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We're All Damaged
We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
Andy Carter was happy. He had a solid job. He ran 5Ks for charity. He was living a nice, safe Midwestern existence. And then his wife left him for a handsome paramedic down the street. "Were All Damaged" begins after Andy has lost his job, ruined his best friends wedding, and moved to New York City, where he lives in a tiny apartment with an angry cat named Jeter that isnt technically his. But before long he needs to go back to Omaha to say good-bye to his dying grandfather. Back home, Andy is confronted with his past, which includes his ex, his exs new boyfriend, his right-wing talk-radio-host mother, his parents crumbling marriage, and his still-angry best friend. As if these old problems werent enough, Andy encounters an entirely new complication: Daisy. She has fifteen tattoos, no job, and her own difficult past. But she claims she is the only person who can help Andy be happy again, if only she werent hiding a huge secret that will mess things up even more. Andy Carter needs a second chance at life, and Daisy and the person Daisy pushes Andy to become may be his last chance to set things right."
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reminiscent of Tropper‘s This is Where I Leave You, but different enough to keep my attention. Woeful Andy returns home to Omaha to say goodbye to his ailing grandpa. Familial issues ensue. There‘s an intriguing girl (naturally) and Fox News (unnaturally). Like 2020, Andy‘s life is a total dumpster fire. I love dark, snarky humor and this delivered. Plus there‘s a nice dose of social commentary. Solid read.

Reggie I‘ve only read his other one, Domestic Violets and he‘s so funny. I‘ll have to check this out. 4y
Cathythoughts Sounds good 👍🏻stacked 4y
britt_brooke @Reggie This was my first time reading him but I‘ll definitely check out his others - he had one publish in March, too. 4y
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britt_brooke @Cathythoughts Hope you enjoy! 4y
bio_chem06 I found this book when I was looking for Tropper like recommendations. He has not written a book in years, so this book was the next best thing. Norman is great and his other books are just as fun and easy to read. 4y
britt_brooke @bio_chem06 I‘m looking forward to reading Norman‘s other books! Now, I‘m rereading This is Where I Leave You. I swear, it might be one of my absolutely favorites! I still need to read more Tropper, too. The only other one I‘ve read is Book of Joe, but I didn‘t care for it. 4y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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🎧🧩 It‘s finished! This one was really fun. And thank the gods it was only 500 pieces. Those faces were tricky!



EKonrad Love it! 😍 4y
UwannaPublishme Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Love the Golden Girls. ❤️ 4y
batsy I love it! 🤩 4y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Chosen by a new member of the book club the ending was not what I thought it would be. It was a good book

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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I LOVED this book. I caught myself laughing out loud more than once. Matthew Norman did a great job of capturing the differences between the Midwest and East coast, the ridiculousness of Fox News, and the feelings of failure when your life hasn‘t gone quite how you had planned.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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So much this. 👆👆👆👆👆

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Just started this one this afternoon and have already laughed out loud more than once. Really enjoying it so far!

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Called back to Omaha to be by his ailing grandfather‘s bedside, Andy Carter must face what made him flee to New York City in the first place: being dumped by the love if his life. Along the way he must also deal with his outspoken radio talk show host mother, workaholic brother and eccentric father. Funny, heartwarming, poignant, lighthearted read, full of quirky lovable characters and pop culture references. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #netgalley

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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This was a funny, snarky book told from the perspective of a disgruntled man whose wife recently left him. When he has to return to his hometown to see his dying grandfather, he re-opens old wounds and his eyes are opened to funny/troubling details about his family. The narrator is sarcastic and witty, which I appreciate. Fun summer read.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Thank you again for the giveaway!!! I‘m super excited to read it!!! @tonyahoswalt

tonyahoswalt You're welcome! 6y
Dr._Who_number10 @tonyahoswalt And thank you for the amazing note😂😁 I bet I‘ll enjoy it😊 6y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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#MarchMunchies #Yoghurt #yogurt I was going to get frozen yogurt for today's foodie prompt but I decided I really didn't need the sugar. 😋Instead I'm recycling photos of this Frozen Yogurt Bark (with Cap'n Crunch, pistachios, fruit & chia seeds) that was inspired by the tagged book. Link to review & recipe (& why I made it for the book) is below.

