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Maurice | E M Forster
As Maurice Hall makes his way through a traditional English education, he projects an outer confidence that masks troubling questions about his own identity. Frustrated and unfulfilled, a product of the bourgeoisie he will grow to despise, he has difficulty acknowledging his nascent attraction to men. At Cambridge he meets Clive, who opens his eyes to a less conventional view of the nature of love. Yet when Maurice is confronted by the societal pressures of life beyond university, self-doubt and heartbreak threaten his quest for happiness.
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Maurice | E M Forster

Deft writing, full of intricately drawn characters who are flawed but loveable. But the plot falls apart at the end. Looking forward to reading more Forster.

Maurice | E M Forster
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Last school hols I came upon a book swap in a shopping centre. Score! I perused them that afternoon with a glass of wine while watching my gorgeous niece and nephew freeze at this water park in the middle of winter. Kids! No brains. I also got a complete op shop in with my niece that day after we went to see The Little Mermaid at the movies. Was great to watch a lead that looks like her. That arvo my sister and I did rock painting with her too.

Maurice | E M Forster
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This was written in 1913 and you can tell. The language is challenging, I often felt I was missing translations even during characters conversations. But overall this is a remarkable story especially for when it was written. Maurice is gay and struggling with sexuality in England when being gay was illegal. He makes mention a few times of not wanting to be like Oscar Wilde, it is often sad as he tries to find his way, but it is a great read

Maurice | E M Forster
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#14books14weeks @TheHeartlandBookFairy update (I can't remember to tag books)
I have lost track a bit about what week we are on! I have finished 4 of the books on my list though, and I feel like I can finish these by end of summer.
I am a bit on the fence of reading The Hired Man, I own it already, but the author signed a letter giving support to Rowling, I am totally turned off by her. I finally picked up Tribe of Fatherless girls last night,

Maurice | E M Forster
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Last week of Pride so going out with a Bang with a few Gay books!
Giovanni's Room is this months #2023Reread
I have been struggling a bit with the tagged but it isn't too long and I am excited to get to Bloom, If Beal St Could Talk and In The Absence of Men.

Maurice | Edward Morgan Forster
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This must have been an incredibly difficult novel to write, let alone to share.

#literature #lgbt

Maurice | E M Forster
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I had a bit of a reading slump in the middle of reading this, but I‘m glad I persevered. The ending where Maurice confronts Clive and literally has the last laugh was wonderful. It ends happily with hope and possibility, however nebulous, and for that I am glad. I enjoy Forster‘s writing style and I‘m curious to read more of his work and to read about his life.

Maurice | Edward Morgan Forster
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Maurice | Edward Morgan Forster
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Maurice | Edward Morgan Forster
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I read one book in March... can‘t remember the last time that happened

I‘ll just be studiously avoiding looking at the goodreads reading tracker that tells you how your challenge is going 🤪🥺

LazyOwl No shame in that. I go through different stages where I read less. 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @LazyOwl, I do too - but this is much less than my usual less 🤣 all good! 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I‘m a bit perplexed that the author deemed this a happy story - it is in that there is a chance that they could live “happily ever after” but I agree with all @CarolynM ‘s points...

Thanks for buddy reading with me Carolyn - it‘s not so often a new book gets shelved for the first time, read, in this house 🤣


Kenyazero I didn't realize he considered this a happy story. I read this as a teenager and felt disappointed when it became clear things wouldn't work out. I guess I could see why the author might say this is happy if he was maybe focusing on the happiness these men shared during their time together? 3y
TheAromaofBooks I've only read one Forester book (Howards End) & it wasn't really for me haha 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Kenyazero, I think he just meant that the ending is kind of happy because no one gets charged for gross indecency - and that Maurice has decided to love who he loves even though he knows it‘s going against societal norms. I really disliked Clive (the first relationship) by the end - he was really out there revising their history and still expecting to be friends. 3y
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thegirlwiththelibrarybag @TheAromaofBooks, i saw a post about the movie version of this on tumblr and its publishing history made me curious about it (written in 1913-4, published posthumously in 1971) - I‘m glad I read it but I don‘t think I‘ll be seeking out his other books. 3y
CarolynM I read the introduction after I posted my review. I was amused by Lytton Strachey describing Maurice's state at the end as "simply lust and sentiment". I definitely agree. @Kenyazero (edited) 3y
Kenyazero @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Thats a good assessment! Also, fair! I didn't care for him much either 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Fascinating novel. As a love story it didn't really succeed for me - a case of Insta-love if ever I read one, and very difficult to believe there was any real connection between the lovers - but it worked brilliantly as a window onto early C20th society and the conformity it demanded. Poor Maurice was so confused by the conflicting ideas between his own mind and the world around him he bounced about like a leaf in a windstorm. #BookspinBingo

CarolynM Thanks for the buddy read, Sharni😘 Look forward to seeing your review. @thegirlwiththelibrarybag 3y
Cathythoughts I love the cover photo.. I love their clothes 3y
LeahBergen Lovely review and photo. 💗 3y
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TrishB Lovely review ❤️ 3y
batsy Great review and the photo is lovely 🌸 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely review and pic 👍 3y
Cuilin There‘s a lovely movie of the book with a very young Hugh Grant. 3y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts It's a great cover, a good reflection of the mood of the book🙂 3y
CarolynM @Cuilin I've long meant to watch the movie but never got there - a bit like the book😬 I really must watch it now I've finally done the reading. 3y
Cathythoughts I‘m thinking my package is taking too long to reach you ... I‘ll wait another month & see, I will send on another copy then , if needs be. I won‘t forget you 😘 3y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts You are too good to me, Cathy 😘 but I'm sure it will turn up. My last parcel to you took months and months so don't give up on it yet! 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I want to be sympathetic to Maurice, but he makes it difficult! Anne's reaction made me smile, though🙄😆

