Amber Smith has written a classic. She portrays the aftermath of sexual assault the most accurately out of any other book I have read, specifically the anger and disassociation the survivor experiences. I believe this should be required reading.
Amber Smith has written a classic. She portrays the aftermath of sexual assault the most accurately out of any other book I have read, specifically the anger and disassociation the survivor experiences. I believe this should be required reading.
I‘m still trying to wrap my head around the ending, I did not see that coming! It kept me hooked from the first page and although the characters were not likeable at first the author does an amazing job of developing them so they are longer the front they have created in their elite world.
All of my November 2018 Reads ❤️ not pictured: Stranger in a Strange Land
“‘Don‘t you know who you love, Pudge? You love the girl who makes you laugh and shows you porn and drinks wine with you. You don‘t love the crazy, sullen bitch.‘”
“That‘s one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”
“We are all nature, all made of the same basic materials, with the same basic needs. We are no different, on a very basic level, from the ducks and the mussels and last week‘s coleslaw. Thus we should respect Nature, and when we die, we should give ourselves back to the earth.”
“Death is a possibility for new life. The body becomes something else. I would like that that something be as positive as possible.”
“Some things exist in our lives for but a brief moment. And we must let them go on to light another sky.”