Found: this beauty from 1976 😍 #hendersonbooks #getindie
Found: this beauty from 1976 😍 #hendersonbooks #getindie
I had no idea what to expect when I picked up The Bronze Bow (the back of my copy had no blurb), but what I found inside the book was a feast! • Read my full review here: http://bit.ly/2b68FQ1
So excited to finally read this one! It's beautiful already.
Adventure, excitement and bashing of crowns! I love this version of the Robin Hood stories (minus the last two chapters), and my daughters loved it too. As lady role models go, it's hard to beat Green's version of Maid Marion. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/2aV5zfh
When a grouchy fairy gives Princess Amethyst the gift of "being ordinary," a charming story is born. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/2alFGlN
A little canyon wren wonders what she was made to do in this gorgeous picture book by Sally Lloyd-Jones. It's about a little bird, yes, but it's also about worship and the richness of creation. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/1qREEpQ
This book changed the way I thicken stews, chop onions and think about creation. When an Episcopalian priest wrote a cookbook in the '60s, the finished dish was delightful!
A princess, a miner boy, a great-great-great-great grandmother and some goblins hobnob in the book that influenced CS Lewis, M. L'Engle and more. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/2a33M5j
Okay, stop me if you've heard this one: 12 disciples get into a boat ... Alison Mitchell tells a story that many of us have heard before, but she tells it in a beautifully unusual way. Catalina Echevarri's artwork sweetens the deal. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/2a97Gw8
"If we begin by choosing the tried and true, the best of literature, we will give the child a love of excellence and the really 'good.' As we go on reading he will find that there are distressing happenings, stories which need discussion. Literature can help children think about what life is like before they live it as adults." - Susan Schaeffer Macauley
The artwork, the writing, the story behind it all: I love everything about this book. But will John Hendrix become one of my new favorite authors? Stay tuned to find out! • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/10aNpGL
A bad adaptation is a very bad thing. But in her adaptation of John Bunyan's classic, Pilgrim's Progress, Taylor opens up an old, beautiful story for young readers. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/29xwpun
A bad adaptation is a very bad thing. But in her adaptation of John Bunyan's classic, Pilgrim's Progress, Taylor opens up an old story for young readers. • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/29xwpun
"Every other need points you to the one, great need of knowing and being known by God. ... Are you thirsty? It's a pointer to help you see that your spiritual thirst can be quenched only by the living water Jesus gives. Are you cold? Afraid? Restless? Sad? Lonely? Lost? These needs point you to the one and only God who made you, loves you, and gave his Son to die in your place so you could love him back in spirit and in truth forever." - p. 28
I wish I could read The Hobbit for the first time again. Tolkien's sense of humor, his way with language and his ear for story make this a great pick for grown-ups and kids alike! • Read my full review: http://bit.ly/292DrGq
Carl Laferton tells the whole story of Scripture in one skinny picture book. Beautifully illustrated by Catalina Echevarri and better than jeggings and cookie dough dip. • Read my full review here: http://bit.ly/29mIu7o