I wanted to like this much more than I did, as I really loved July's first short story collection. It was okay--but I think it might've worked better as a short story or a novella.
I wanted to like this much more than I did, as I really loved July's first short story collection. It was okay--but I think it might've worked better as a short story or a novella.
I love Paper Girls--and pretty much everything BKV has done, to be honest. The colors, art, and nostalgia factor are perfect (the Depeche Mode poster! Bryant Gumbel references!). While I subscribe to this title monthly, this is best read in one fast-paced sitting.
Fittingly enough, finished this on Mother's Day. I'm a big fan of MIB, so for me, this was comfort food. This one took awhile to warm up to--however, Black's honest look at his relationship with his ailing mother as well as facing his own mortality managed to be both funny and heartbreaking.
A quote from Hemingway, found in his personal papers after his death. Guess I'm going to have to work on that lying thing.
I had a good time reading this one, and found it to be just as funny and charming as I imagine Aziz to be. Also includes some funny stock photo jokes, and an insightful quote from Pitbull. A fast, engaging read. Warning: might make you a little hungie for some ramen. ❤️❤️❤️
This is, by far, my favorite book; every time I read it, I laugh and cry and fall in love once more. The humor and beauty in the prose will never cease to devastate me. I've read it at least four times now, and still can't wait until I can curl up with it again. Thank you for this gift, Mr. Diaz.
"...when he died no one wanted to come near him, everyone was afraid...Two orderlies came from the morgue and asked for vodka. 'We've seen everything, people who've been smashed up, cut up, the corpses of children caught in fires...The way the Chernobylites die is the most frightening of all.'"