Preach! 🙌🏼
Another wonderful novel by Sarah Waters. I will admit it wasn‘t my favorite by her but I think that‘s due to my own personal idiosyncrasies. The novel has an interesting backward time line structure that isn‘t usual of her writing. However, as usual there are twists and the character‘s timelines intertwine in that unique way she does. As always, Historically accurate and a great view into being LGBTQ in a different time period.
Just finished this great read! Not enough credit is given to the business women who were often the backbone of their towns economy, expected to donate and contribute their funds to the betterment of the town but shunned as outcasts. Also interestingly, these women were often times first to assist in times of need acting as nurses and caring for the ill. The more you know!
This was a very interesting read. Fairly easy and pulled me in from the beginning. However, it took a very unexpected turn. This book shows a different angle on a portion of history that I had never seen or considered. (Trying not to throw out spoilers). I think the translation may make it seem quite flat but i enjoyed this book.
Fantastic book! Although technically supposed to be a thriller about a murder case in Savannah, Georgia the book truly pulls you into the charm and curiosity of each of the real life characters the author introduces you to. Not only did this book create a new NEED to see Savannah, it kept me wanting more.
I don‘t usually read mystery/ crime novels, but I had heard so much about this one I had to give it a go. I found myself pulled into wanting to solve the mystery and, although in the end I did accurately predict the “twist”, I enjoyed the suspense. Hard to put down toward the end.
Finally read The Great Gatsby because I watched the movie and felt I had to make the comparison. I wish I had done it in the reverse order because having seen the movie altered how I interpreted the tone of how things were said, how people looked and moved, etc. However, really enjoyed the writing and style of the book. Great read.
The story of a pessimistic outcast going through his early years. Very easy read, pretty entertaining at parts, a lot of interesting insight as to how he views the world based on his personal struggles. Probably read the two follow ups at some point.