Rummage sale. What's the difference between a bibliophile and a hoarder? (Asking for a friend.) 😬
Rummage sale. What's the difference between a bibliophile and a hoarder? (Asking for a friend.) 😬
"His attorney just kept nodding, indicating that he should should keep talking, should let them pump him like some old oil well that might have another thousand gallons pooled at the bottom. LaRue realized he'd entered that backwards, flip-sided world where the more you confessed to, the less you'd wind up being guilty of."
So much more than a sports bio. Extraordinary book about an extraordinarily fascinating, important and challenging life. If you could fully understand Jim Brown, you just might be able to understand America. .
Gripping read so far (p.138) - and a perverse nostalgia trip for me. I remember the congressional hearings constantly on TV for what seemed like years when I was a kid. I dimly understood what was going on, but the details and names were a blur. This historical novel richly imagines the thoughts and motivations of those involved in Watergate, large & small. It's like a veil being pulled back on shadowy public events of my childhood.
Fascinating, lively and engaging history. Reveals the origins of the peculiar religiosity of American politics to deepen our understanding of recent U.S. political history in general and the modern conservative movement in particular.
I've been meaning to read This for years and finally got to it via audible. Very thoughtful, passionate and well-supported book. Anyone who cares about American history and how it is taught in high schools ought to read this book.
A deeply moving story of a disparate group of people becoming aware of the ecological crises confronting humanity and struggling to create a more viable way of being in the world. Highest recommendation from me. Nothing I say could do it justice, but if you're struggling to imagine a future for us in the face the increasingly ominous news of climate catastrophe this may be the book you need.
Not making much progress on this book tonight for some reason. #jealouskitty
"To be human is to confuse a satisfying story with a meaningful one, and to mistake life for something huge with two legs. No: life is mobilized on a vastly larger scale, and the world is failing precisely because no novel can make the contest for the _world_ seem as compelling as the struggle between a few lost people." (p.383)
Best description of Amazon .com ever: "The product here is not so much books as that goal of ten thousand years of history, the thing the human brain craves above all else and that nature will die refusing to give: convenience. Ease is the disease and Nick is its vector. His employers are a virus that will one day live symbiotically inside everyone. Once you've bought a novel in your pajamas, there's no turning back." (p. 379)
Engaging and enlightening. It gave me an appreciation of the historical depth of Arab struggle for independence, stretching back to attempts to free themselves from Ottoman rule in the 18th century. It also gave me an appreciation of the rich tradition of Arab political thought. If you long for a deeper understanding of Arab aspirations and the roots of the current crisis, I highly recommend this book.