it. No this was the first book I‘ve read by this author. 4y
JaclynW This looks really good. 4y
jb72 @JaclynW I was pleasantly surprised. 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Both of my #LMPBC books went out today to @babyruth2510 and @hes7 !! They are coming media mail and may be a little slow. Just email me if you want the tracking numbers!!

#GroupD - @Bookwormjillk @Professional_Book_Dragon
#GroupL - @Jerdencon @Chili

hes7 Yay! Looking forward to it! 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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This is an #LMPBC read so I don't want to say too much. I did enjoy this one but was also somewhat frustrated by some parts of it. I'm already intrigued to find out what the rest of #GroupD thinks of this one!!

Also love the cover layout for this one.

@babyruth2510 @Bookwormjillk @Professional_Book_Dragon

Professional_Book_Dragon I‘m excited to get it! I‘m just starting mine today. Should be done in a few days! :) 4y
TheAromaofBooks #ReadtheUSA2020 / #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Mississippi (although it could have been Kentucky or Ohio just as easily) @Andrew65 || #WinterBookBingo - Takes Place Locally (or at least, part of it is in a town only about 30 miles away haha) @Honeybeegirl || #ReadingBingo - Bottom of the TBR (there since August 2015) || #MarchBookBingo - Neurodiverse Protagonist 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - looks like you will be the last one to read it, so you'll have the fun of everyone's notes!! 4y
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Professional_Book_Dragon @TheAromaofBooks Where did you see the schedule? She said she would post it but I only saw the last round. Did it miss it somewhere? 4y
Andrew65 Still going well! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - did you not get the email with the names/addresses of everyone in the group?? 4y
Professional_Book_Dragon @TheAromaofBooks I did but there wasn‘t a schedule that I saw. She said she‘d post it on her Litsy but I never saw round 8. I figured since I‘m 3 I mail to 4 and then to 1 and then 2. It looked like that was what happened last round? 4y
katy4peas Cool cover! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Professional_Book_Dragon - Yes, at the end of this month you will mail your book to me (since I'm 4) and I will mail my book to Ruth (who is 1), etc. Jill (3) will mail to you. Then at the end of April, you'll mail Jill's book to me, I'll mail your book to Ruth, etc. Each person always mails to the next person on the list until you get your own book back. 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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#BookReport - work is sucking up all my reading time! Lame.

Read In Bitter Chill (3.5*) and The Last Waltz (3.5*). Tried to read 1Q84. I didn't dislike it, I'm just not in the mood for the writing style OR an almost 1000-page book. I'm leaving it on the TBR as I may try it again next winter when life is quieter. Reading the tagged book currently - the rest are going to roll over to the next #weeklyforecast!!


tracey38 Yeah, work has a tendency to do that. 😔 I know all too well! 💜 4y
Cosmos_Moon I have the same problem with work... 4y
LauraBrook Lame indeed! Don‘t they know you have better things to spend your time on? I‘d love to be a professional reader. Not a reviewer, necessarily, bc I want to read what I want to read! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @tracey38 @Cosmos_Moon @LauraBrook - I need a job manning a little-used reference desk or something where I have to read all day while waiting for people to come in except no one comes there 😂 4y
LauraBrook @TheAromaofBooks That sounds just about right! 4y
Cinfhen I have a feeling work should be getting quieter in the days ahead..... at least I hope so 🧡 4y
tracey38 @TheAromaofBooks yes! With total job security that I get paid enough and won't lose my job even though no one comes in often! 😄😇💜 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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1. Not much so far except the libraries closing!!
2. I hope so, geezy
3. No, but we don't usually do anything
4. Tagged
5. Mom, my sister, and I all watched Music & Lyrics (older movie) and it was ADORABLE.

#randosurvey @laurenslibrary

LauraBrook Same for numbers 1 and 3. And I really liked Music and Lyrica too! Still get “love autopsy” stuck in my head sometimes. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @LauraBrook - I was impressed about how catchy the music was in that movie, honestly. And everyone was just so adorable! 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Well this was a surprise! The sarcastic heroine was just what I needed. Reminded me of when I was younger, but way less adventurous. Our main teenage character goes on a road trip of self-discovery and truth. Loved it all! The writing was so clever and witty. I feel like the author would be someone I‘d invite to dinner. If I did that sort of social thing.