emilyhaldi Yum!!! I need to make this asap! 6y
Reggie Awww I liked that post. Did u ever read Domestic Violets and it sounds a little like this one as to it could be hilarious one page and sincere and poignant the next. I‘ll have to give this book a shot. 6y
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DebinHawaii @emilyhaldi It's fun to play around with the toppings! 😋👍 6y
DebinHawaii @Reggie I have Domestic Violets loaded on my Kindle but have not gotten around to reading it yet. Sounds like I should! 📚👍 6y
jenniferw88 Yum - another recipe screenahotted. I bet Max 😺 liked Jeter in the book! 🤣 6y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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„You and I, we‘re in charge of what we can do and what we can‘t do.“ We‘re all damaged - Matthew Norman

Andy has just met Daisy and I already love her!🖤

#quotes #currentlyreading #contemporaryfiction #fiction #matthewnorman

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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For anyone who loved This is Where I Leave You, this book is definitely for you. It was a lot of fun to read. It's a story about a man who gets divorced and has to find his way amidst his grandfather dying. His family is interesting and funny and the characters are great. It has so much to offer in terms of romance, humor and a lot of deep thoughts.

britt_brooke Just started this and immediately thought of This is Where I Leave You, which I loved. 💚 4y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

I was prepared for some probably banal contemporary fiction. I was not prepared for the gas lighting cam girl with nothing better to do than fix men's lives.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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A fun light-hearted read something I've been doing a lot of this summer.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

This book just ran smack dab into a manic pixie dream girl. Her name's DAISY and she has TATTOOS; she carries around a HELLO KITTY FLASK, and she KNOWS ALL ABOUT YOU. 🙄

holarosarita She has a STALKER and she finds it CHARMING. 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

I don't know what I'm doing, and I don't know how to behave.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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A little something different for my next #audiobook. Definitely more of a fluffy contemporary chic lit fiction beach read. 😁
#audiobookstogo #backtoreading @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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#JuneTunz #mandown Andy is a man down on his luck when his life implodes-his wife breaks up w/him in Applebee's, his drunken outburst ruins his best friend's wedding & is a YouTube hit, he loses his job & has to head home to Omaha to say goodbye to his ailing grandfather, his right-wing radio host mother is in a battle over marriage equality rights resulting in vandalism with Ken dolls & glitter, & his dad is battling squirrels in the yard. Whew!

DebinHawaii I had to include pics of the new Ken dolls including the one with the 'man bun' 😆👍 Here is a link to my review post & my book-inspired recipe of Frozen Yogurt Bark: http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-book-tour-stops-here-were-all.htm... (edited) 7y
LeahBergen Oh, Ken. Ken, Ken, Ken. What in the name of all that's holy have they done to you?? 7y
UwannaPublishme Really Ken? 😂😂😂 7y
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britt_brooke My Barbie would've never made out with any of these Kens on the hood of her Ferrari. 7y
Cinfhen Hilarious 😂 those Ken dolls😳😮why???? And that FroYo Bark 😋😋😋you're awesome 😘 7y
DebinHawaii @LeahBergen @UwannaPublishme @britt_brooke @Cinfhen Yes, it's a scary thing these Ken dolls. 😱🤣 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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ReadingRover I picked this up today! 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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*sigh* This started out so well, entertaining, funny, light, perfect thing for commuting and before bed...and then...sooo annoying. Also a narrator that I liked at the beginning but is just wrong for one of the major characters. 🙁

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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I liked this one. Witty dialogue and absurd situations interspersed with unexpectedly tender moments - all finely observed and well-timed. Could've dialed down on the manic pixie dream girl aspect, in my opinion (yo, maybe sometime a chubby, sarcastic, slightly depressed girl could offer the male protagonist some perspective?) but Daisy's character offers at least a few surprises. Also: squirrels FTW 😂

saresmoore For real, though. Chubby, sarcastic, mildly depressed women are the best! 7y
CherylDeFranceschi ❤️😻 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

This book was a quick read and funny. Decent writing, simple story. There were few laugh out loud moments for me. The narrator reminds me of a very funny friend of mine whose humor is a thin veil for deep insecurity and self-loathing. Middle class white guy whining about his shitty life in a way that was not quite ironic or satirical enough.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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I need to have a stack of books on hand for when depression strikes. This one is funny, but not so much helping. Any recommendations that *don't* feature depressed millennials?

