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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
During Gilly Ramsey s lonely childhood, the occasional brief visits of her mother s cousin were a delight, seeming likevisits of a fairy godmother. Years later, when Gilly inherits Thornyhold, her house, she discovers that her cousin, with her still room and herbalist practicesand her undoubted powershad long been known to the locals as a witch. She is approached by neighbors, some innocent, some not so innocent, but all assuming that she, too, is a witch, and a possible addition to the local coven. Gilly finds there is some truth in this, forshe discoversthat she can call on a kind of power in difficult moments. This wonderful novel from bestselling author Mary Stewart is delicate in its perception of a young woman s falling in love, delightful in its portrayal of the English countryside, and skilled in its creation of a world full of magic."
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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An intense craving for THORNYHOLD has me in its grips. My library stack can wait.

I‘m glad to see the book‘s attracted tons of goodwill on Litsy since I first read it. It had a looooow rating back then, largely from people who bailed really early. Much as I love the story, I kind of get that. By contemporary standards, THORNYHOLD ought to start on page 40, with everything that comes before inclued over the rest of the book. Still: it‘s lovely.

readordierachel I just snagged an old copy of this last week in a thrift shop. What good luck that I saw your post! Now I'll know how to approach it. 2y
xicanti @readordierachel I hope you enjoy it! 2y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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What a delightful Valentine‘s Day read: a story of a young woman (late twenties) inheriting a house from her cousin and coming into her own. A bit of witchcraft, a bit of romance, a few delightful animals and precocious children, a bit of space for self-discovery. What‘s not to love?

LeahBergen I read (and loved) this years ago. 😊 3y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Favorite Fiction award goes to: “Thornyhold” by Mary Stewart. Give me more of this in 2021.

Favorite Nonfiction: Caitlin Doughty‘s “From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death.”

•Favorite Libation is presented to: Red Wine 🍷

Well-played, all! 🎉

Happy New Year! ✨🥂

Deblovestoread Happy New Year! 4y
Cupcake12 Happy new year x 4y
LeahBergen Happy New Year! 4y
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AnneCecilie Happy new year 🎆🎉 4y
Simona Happy New Year 🥂🍾 4y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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This audiobook was such a treat! I absolutely loved this story of a woman who inherits a charming cottage from her cousin and in it finds the peace and solitude she craves. Add in some magic and a bit of romance for a truly enchanting story. 🌷

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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Imagine if “I Capture the Castle” was lightly brushed with natural magic & witchcraft. Are you doing it? Have you already sought out & purchased this book? Because you should. Easily my favorite read of 2020. So idyllic, so romantic. Written in the 1980‘s & set in the 1940‘s, this is the story of a lonely, vicar‘s daughter who comes into her own strength after inheriting her cousin‘s historical, countryside home — & her magical reputation.👇🏻

monalyisha 1/1: Stewart writes, “This is not a tale of midnight witchcraft, but...a reasonably simple love story.” I agree. Mostly. It‘s not ONLY “a tale of midnight witchcraft” — but it IS still a tale of witchcraft. It‘s just that most of it is set in the day, in the garden or by a stream, & could easily be mistaken for common faith & self-possession. Now, excuse me while I go binge-watch episodes of “Escape to the Country.” I blame this read entirely. (edited) 4y
mcipher Mary Stewart is just amazing. 4y
monalyisha @mcipher I had no idea! 😱😍 What else should I read? The Merlin Trilogy? (edited) 4y
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Coleen_Nieto I remember living the Merlin books! 4y
mcipher I‘m huge into all her romantic suspense - less magic but the same lovely writing. Pick up any you can find! Merlin series is good too but I haven‘t read since 6th grade so I‘m overdue for a re-read 🙃 4y
monalyisha @mcipher Do you have a favorite? 4y
monalyisha +16 #Scarathlon2020 points for this post (final week!), which I‘ll tally at week‘s end. 4y
monalyisha Oh! And +30 for #Screamathon-related points for it, too! 4y
Lcsmcat ❤️ Mary Stewart! 4y
MeganAnn I‘ve never heard of this author before but your review and @mcipher ‘s comments make me feel like I need her books in my life Immediately! 😱😳✨ 4y
monalyisha @MeganAnn YOU DO. I honestly almost tagged you in this review. I think you‘ll love it/her! 4y
MeganAnn @monalyisha you know me so well 😘😉 4y
quietjenn I love Mary Stewart! She's the epitome of comfort reading for me. She's also an author who makes me feel like an instant kinship to other readers who love her, so it's nice to see a new convert! 4y
monalyisha @quietjenn I *knew* we had similar taste! 😉 4y
mcipher Try this one? I mean, they are all good. But I feel like the beginning of this one is especially enchanting ❤️ 4y
mcipher @quietjenn Total comfort books! And I know what you mean about getting excited about others who love her. 4y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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“A good house, deep in the woods, with a garden all around it and a river flowing past it. Fruit trees, and flowers planted for the bees. A place to grow my herbs. Silence in winter, and in summer nothing but the birds. Lonely as the grave, and every bit as restful.”

