Grad school never takes breaks, so grad school comes to support the team! #njcaa #basketball
Grad school never takes breaks, so grad school comes to support the team! #njcaa #basketball
What do you do when you have a golf outing with the extended family? Bring a book of course...
Not sure how I feel about this series still, but enjoyed VanderMeer‘s writing style for this trio.
Definitely recommend!
Finished my first semester of Grad School with a 4.0! Time to start doing some holiday break reading!
My last post was 6 months ago when work became extremely busy. I also started graduate school in August, so leisurely reading is somewhat on hold!
Apparently I‘m on a memoir kick... 🤷♀️ Reading this for the first time, and waiting for The Sound of Gravel and The Polygamist‘s Daughter to arrive next week.
A must read for all. This is far from an easy read, so keep tissues nearby and take regular breaks...
I‘ve only just made it though Chapter 5, and my heart hurts...
I read this book a few years ago, and even though it took me forever to finish it, I would read it again! I just picked up her newest book as well, adding to my ever growing TBR piles...
I truly loved this book, even though some people do not. I‘ve come to enjoy memoirs and books of that type because of the perspective that is given. Because I did not grow up in that area of the country or that home environment, to me personally, I appreciate being given the opportunity to learn more and understand a little bit more about other people‘s lives, outside of simply reading statistics.
A must read. In my recommendations to friends, I've referenced how the book will make you really think about what goes on in the world. Another quality I list is that it is very...quiet. A detail possibly missed by the tv show, but is very telling and foreboding.
After not having the time to pick up a book for the past 8 months, I have finally finished this story! Definitely a good read. Now, on to the next book, with no more breaks!
Still working my way through Bernadette's story, and loving every snarky minute. BUT! I've decided on my 'up next' list! (And I may have even thrown in a textbook for my upcoming masters program...preparing early...)
I've stared at my bookshelves all day, and nothing has begged to be read. However, thanks to Hastings (for just a little while longer...), I found a new purchase this afternoon! It's been too long since I've been able to just sit and read, so I'm happy for the long weekend before the start of the semester! #biblioweekend
Although this is the only book of the series I've finished so far, I like the complexity of the story line that's been created. Definitely not a boring read. Keeps you on your toes!
Although this is the only book of the series I've finished so far, I like the complexity of the story line that's been created. Definitely not a boring read. Keeps you on your toes!
Loved the flow of Leila Meacham's writing in this novel. The way she writes her characters is perfect. Never wanted to put it down!