This was a very quick read. The writing flowed very well and real life stories were expertly woven in with scientific findings. Every chapter ends with a TL;DR section. Most chapters include work or questions for you to consider on your own.
This was a very quick read. The writing flowed very well and real life stories were expertly woven in with scientific findings. Every chapter ends with a TL;DR section. Most chapters include work or questions for you to consider on your own.
I read this for book club. It‘s not my normal genre, but I‘m glad I read it. I was surprised this was written pre-pandemic…but it is probably even more relevant now. I related to a lot in this book and learned some good stuff. It's about how women have to be pretty and calm and take care of everything and make everyone around them happy and how exhausting it is, and what to do about it.
“pet owners often describe their attachment to their pets as more supportive than their human relationships.” (p. 17) i meeaaannn 🤔😬 #quarantinecanine #sharpei #puppy #burnout
I heard about this book from Laura Tremaine of the 10 Things to Tell You podcast and it was well worth reading. It has a lot of “meat” for a “self-help book” so I think I‘ll be reading this one again in the future. The biggest takeaway for me was completing the stress cycle. I highly recommend this book for anyone who feels overwhelmed or burned out. 4⭐️ #nonfiction #top20of2020
I finished chapter 2 and what stuck with me was the decision about when to stop and quit something. The best advice I got on this was that not doing something, staying status quo is also making a choice. I found the charts on goals and decision-making helpful. also wanted to share this poem which I listen to as a meditation called “she let go” link in comments. @Amandajoy
finished my reread of chapter 1. Two things stuck with me: 1. need to complete the cycle daily - walk at a minimum and a good run if I‘m feeling really stressed. 2. staying well through stress. I was good about this in school where I worked out hard all they finals but now it‘s the easiest to drop. renewed my resolve to get outside and walk or run daily in 2020. Have also instituted after work dancing with my kids which is a great destressor.
I finally finished reading this and I‘m so glad I did. This is a highly applicable, science-based, progressive, and confident look at the effects of the patriarchy on women. When I started reading this, it was overwhelming because I was under more oppression than I could have possibly realized, but because of that the timing was perfect and now I‘ve finished the book with acceptance and hope for the future. I‘m grateful for how it turned out.
Wonderful/informative, even fun despite the oft-depressing topics, like the "Bikini Industrial Complex" & the "Giver Syndrome", sisters Emily & Amelia collaborated on a super relatable book. Though it is focused on issues women face & how we can cope with burnout in our professional and personal lives by doing things like not dissing other women based on appearance, it also embraces everyone's hotness, and prioritizing sleep etc— REAL self care.
I liked the first half more than the second half - it seemed more geared toward biological/physical reactions to stress and managing those, where the second half was more managing your own thought processes. But in general I liked this a lot, related to it HARD, and bought myself the hardcover copy to refer back to.
#stress #selfcare #feminism #audiobook
I need to get back to this book. Right now my life involves getting up at 5 am to work instead of doing yoga, and tossing and turning all night with stress dreams. I can feel the tension building up. I did have a dance party with my kids last night and that helped. But I can wait to get back to a typical schedule with more reading and less stress.
Last one for now! But seriously, these chapters are making me feel so seen. The first three, I struggled with a lot because it seemed like they were just saying I needed to change my "mindset", but this quote...it is so very real
Articulating how I have felt and what I have struggled with.
THIS. You aren't being treated the same because you should have to fight for basic parity. And then not be too exhausted from that to demand and justify with extensive evidence why you are being uppity. but also we'll flatter you as we pile more on your plate than anyone else (without any increase in recognition or compensation) because "you're so much better at it".
This was a bit “meh” for me. I appreciate that it is written by women for women. At the same time, it felt like there were lots of reminders that men are *essentially* the reason for our burnout. The authors say they are acknowledging cultural climate and context, which I get... but I was ready for what came next before they were ready to evolve beyond man-focus. There were great bits and pieces along the way so, overall, I‘d recommend it.
Hoping this book will help me through emotional burnout and learn to manage all the expectations I put on myself instead of shutting down. I‘ve only read the intro so far but the approach is promising.Thanks for the recommendation @CoffeeK8 #fixyou #anglophileapril
This is the stack of books waiting patiently to be read. Some for comfort, some for enrichment, some for learning, but they‘ll all have to keep waiting because LIFE is being impossible!
My kids started at an Agile Learning Center/Free School last week, my dad is in the ER with pneumonia, my husband is transitioning to a new job that he hates, we are dog-sitting (our cat is distressed), and I am just doing everything for everyone. Send wine. 😅
This book is getting rave reviews a book for women about how to handle stress will be sharing with my women friends. A wonderful novel to cuddle up and de stress with perfect combination. @penguinrandomhouse qureususa.
Absolutely revolutionary and mind blowing. This is the kind of book I want to buy 100 copies of and hand out to everyone I know.
This is a #blameitonlitsy selection. (Thanks @CoffeeK8 !) I need this book in my life right now!
I finished the #audiobook then immediately went online to buy the book so I can read it again. I found it both impactful and genuinely useful.
This book is amazing! I‘m only a little bit into it, but I think it may be life changing.
It‘s here! It‘s here! I have been eagerly awaiting this book. I absolutely was forever changed with Emily Nagoski‘s first book Come As You Are, and this one (written with her twin sister!) is just as exciting.
So far, the “stress cycle” is spot on. We (as women) have to both deal with our external stressors, AND the stress response in the body has to COMPLETE. It‘s a physical thing. Exercise, hugs, 6 second kisses, and laughter help!