2 hours of VERY pleasurable reading toward my #ReadYourWay & #CocoTurns50 goals, which means +40 points for #Scarathlon2020 (+ individual post points, which I‘ll tally later).

sharread What is that on the windowsill? 😱🤣👻 4y
TheSpineView 👏👍🤩📚 4y
Redwritinghood I want to live there. 4y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Ok, ok. I did my own research & found the best Readathons that will work for me & help me up my #Scarathlon2020 point game for #TeamHarkness: the #ReadYourWay & #CocoTurns50 (happy birthday! 🖤🍁🧁) challenges.

Considering they both end at midnight tomorrow (10/25) & we‘ve got Sunday hiking plans, I‘m setting my goal low at 5 hours & 1 book.

Photos are of our planned hiking locale (Doane‘s Falls) & are stolen from Instagram. 😉📸

monalyisha Note (for any other lazy #Scarathalon2020-ers like me): You‘ll get 10 extra points for each hour read during any Readathon. So, I believe that by participating in two concurrently, you‘ll get 20 points for each hour read? Is that right, @StayCurious? (edited) 4y
TheSpineView 📚🤩📚 4y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Shock & upset! This one beat “Girl in Red” out at the last minute. THIS is what I‘m reading next.

Ahh, that fresh book feeling. ✨

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I missed yesterday‘s post for #grateful21 so here are days 6 and 7 together:
1 Staying up too late and re-reading this favorite book in one sitting ❤️
2 Homemade chocolate chip cookies 🍪
3 Massage day 💆
4 Great meeting at my son‘s school to get him some extra support 🏫
5 Four (!!) people showed up for guided meditation at work 🧘‍♀️ I
6 My friend possibly opening a yoga studio I can start teach at 🧘‍♂️

Texreader Those cookies look so good 5y
mcipher @Texreader Yes! Nothing mike warm homemade cookies - I saved dough so we get s few nights of fresh ones. 😊 5y
Eggs Super Yum 😋 👍🏼👏🏻 5y
Buechersuechtling I love all of your above entries. I just read them and they gave me a kind of extra shot of positive energy. Thanks for that❣️ 5y
mcipher @Buechersuechtling Awww, that‘s so sweet of you to say and so lovely to hear! 🥰 5y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Today‘s Book Barn #bookhaul is one thing I‘m grateful for. My other two for day 2 of #grateful21 are post-book-buying chili cheese fries with my son and my sister, and my #Edie and Chloe #catsoflitsy acting hilariously curious and shy when my sister came over. @Eggs

Eggs That‘s quite the look from your 🐱. Glad you had a lovely day 5y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 5y
tammysue Such a cutie 😻 5y
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quietjenn Nice! 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
kspenmoll ❤️❤️ 5y
SconsinBookyBadger Edie looking like she‘s plotting to nap on all those books 😼 5y
Crazeedi Pretty kitty!😻 5y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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THORNYHOLD salvaged my ruined Sunday. Mary Stewart illuminates all the ways that moving into a new home can be a grand adventure and a path towards the life you want. Mix in a couple of duelling witches, an assortment of animals, and a quick but heartfelt romance and you've got a damned good story. I'm surprised at its low Litsy rating. #caseyplusbooks

xicanti I also feel like this was a minor influence on Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER, what with the post-war witches who meet in stone circles. The main character's full name is Geillis, too, and her sweetheart finds mention of an historical witch called Geillis Duncane. 5y
tpixie I haven‘t read Mary Stewart in years! I loved her books!!! 5y
mcipher Mary Stewart is ❤️❤️❤️ in my book. I love this one. 5y
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CocoReads Oh it‘s been so long since I read this-I should track down a copy for a re-read. 5y
xicanti @tpixie @mcipher this was my first Mary Stewart in years and years and years, and I'm gonna have to read more ASAP. 5y
xicanti @CocoReads you should! I'm gonna be reccing it to a lot of people going forward. 5y
tpixie ♥️♥️♥️and cute puppy 🐶 #DogsOfLitsy 5y
Kasie What a cute pup!! 5y
Booksnchill 🐾💖💖💖💖💖 5y
UwannaPublishme Love your puppy! 😍 5y
mcipher I‘m collecting her books slowly - I have to catalog them better but I have 5-6 from the 60s. They‘re the best. 😊 5y
mrsmarch This face! 😍😍 5y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I was delighted to find a Munro's bookmark tucked into my grandma's copy of THORNYHOLD. It came out around the time when my aunt and uncle moved to Vancouver Island, so I guess they either sent her the book for Christmas (she was a big Mary Stewart fan) or she got it herself when she went to visit their new place.

