This might be the best book I‘ve read in 2020!
This might be the best book I‘ve read in 2020!
I‘ve just started listening to this book - it is poetry through and through.
You will not be disappointed.
What an incredible book!!! This is a book you DO.
I read and listened to both the book and the guided trainings.
It is difficult for me to explain just how impactful this book & training has been for me. These are practices that fundamentally alter how you experience your life moment by moment... and beyond.
I deeply appreciate Loch‘s emphasis on approaching the topic from a Scientific perspective.
Try it for yourself!
Energy + Structure = Life.
Sometimes you read a book and you know it has changed your life.
Nick is an incredible communicator who will have you on the edge of your seat as he describes how exciting the energy flux of a proton gradient is!!
This book will help you understand inorganics -> organics and why energy and cell structure led to sexual transmission of genes
Get the sloppy out of your thinking!
This book has proven to be the beginning of a new endeavor to understand the world. It has proven to be the end of the way I used to view the world.
Hard to describe how much of a burden has been lifted off my shoulders by relearning concepts that I had been taught once before but with baggage attached.
Bias - ways your makeup will naturally misunderstand the world.
This book is incredible in its ability to transmit ideas that, once recognized, seem so obvious that it only reinforces their power by the fact that you never thought Of them yourself.
This book will change the way you understand yourself, others and how the world works.
Highly recommend.
Level up your communication abilities.
This book is simply put: amazing.
As a functional adult I have a smattering of the skills in various levels, but it will take intentional work and practice to have the whole suite of even level 1.
This is a book I‘ve gotten with the intention of many reads and handy reference.
It‘s not everyday that a book starts impacting and changing your experience of life AS you are reading it. This book does that - in spades.
This book has brought a lot of additional insight and depth of experience to my practice already. I‘ll be getting a physical copy as well, which I anticipate will be well worn before the end of 2020.
Diana‘s language and approach really helped unlock for me what some of this has been pointing to all along.
Can societies finally succeed at introducing, by secular or religious means, an intelligent and well-rewarded form of altruism such that it would replace the self-absorption that now reigns? What will it take for such efforts to succeed?