josie281 Have you already read Jenny Lawson? 7y
Weaponxgirl I haven't read this book, but I used to be on her site all the time and for me her post about depression was spot on. She's also hilarious imo 7y
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DebinHawaii The Hating Game was light and made me laugh quite a bit. Also vampires and totally fluffy but snarky and makes me snort-laugh are Molly Harper's Jane Jameson series "Nice Girls..." & her Half-Moon Hollow books. 7y
saresmoore @josie281 I haven't read Jenny Lawson yet. Thank you! 7y
saresmoore @Weaponxgirl I've actually been intrigued by that book. I'll definitely check it out. Thanks! 7y
saresmoore @DebinHawaii Vampires and snarky sounds like something I could really appreciate. I'll check out The Hating Game, too. Thank you! 7y
swishandflick Have you read Ready Player One? I'm obsessed with that book and it's full of fun 80's pop culture references. Very enjoyable in my opinion and I'm not even a "gamer" by any stretch of the word 7y
LauraBeth I concur with @DebinHawaii about The Hating Game 7y
Megabooks Millennials were barely born! 7y
josie281 @swishandflick I just started the audiobook of Ready Player One today! 7y
saresmoore @swishandflick My husband loved Ready Player One. And we have a copy! Yay! Thank you. :) @josie281 7y
saresmoore @LauraBeth I will always take your recommendation! 7y
saresmoore @Ebooksandcooks 😂 Great point! Thank you! 7y
swishandflick Yay, hope you both enjoy it! @saresmoore @josie281 7y
shawnmooney I am not the best recommender because I tend to prefer more serious stuff but any of the essays by David Sedaris come to mind, also if you like older stuff (?) any of Wodehouse's Jeeves stories or (a lot more literary but with tons of gently satirical humor) the novels of Barbara Pym. ❤❤ 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney Thank you! I love the depressing and serious stuff, too. That's why I'm at a loss! But, these are great recommendations. 7y
Smangela For something light I found myself laughing with the Heather Wells series by Meg Cabot - starts with Size 12 is Not Fat 7y
saresmoore @Smangela Thank you! 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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#24in48 #readathon

Book #6!! Loved this funny and poignant novel. If you liked Jonathan Tropper's This Is Where I Leave You, pick this one up.

beagle.mama I enjoyed this too! 7y
Garabrandtreviews Oooh! I liked this one! 7y
Pickingclover I really enjoyed this read! 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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#24in48 #readathon

Loving this book!!

Lizpixie Love this!❤️ 7y
DebinHawaii This was a fun book! 😀👍 7y
MicheleinPhilly Have you read ? I loved them both. 7y
Well-ReadNeck @MicheleinPhilly Yes! I picked up this one because I liked Domestic Violets. Great book for the readathon!! 7y
melbeautyandbooks The squirrels made me laugh. This was a great book! 7y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

This book was so funny and well written... I can't not recommend it. Mid life crises at its best

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Starting this...found it on my kindle and don't remember putting it there haha...I guess it's a sign I buy too many books 😝🙈

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

You know how sometimes you read a book and you love it but there's no specific reason? That's how this was for me. I found it funny, smart, touching, amusing, and the fact that it was littered with relevant pop culture references and current events made it that much better. The characters felt real, the plot felt real and it was more like listening to someone talk about his fucked up life rather than reading a fiction book. which I quite liked.

britt_brooke I picked this up at Goodwill recently. 👍🏻 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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"Mixed in with all of its silly bullshit, Facebook is the literal manifestation of all of our regrets, looping and looping, for free, on our computers and phones. People who should be gone and safely out of our lives forever are there again, one cryptic little glimpse at a time, reminding us of all the things we should or shouldn't have done." P 177

saresmoore Well, that's apt...and a poignant reminder of why I deleted my Facebook account! 8y
ElizabethSensa @saresmoore, the book is full of this kind of obvious brilliance! It's a funny read with slivers of painful truths. 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Matthew Norman. Hell of a funny guy. makes you laugh even when the story isn't funny. You want this book.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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I read and loved this a few months ago. The ebook is on sale today. You can add the audio on Amazon for an additional $1.99.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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"Do you ever stop talking? Seriously it's like you have a super articulate form of Tourette syndrome."
- this book is HILARIOUS!!! I keep reading it to my husband.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Reading is totally fundamental! Liking this Daisy character.