Shemac77 I have the same one!! 5y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Casey and I are friends again, but it's still gonna be a little while before I trust him alone with a book. Duffy seems the safer bet right now.

I decided to take a wee break from SING THE FOUR QUARTERS until I know I have the mental energy for longer books. In the meantime, I'll read this 200-page Mary Stewart novel I inherited from my grandma.

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Really good. Has magical-ish elements so avoid this if you don‘t like that, but this is a gothicky, tense voyage of self discovery and romance that ends much more happily and gently than I expected.

rubyslippersreads I loved this one. 😊 6y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Today‘s reading: my first Mary Stewart, which has been sitting on the tbr shelf for some time...

quietjenn 💖💖💖 6y
tpixie Great cover 5y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I haven't read this one yet, but thought it might be appropriate for #cottage. #coolbooks #coolbooksfairytaleedition

Linsy Beautiful! 💖 6y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Should‘ve done my due diligence. Thankfully, some friends who shall remain nameless pointed out that this is a magic book. I don‘t do magic books. I‘m out of here!

LeahBergen 😂😆😂😆 6y
saresmoore 😂😘 6y
arubabookwoman Too bad. But it is a beautiful cover. 6y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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saresmoore I love this description! But, Shawn, the blurb says there is magic in this book... 6y
LeahBergen @saresmoore Oh oh ... do we predict an upcoming “bail” here? 😂 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen I‘m thinking maybe so! It sounds like something you or I might like, though. 6y
rubyslippersreads @saresmoore @LeahBergen I liked it, but I can't imagine it being something @shawnmooney would enjoy. 😄 6y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I don't bail often, guys, but this has been sitting by my bed for over a month, enticing me not at all, and 30 some pages in it's still just blah. It seems like a lot of telling and not much magic; maybe it's my mood, maybe I'm not far enough in, or maybe it's just meh.

mcipher This wasn‘t my favorite Mary Stewart either, but I️ did enjoy it. Maybe just because I️ adore her? 7y
Andrea4 @mcipher my first Mary Stewart-perhaps not the best introduction, eh? 7y
mcipher Maybe not! You could try The Moonspinners or Madam, Will You Talk or This Rough Magic - all favorites of mine. No magic, just very 60‘s-feeling romantic suspense. She does have a series of Arthur/Merlin books that are killer, too. This is the first one: 7y
Andrea4 @mcipher thanks for the recommendations 😊 7y
mcipher I️ hope you try and like one of them! 😊 7y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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Needed a break from Kate Morton book so went to Mary Stewart. Short, mysterious, and alive with magic... Immediate satisfaction, but not as good as some others of hers I've read...
This is my most recent #bookhaul. Glee!!!

mcipher I adore Mary Stewart - I reread her books over and over. 👍 7y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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This was the perfect book for me to read these last few days - as the nights are starting to get a little cooler here in NH - and this is a cozy, witchy little book. It makes me want to clear out my garden beds and start my own witch's garden.

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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

This was the perfect book for me to read these last few days - as the nights are starting to get a little cooler here in NH - and this is a cozy, witchy little book. It makes me want to clear out my garden beds and start my own witch's garden.

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I can't stop smiling when reading this book... It is just so cozy. I think Gilly and I could be friends!!

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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 last night: I was cozy!

Texreader I'm a former Austinite too!! Hope NH isn't too cold for you! 8y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart

I got this book at the library when I lived in Austin (about 8-9 years ago) and LOVED it. Since moving to NH, I've never been able to find it at any of my local libraries and it's not available on kindle... I don't usually buy books that I've already read, but I couldn't resist with this one!! 😍 tonight: I will be cozy!

Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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A lovely old fashioned feeling (in a good way) story about a young woman stepping into her own identity. Not nearly as creepy as I expected given the cover.

[DELETED] 2232195534 This is one of her later books I think. Not sure I've read it. That is a creepy cover! Just seeing it makes me want to go through my Stewart books and choose one to read again. 8y
LivinginaLibrary @kaysreadinglife it is one of her later books - 1988- though it didn't feel like it. It does make me want to go on a Stewart binge! 8y
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Thornyhold | Mary Stewart
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It's been a long week but between the Rose bath salts and a trip to a magical house with Mary Stewart my night is looking up!

[DELETED] 2232195534 Probably the one Stewart book I haven't read. Enjoy! 8y
LivinginaLibrary It's good. I'm almost done and liking it. It's kind of a story of the main character coming into her own with a touch of romance and eeriness lurking in the corners 8y
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