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Caption- I love the film version of “What dreams may come” although it makes me cry. Excited to start this novel. I saw the movie as an 8th grader on tv and loved it. I watched it about a month after Robin Williams passed away and started crying uncontrollably. There are some stories that might be easier to read and not watch.
I keep forgetting I have this... sorry! #currentlyreading
Haven‘t been on here for awhile! Hi! This is what I am reading now!
About to start this one... keeping it at home since it's about the size of a brick. Too big for purses.
Enjoying this read. A lot. I grew up on Scooby-Doo and have been loving Stranger Things lately.
Next one up. I took my mom to this after I saw it once by myself. "You've been waiting 27 years for a movie like this? I've been waiting 60"
Hi! I'm new at this! Here's my first post!