I‘ve heard nothing but good things about this book. Time to find out for myself.
I‘ve heard nothing but good things about this book. Time to find out for myself.
Remembering this book fondly, even though it hasn‘t been out that long. I read an early reader copy pre-pub, and still love the genius concept and the fun execution of that concept. I mean, come on... orphans vs. zombies in the Wild West... this is what I live for.
What a beautiful little book full of imagination. Katherine Applegate just GETS childhood.
Just picked this one up, and it looks like one that will tear me up. Anxious to read it.
Got a whole bunch of books signed yesterday at #NTTBF18. Some are new, most of these I had already. What an absolute blast getting to meet author friends in person and experience all that energy. And on top of it all, Simon & Schuster had an ARC copy of my book at their booth!! I gave them some bookmarks to give out, and it was all super cool.
ABSOLUTELY ALL THE FEELS. This MG about a girl who goes into the Land of Yesterday to chase her mother—who‘s depressed after the death of her son, the MC‘s brother—is so meaningful and beautifully written. Five Widdendreams: 🏚🏚🏚🏚🏚
A great MG that has a super personal connection for me. When I was in high school, I was a part of the creative problem solving competition that this book was inspired by, so it was full of memories for me. But for you librarians—there‘s a lot of STEM to love here. ;) So I‘ll give it five lightbulbs. 💡💡💡💡💡
I love this cover!
Loved this epic middle grade story. Looking forward to diving back into this world with the next book, too. NOT JUST FOR GIRLS, y‘all.
What a grand adventure. I had a blast with this MG.
So much fun. Middle grade readers will love this book. Great wish fulfillment, coupled with Monkey‘s Paw consequences appropriate for a MG crowd. Also... I need a cat clock now...
Been told these are awesome, so I grabbed the boxed set (on a trustworthy reference). It‘ll be fun to see how they stand up to the hype I‘ve gotten. :)
Very excited to add this beauty to my shelf.
Loved this creepy middle grade a bit too much. Great for fans of THE NIGHT GARDENER.
Ran into Dolores Umbridge at the Texas Library Association Conference. I will not tell lies.
Grabbed a whole bunch of books for this anniversary trip. My wife and I love to read to each other, so I figured it‘d be good to have options. :)
This book, y‘all. Been reading it to my wife on our anniversary trip, and it‘s just wonderful. Highly recommend. Five watermelons. 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉
ARCs are out now... and now that the book is on Litsy it feels more official, somehow.
This book has been sitting on my list for far too long. I think it's time to dig in.
I so loved this series. So much action and tension, great prose, and it's all about an all-powerful library society. I mean... come on!!
Great fun. So cinematic, and unlike anything else. What a great experience.
I LOVED this series. So much fun action. Great characters.
Just finished the first in this series, and it's greatness. Awesome middle grade, and just awesome in general
This was an awesome book, and everyone should read it.
Perhaps bravery is simply the face humanity wraps around its collective madness
I miss our dear Diana Wynne Jones. She brought so many great things to the book world.
I am loving this book way too much. Great MG read. So much heart!!!
"Distrust is no match for kindness administered consistently and unmeasured."
Because I am exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I should be doing. That is peace.
This book, you guys. I'm loving this one so much. It's so stinking funny I can't stop laughing. Young readers will love it, sure, but adults will get a kick out of it, too.
There are some great books in here. Many personal favorites.
This is for all the teacher/educators out there. You'll get a kick out of it.
Suffering as cheap as clay and twice as common. What matters is what each man makes of it.
Finally finishing up this series, and I wish I'd done so long ago.
Great book for young readers. A coder girl making a fun app, but gets herself in trouble when her app endangers her friends' personal info. Also, a lot of social responsibility. Definitely pick.
I can't stop thinking about how I wish there was more middle grade fiction like this in the market. Seriously... we need more adventure in this age group. Like, a lot.
So great. More details to come, but I LOVED this book. Middle grade western adventure with zombie outlaws... I mean, come on!
Sometimes you find things and wish you hadn't. Sometimes you wish they'd stayed lost.
This book deserves all your attention.
"You know what makes my world spin? You. You're my oxygen. My food. The ketchup on my fries."
Love this author. Love this book.
Fantastic YA Contemporary about a deaf DJ in Mexico, written by an author who knows exactly what he's talking about.
I loved the voice in this book. It's over-the-top, but in a fun way that makes you want to lose yourself in the story and the culture and just have fun. There's some great tension in there, too, and everything wraps up... well, I won't tell you.
Suffice to say, I loved it.
Strange, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time.