Great, quick read. I hope more of my favorite authors make these short books.
Great, quick read. I hope more of my favorite authors make these short books.
Very trippy. The scariest stories are the ones that hit close to home.
Read on Mr. King's recommendation. Loved it. I can't wait to see the movie. Please don't let Ben Affleck land the role!
July can't come soon enough!
He's an awesome writer. I loved all of the dialog. Really liked John Rookwood! I wish he was in the book more. 200 pages shorter and it would've been perfect.
This is one of my new favorite authors. Very funny and relatable. I implore you all to read this. I started reading it this morning and finished. It was that good.
Thanks for signing my book! I was nervous when he asked if I wanted a picture. I said "No" SMH.
Picked this baby up today! He'll be here for a book signing on Saturday.
Page......... Wait for it......... Turner! Will most definitely be a trilogy.
Was gifted with a gift card and I went straight to Target. Heard great things about this book
The end was very wonky but I couldn't stop turning the page!
Sometimes your snap judgement is the best judgement but you have to be trained and experienced.
I love receiving books already marked up.
I was about 100 pages in and read the end. Very predictable. I've read scarier goosebumps books as an adult.
"We need to accept our ignorance and say "I don't know" more often" Joshua Aronson
She's awesome. I love her writing style. The ending was too abrupt for me but it was really good