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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My #LMPBC books for Round 8 came yesterday!!! Super excited about reading the tagged book for #GroupD as it has been on my list for years. In #GroupL we each picked six books that everyone approved but the final choice of those six will be a surprise!! Excited about reading mine and seeing what my fellow #MerryReaders chose as well!!
@babyruth2510 @Bookwormjillk @Professional_Book_Dragon @Jerdencon @hes7 @Chili

Megabooks This is a great book! 4y
Megabooks He‘s a local (sort of) author for me. 4y
Jerdencon Woo hoo! Excited! 4y
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hes7 Can‘t wait to see what you chose! (I still need to decide on my book. 😂) 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Megabooks - I've been meaning to read this one forever so I'm pretty excited to finally do so!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @hes7 - the best part of this system is that if the book I picked is a total bust, I can just pick another one and no one will know 😂 4y
Scochrane26 I see David Arnold about twice a year at book signings & book fairs since he lives in my area. He‘s a great promoter of our local bookstore. I have his 3 books all signed but haven‘t read 2 of them. He‘s coming out with a 4th next spring. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Scochrane26 - I've only read Kids of Appetite so far (and loved it). I'll be on the lookout for the new one!! The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik is still on the TBR as well. That's fun that he stays involved in his local reading community!! 4y
Scochrane26 @TheAromaofBooks I‘m going to read Kids of Appetite soon, & hopefully Noah Hynotik. I just keep putting them off, but I‘m sure I‘ll like them. 4y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

rather_be_reading omg yes! 5y
GypsyKat 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Dragonfairykats 😂🤣😂 5y
Sarah83 Love that one 😉 5y
MaleficentBookDragon 😂😂😂 5y
Leftcoastzen 😂😂😂👏 5y
JulietReads They're gonna have a feast tonight! 5y
Lcsmcat 😂🤣😂 5y
brit91 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice - Mosquitoland David Arnold

Suet624 I really liked this book. Thank you for the quote. It‘s a good one. 5y
Bell_Queen @Suet624 Thank you for taking the time to share that. I loved this book! 5y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Painted that last night. Mosquitoland is my absolute favorite book.

BooknerdsLife 😱😍 5y
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Happy Monday! Spring break is one week away, but that didn‘t stop me from getting a head start on my #April book of the month!🤓

#BOTM #Mosquitoland


This is by far my favorite book ever. It‘s filled with characters that make you want to scoop them up and protect them forever, a storyline that grips you from the very beginning, and just the right amount of heartache. I can‘t express how much this book means to me.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you are enjoying it here! 5y
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I had to sit on this one and ponder it. I listened to the audiobook but really wish I had a physical copy so I could have reread some parts on my own.

I loved the idea of Mim(the main character) going on a road trip to get back to her mother who may or may not be dying and along the way self discovering herself.

Yes some parts of the book felt unrealistic (minus 1 point) but still loved the adventure and some of the characters.


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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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“I am a collection of oddities, a circus of neutrons and electrons: my heart is the ringmaster, my soul is the trapeze artist, and the world is my audience. It sounds strange because it is, and it is, because I am strange.” -Mim

📸 ctto

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I was drawn to this book for the name of the title because my hometown is a “mosquito land” as well. The ending was underwhelming in my opinion but still cute/feel good. I would still recommend this book to read

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Fucking David Arnold, man. You don't even know.

He's one of those polarizing authors. He's like anchovies on pizza. If you're a fan you'll follow him to the ends of the earth. If you're not you'll probably turn your nose up and be glad you're not the crazy one.

I adore him. Seriously. 'KoA' blew my mind and 'Mosquitoland' skirted around the tropes and created this amazingly brave and flawed girl, and her messy story.

Heart eyes forever. 😍

Cortg I enjoyed Mosquitoland. I should try some of his other books! 5y
Cortg Thanks! I‘ll add it to my ginormous TBR pile 😀 5y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Audio kitchen demo time! If the weather holds this weekend we're getting our new kitchen counters and backsplash! I'm so ready to get rid of the stained linoleum that came with the house. Of course, it means I have to get the old "backsplash" (more matching linoleum) removed and all the prep work done. Thank goodness for audiobooks and bluetooth speakers.

Reviewsbylola Way to go, that looks like no easy task! ⛏ 5y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhhhhhhh. 5y
Mdargusch Good luck!👍🏼 5y
Slajaunie Love demo work and audiobooks! 5y
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Mostly just underwhelmed by the whole thing. The ending was good, but I felt more of a payoff from The Jellicoe Road.

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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My niece recommended this book to me. She's 16 and struggles with depression. She uses literature like this to help her cope. Without her recommendation I probably wouldn't have read this book. Mim's journey in searching for her "home" is one we all go through, and in the end we're all just seeking people and places where we can just be ourselves. Mim's character annoyed me at times, but she's a teenager, so I'd say that's accurate writing. ?

