A fun book that reminded me of a mix of Jane Austin, Philip Pullman, and Frank Herbert.
A fun book that reminded me of a mix of Jane Austin, Philip Pullman, and Frank Herbert.
It is the 3yr anniversary of my engagement with my Lithuanian-American wife and I found this waiting for me when I got home from work today!
Found a lump of coal scented candle for when I‘m reading Dickens. Coupled with an appropriate track from AmbientMixer app, I will be transported back to Victorian England
Rereading this adaptation from my childhood. Not great literature, but nostalgia smooths out the rough edges. Did you know there is a trilogy that continues the story and that was never made into films?! I asked for them for Christmas!
Laying around waiting for my train and enjoying a little poetry. An inspiring book with plenty of quotes and poems
Normally can't afford photography books, but decided to splurge on this beautiful book. Totally worth it!
Barely remembered this from when a kid, but had never gone past the first book (there are five of them!). An excellent read. I am loving this journey through L'Engle's universe!
Wonderful adaptation! Just wish they had done more character development on Dolokhov BEFORE the duel so viewers could understand just how ridiculously satisfying it was for us readers when Pierre shot him.
I always read books set in Medieval times during the winter. Feels a little funny this year with it being so warm.
Finally moved into the new place and now I can take all my books out of storage since I have my very own library! (Still not sure they will all fit though...)
Soooo I found a graphic novel version of the book I am reading at the library. Is this cheating? Hmmm....
Love getting used textbooks. It's cheaper than taking the class and I actually have time to read the book! (plus, I'm doing a good deed by helping some struggling student get some of their money back)
My first Neil Gaiman. It got the Newberry, so hopefully it is good. Wish me luck!
This was a Litsy find and Frasier and I are loving it! RLS was one of the greatest story tellers and he lived his life accordingly. It is wonderful to be able to be there with Franny and him. So thankful for this great recommendation! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Started listening to this CD boxed set. It has a whole cast of voice actors and a full orchestra and original score. It is wonderful to be revisiting Narnia in such fantastic style, but Aslan...talks ...really...sloooooow
Just got this in the mail. I'm trying to broaden my horizons. Has anyone read it? Or tried any of the books on her reading list?
First time reading this at my first big corporate gathering. I'm in a new city eating fancy catered foods I've never had and meeting corporate executives and taking tours. Totally out of my element. I can relate to the women who won a writing contest from a fashion magazine. Glad for the good read!
Came home from my trip to Chicago and found this waiting for me!
Devouring this book more for the history than the poetry. It contains a poem for every year of the last century. Each poem is written from the perspective of a person (or thing) from that year. I only lived through 22 of them, but feel as though I own them all!
I recently bought an orchid for my wife and cannot stop thinking about this amazing book. When buying the orchid, I bored the woman at the flower shop with all my stolen orchid facts!
Written in the '70s, it is remarkable how similar the character's names are to those found in Harry Potter. Fun, easy read!