Gorgeously written with something sinister lurking in the corner. I savored every page
Gorgeously written with something sinister lurking in the corner. I savored every page
Last book of the year! Loved the first book and have been looking forward to this one for awhile. Extra points cause the cover is sparkle-y
Just a little bedtime reading! Perfect for Halloween but not so sure what it will do to my sleep!
Why do I wait so long between Emily March books? Already feel better after a stressful weekend and now that the temps aren't in the 90s I can almost think about Christmas!
This was the bookish version of the absolute best comfort food eaten while wearing the coziest pjs and sitting in front of a warm fire with rain falling on a metal roof above me. Also I apparently need to move to Scotland
A warm blanket, a grey cat and some prohibition era rum running makes for a pretty good rainy Sunday.
Just finished this one in carline and am sad to reach the end. Loved it even though it wasn't at all what I was expecting - way more about decoding and puzzle solving then books with a modern day quest feel. So much fun and audio is fantastic!
My impulse library grab was a winner! I normally avoid coming of age books completely but I loved getting to know Amelia and the recipes sound amazing!
This was a delightful book with bits of French history mixed in with an American family in France during the 1950s. I read a little bit each night and it was such a treat.
A little cozy mystery for carline this afternoon. Can't believe we are back in school already!
Trying to ignore the Storm Trooper invasion while I sneak a few minutes of reading in. If I try hard enough I'll be solving a murder with a fabric store owner who has 2 cats named Pins and Needles and not listening to the rather epic battle in the living room.
Basically an episode of Criminal Minds with home renovation and mild sex scenes. Page turning and entertaining and just what I want from romantic suspense!
Stuck at family night at VBS in a mile long line for ice cream my 6 year old must have when I'm much rather be home reading The Obsession. I am kind of in love with my shoes though
This was a quirky bit of fun with ghosts and a few tears. Love when a book isn't what I expected in the best possible way!
A lovely old fashioned feeling (in a good way) story about a young woman stepping into her own identity. Not nearly as creepy as I expected given the cover.
A fun whimsical and quirky cozy mystery with a touch of Alice in Wonderland, likable characters, and an interesting mystery
Sad to see the end of this one! I loved getting to know the characters and watching their stories develop. I'm half broken hearted half singing!
I really want to just hide in the corner and read this book but the boy on the right hasn't made that easy today
Really enjoyed this foodie cozy with lots of likable characters! Even though it's the reason there is nothing but crumbs left from this piece of red velvet cake. Come to think of it it's the reason I bought a piece of red velvet cake in the first place!
"My mother doesn't keep any food in the house. She survives on Melba toast and the blood of her enemies." I'm really beginning to like Madeline!
I really should try to go to sleep but this foodie cozy mystery just has me wanting pastries and booze soaked cakes
Picking up this and some other pretties at Parnassus Books in Nashville today!
Bootleggers, shysters and boxing! A little different from my usual but it looks like an entertaining read. Love book mail!
@Liberty Fun Friday Photo - So many wonderful Canadian authors but when it really comes down to it my favorite is still L.M. Montgomery. Rilla is still my ugly cry book!
My current favorite shirt! I was terrible at the actual books - I died repeatedly- but this shirt from Out of Print always makes me happy! And there are choices on the back!
It's been a long week but between the Rose bath salts and a trip to a magical house with Mary Stewart my night is looking up!
I survived Me Before You and it definitely lived up to the hype! Now am I brave enough to read the next one?