The hype is so well deserved. A gorgeous, unforgettable love story with excitement, warmth, and thoughtful character evolution. Can't wait to read it again.
The hype is so well deserved. A gorgeous, unforgettable love story with excitement, warmth, and thoughtful character evolution. Can't wait to read it again.
At over 800 pages (plus an author's note, prologue, epilogue, acknowledgments, bibliography, notes, and another 200+ pages of citations found online), this biography is beyond thorough. That Madonna's life and career could fill 800 pages wasn't a surprise; that much of the book felt like it flew by was. Toward the end the author runs out of steam, and the writing feels more defensive than revelatory. Overall it's a better reference than read.
So glad Keehnen recorded this important history, but also so mad at myself for not going to Man's Country when I lived in Chicago! This book is thorough and fun. It's great to have so many first-hand accounts collected in one place, especially since so many of the folks involved are no longer with us.
Thinly drawn characters weigh down a cleverly plotted thriller that gets better as it goes. There's a fair amount of sexual content, but violence prevents it from ever being sexy. Danger can be exciting, but this left me feeling sour.
Straightforward character drama that has aged shockingly well. Would love to see it on stage. And Anderson famously sticks the dismount.
Featherweight rom com centered on two loveable characters. Made me smile and occasionally laugh, though much of the humor is clumsy. Overly expository, and the voices of the dueling narrators aren't distinct enough. But the characterizations and plotting consistently punch above their weight.
Deft writing, full of intricately drawn characters who are flawed but loveable. But the plot falls apart at the end. Looking forward to reading more Forster.
Delicious super natural thriller. Mitchell's vivid characterizing leap off the page. He makes the most of his shifting first-person narrators. Can't wait to read more by him.
Easily one of the best books I've ever read. Meticulous character development. Heartbreaking. Thoroughly researched. And yet it reads like a thriller. I wept through the last few chapters, and somehow I was grateful for it. A masterpiece.
Lots of wisdom. A book I'll revisit time and again. Some unforgettable nuggets. A little corny, but isn't self-help supposed to be? Kinda loses steam toward the end.