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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I ended up liking the last 3-4 chapters and liked the character a lot more at the end. Took a long time to get to that point and it didn‘t end how I thought. On another note, first book using #bookly. #ya #mentalillness

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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This should have been great. I love a novel filled with travel and letters and usually sympathize with a mentally ill character. But the main character annoys me. I think I know how this is going to end up. I do like her letters to her aunt though. #epistolary #mentalillness #ya

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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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On to the next one!! Work has kept my reading pace slow this summer but I am super excited to embark on this adventure! I predict some late night/early morning kindle sessions in my future 📚 🍷 #Mosquitoland

rather_be_reading hate when work gets in the way! 6y
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Beautifully written— styled like a Jack Kerouac, but the author does a good job of portraying mental illness and the female mind. Great coming of age style story.

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i love when books make you cry, and this certainly will.

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Just starting, but I think this is going to be good.

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All.the.feels. Mim‘s cross-country journey to see her mother is peopled with amazing characters, funny (and heart-pounding) episodes and an ending that brought tears to my eyes. This is a novel about mental health, family (both biological and found) and resilience and I loved it to bits.

KateFulfordAuthor If you like “funny & family” (and sassy and sarcastic), may I recommend my debut to you? See the link for reviews and more. 6y
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Really fun and different read! Road trip from Miss. to Cleveland, Ohio. Interesting protagonist and a lot of interesting characters along the way. I like David Arnold‘s wit and writing style.

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I‘m stuck in YA land. Started this beauty last night. Hope the inside is as groovy as the cover. Foggy, rainy here in the garden state, but as long as you‘ve got books, everything is right in the world 💚🧡📚💛

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The story is written in a way that appeals to the audience and does a great job of telling a story that keeps you hooked and wanting to know more.

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16-year-old Mim Malone is on a solo trek to get to her mom by hopping onto a Greyhound bus. On the journey, she befriends other kindred souls and it becomes a road trip of self discovery.
#marchintooz #wideopenroad

Mdargusch Good choice! 6y
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My little reading buddy 😍🐉📚

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I may be 32, but I still enjoy these YA books. 😊

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Book outlet haul!! 5 books for $19.25 (includes $5 shipping). I had to do some scotch taping bc the dust jackets were ripped on 3, but they were all Scratch and dents or Bargain books. It was def a pick me up, bc it was a cat vomit day....you can see a bit of baking soda on rug. Lol

Megabooks Mosquitoland is great! Good luck with the cat vomit 😝 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Booksandcooks Hahaha! Thanks!! I‘ve wanted to read Mosquitoland for a long, long time!! Good to know you think it‘s great!! Now I have to read about 30 books before I buy anything else!! 6y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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#24in48 #readathon puzzle is done! 1000 pieces, you have been defeated, though I swear the final 20 or so solid black ones took as long as the rest of dang thing combined. I should probably emerge from my reading cave sometime today.

8leagueboot This is such a cute puzzle! 6y
Tamra Wow, that‘s a beautiful one though! Worthy of framing. 6y
BookFreakOut @Tamra I‘m planning on getting it framed or mounted to hang in my office! They have a few others in the same illustration style, and now I‘m tempted to get them. 6y
BookFreakOut @8leagueboot That‘s what I thought! Haven‘t done a puzzle in years, but when I saw this design the 1000 piece count wasn‘t enough to deter me. 6y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Good morning @24in48 Littens! I‘ve actually been up for 3 hours already but am working like a woman possessed on the puzzle while listening to the Mosquitoland audiobook. Are you doing activities while you listen to something, or reading in print? Got my new favorite bookish t-shirt on for good luck! #24in48

KCorter I love that shirt! Where did you find it? 6y
BookFreakOut @KCorter TeeFury! I think it‘s an exclusive design, here‘s the link: http://www.teefury.com/book-club 6y
eachwishrezigned I went all through the 24in48 tag to find this post again so I could thank you for this idea! I‘m a slow reader, so it‘s hard to make much progress, but one of my new puzzles would pair awesomely well with the Joyland audiobook I went back to get! (Plus it goes well with the book I‘m reading since Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally do puzzles all the time.) 6y
BookFreakOut @eachwishrezigned Glad you found the post again; that book/puzzle combo sounds perfect! 😄 When I read regularly, I much prefer print, but for readathons I almost exclusively do audiobooks. I think 20 of the 24 hours for the June 2017 one were audio for me. 6y
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Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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Finished this one up today. I thought it was cute and a decent read about family.

Mosquitoland | David Arnold
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This audiobook was so much deeper than I was expecting. I loved this. When Mim steals her stepmothers coffee can full of money and sets off across the country to find her mother she falls in with a band of equally unique characters. This book touches on friendship, family, mental illness, addiction, and so much more. Loved loved loved it.

hermyknee How was the reading on audio? I think I might try this one on audible! 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto @hermyknee I loved it! Narration was perfect. The voice fit the character. I really enjoyed the audio. 6y
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