Still my favorite book so far!
If you need another series to binge through HERE IT IS!
I accidentally started a series! Haha This book was great as a stand alone, but is actually the second book in a series that I am FOR SURE gonna read! The “Will Piper” series is something that I think just about any reader would enjoy. The writing style of Glenn Cooper keeps you engaged and curious about what is gonna happen in the next chapter.
No…..just watch the original movie and leave it at that.
Ok, so I FINALLY did it and restarted the hall Book series! I LOVE Halo and am a huge fan of the games (favorite game series). Even though I basically knew the story this book kept me turning the pages so fast that when I first started it I only stopped reading because work was picking up! 😭 If you were ever a fan of the games or just like action, CHECK THIS SERIES OUT!
Finally finished Dorian Gray which means it‘s time to go to the bookstore for more books! 🥰
Book was great, again like I said in a previous post I was inspired to read this after watching all of Penny Dreadful. Dorian in the book was more child- like in comparison to the show. Great ending and all around great read. I feel like I get bonus points for reading this during Pride month! 😂
Great collection of short horror stories, however I‘m gonna need to take a break from short story collections because they take me FOREVER to finish.
Great all around with multiple interesting stories told in a variety of ways. The last story is a special treat for those that have already read American Gods and is a short side story after the series of events in the book. If you‘re in the mood for short stories I suggest listening to Neil Gaiman tell them.
I love how so many of Neil Gaiman‘s books tie into each other. This audiobook I went into blind not knowing anything about it, and it turned out to be a treat. If you enjoyed reading American Gods then you should check this out since it goes into detail about one of the old Gods mentioned.
Guys, I‘m so excited!!!! I‘m sure this book is gonna be......WILDE. 😎👉👉
YIKES.......George Orwell once again makes me hate humanity with one of his books. I know I‘m super late to the party, but if you haven‘t read this or 1984 you should add them to your list. I‘m imagining how powerful this book must have been because of the time when it was released. 😬
Really enjoyed these short stories and learning about the origin of so many myths. LOVE the way Neil Gaiman told these stories. I feel the way he voiced the characters made me even more interested in it. So far I‘m 2/2 on the books I‘ve read/listened to from him so I‘m planning on giving more of his books a chance.
“You may be my creator, but I am your master, OBEY!”
My favorite book so far. I‘ve heard or seen multiple different versions of this story and now I‘ve finally heard the original. I just want to give the monster a hug! 😭 If for some reason you haven‘t read this PLEASE add it to your list, completely worth it! Also watch the play, it brought me to tears! ❤️
Finished Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde! After watching Penny Dreadful I had to finally read this. Way shorter than I thought so it‘s on to my next book! Love that I get down time to read at work!
Alright, I‘m gonna be honest...Poe was better in regards to short stories. I appreciated Lovecraft for the worlds he created, but how he drags on right before describing something horrid started to get on my nerves. Really enjoyed The Shadow Over Innsmouth and a few others in here.
My first time reading Poe and I really enjoyed a lot of the short stories in here! My favorite has to be the story with the evil eye and of course The crow was great.
I can‘t imagine the show does this justice. Don‘t think I‘m gonna find out. 😂