ReadingOver50 Yay, Daisy was the best character in the book. 8y
Karli And she has bookish tattoos. ❤️❤️❤️ 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Not the type of book I would normally pick up, but this turned out to be a pretty good book. The book is full of quirky characters. The budding relationship between Andy and Daisy was sweet. I loved the randomness of his dad's fight with the squirrels. Andy has come home because his grandfather is dying, and while at home, he tries to repair old relationships. The results are satisfying. Overall a nice little book.

DebinHawaii I liked this one too--good fun! 👍😀 8y
Pickingclover I thought this was a fun little read as well! 8y
ImaginativeMom I enjoyed this one, especially the glitter bombs. 🎊 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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"Book with a title that could be the title of a book about your life"--"We're All Damaged" The more years go by, the more I realize that no one has a perfect life & we all have our 'damages' big & small. I loaned the book to a friend so this photo is from my book review where it was paired with fruit & cereal yogurt bark. #24in48 #readathon Link to review post:http://kahakaikitchen.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-book-tour-stops-here-were-all.html?m=1

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Hilarious. Really, so funny. A man-child returns home to Omaha as his Grandfather lays dying. In the process, he deals with his Mother, who is determined to be the new face of the anti-gay marriage movement; faces his divorce and the complicated fallout thereof; and meets Daisy, who is determined to make him a better man. Characters include plotting squirrels and Ken dolls. And I even cried a little at the end. Will pick up Norman's other book.

jessberk13 Glad to see a positive review! I bought this when it was a kindle sale a few months ago and haven't gotten around to it yet. 8y
ImaginativeMom That's exactly when I got it!! @jessica 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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I have NEVER immediately re-read a book once I've finished it.
I immediately started this one over. I am clinging to this book like it is my own personal salvation.
#AllTheEmotions 👍🏼🎭📖💘💔

BookBabe Omg, really? I was SO tempted to do that with The Girls, but I don't re-read either! Guess I better check this one out! 8y
Echo @BookBabe I am still enjoying it just as much the 2nd time through. I have about a trillion highlights through out that book. It's like watching a favorite movie. 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

This book was everything I needed at this point in my life. Chaos, humor, life lessons, and I swear the quotes about kids sound exactly like me. 💋☕️🤕🐿😂
I teared up, I laughed, and I could see myself reflected in the characters.
Maybe, just maybe there is hope at the end of chaotic seasons.

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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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As an Alabamian, I just spewed my water everywhere.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Laura317 Yes. Kid spilled drink 2x already! 🙄 8y
todd My wife says that living with a kid is kind of like living with a terrorist. Especially dangerous at night and in restaurants. 8y
Echo I've got twin toddlers and @todd, she is right! 8y
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TheWellReadOwl 😂 so true! 8y
MrBook Yes! This is an indubitable truth. Excellent quote, thank you for sharing. 8y
azulaco HAHAHAHA so true! 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Colorful squirrels, Glitter Mafia, Mysterious girls with tattoos, & one dude trying to navigate life.
It's like Matthew Norman got inside my head.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag 🐿🐿🐿 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Daisy is very much my spirit animal.

Crash It's on my endless TBR pile. 8y
Echo @crash move it up a few paces 👍🏼😜 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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A man in search of happiness 😍

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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Similar to This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper, but not quite as good as that one, & not nearly as many laugh-out-loud moments. Still, a decent read.

We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

Perfect amount of lightness and humor.

Liberty And squirrels. 😂 8y
GinaF1003 Yes! Almost gives The Portable Veblen a run for squirrels! 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman
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CaitlinSiem This is an incredible quote. 8y
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We're All Damaged | Matthew Norman

Who doesn't want a fresh start like shaking an etch-a-sketch screen? Remember those? This book was light, fresh and exactly what I needed. Lots of laugh out loud moments. Some cringeworthy, too. Great on audio. 4-stars!