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘m working this weekend so probably not much reading time... which is disappointing! Maurice is a bit 😫 at times 3y
CarolynM @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Oh no! Working on the long weekend☹️ 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @CarolynM, I have Tuesday off but yeah it‘s a very sad situation 🥲 an hour and a half until freedom. 3y
LeahBergen That definitely sounds a little bit “let them eat cake”, doesn‘t it? 3y
batsy Oof! Maurice needs a lil shake. 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Mrs Hall put it down to his moustache - ‘Maurice‘s moustache will be the making of him‘ a remark that was more profound than she realised.

CarolynM That line made me smile too🙂 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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😶 I feel exhausted on behalf of Maurice...

Leftcoastzen Great book! 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Getting started

thegirlwiththelibrarybag We have the same edition! I‘m 3 chapters in! 3y
CarolynM @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I've finished Part One. I'm finding it very easy to read. 3y
LeahBergen I need to get to this one of these days! 3y
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Cathythoughts Sounds so good ! My fathers name was Maurice ... a popular name here , usually shortened to Maur or Mossie or Moss .... I‘ll have to read it someday ❤️ 3y
batsy Look forward to your thoughts! This is on my shelf and one I'd like to get to soon. 3y
mabell @Cathythoughts How interesting! I didn‘t know about the nicknames for Maurice, and that it is a popular name in Ireland. (Anecdotally, I wouldn‘t say it‘s common in the US now) 3y
Cathythoughts @mabell I know a lot of Maurices, but I‘d say it might be out of fashion these days. We need to bring it back 😁 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I‘m not far behind! 3y
CarolynM @LeahBergen It's been sitting on my shelf for years, I don't know why I hadn't got to it before. So many books...(sigh) 3y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts @mabell It was my grandfather's middle name. You don't hear it much these days which seems a shame to me. 3y
CarolynM @batsy It's very readable, I think you'll knock it off pretty quickly once you get started🙂 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Guess I‘ll circle back to the introduction then...

readingjedi When I was at university I read so many academic introductions that not only spoiled the plot but assumed that the reader had already read the book. It drove me nuts! 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @readingjedi, I‘ve never seen a cautionary note on one before - it should be standard! 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Another tumblr inspired purchase... looking forward to reading this one!

CarolynM I've been meaning to read this for ages. Maybe we could buddy read some time? 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @CarolynM, let‘s put it on our March #BookSpin lists? 3y
CarolynM Sounds like a plan🙂 3y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I read this cause it‘s a gay classic I wanted to have read, wasn‘t expecting it to become my favourite Forster. It‘s not just that it was ‘honest‘ because he‘s a fantastic writer whether he‘s writing about his experiences or not, but the poignancy, pain and optimism here just blew me away. I loved his afterword about his determination to have a happy ending even though it made the book unpublishable at the time. Ben Whishaw was a 5* narrator.

Emilymdxn #scarathlon2020 #teamharkness 5 points for non Halloween book + 1 for participation I think - can‘t think of any way to argue this is Halloween related haha! @StayCurious 4y
StayCurious Amazing! You're off to a good start! +6 4y
Leftcoastzen It‘s been a long time since I read it , I remember feeling it was a wonderful book! 4y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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So excited to start the #cyoreadathon for the beginning of #scarathlon !! I‘m so so eager for this challenge and to start getting points. For this readathon I‘m going to set a timer and read as much as I can but not put a number of hours or pages on it specifically. Starting by finishing off this wonderful book this morning then I‘ll get spooky. @Sace @StayCurious #teamharkness +1 participation

Sace Let is begin! 4y
Sace *it... Oy vey I need coffee... 4y
StayCurious Yay! So exciting! +1 4y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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“This one has five legs.”

Maurice | E M Forster
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A new citizen of my shelves 😊

GingerAntics Love that cover!!! 5y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I was not expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did! I don't know why I am surprised because the same thing happened to me when I read Howard's End and A Room With a View, but I guess I never expected a book from 1913 about homosexuals to be so open and progressive ( well maybe not by today's standards, but compared to books I've read of the era and even later, it wasn't all just alluded to as usual!). Great read from a fantastic writer

hlgreenfield Also these editions are fantastic! I originally only bought Maurice and A Passage to India since I own the rest already, but I feel I may complete the collection 5y
twohectobooks I loooove EM Forster and I really want to read this book. He also tends to sneak up on me when it comes to how good his books are. 5y
batsy What @twohectobooks said! 5y
hlgreenfield @twohectobooks you need to check it out! It may be my favourite ( although I'll need to let some time pass before I decide on that. I do love Howard's End). 5y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Written in 1913/14 but only published in 1971, this book is generally described as being ahead of its time for its open discussion of homosexuality & its happy ending for the main character, Maurice, a man who finally comes to understand, accept, & dare all to be true to himself. I really enjoyed it. I know there is a movie & I can only hope it‘s a good adaptation as I likely won‘t be able to resist watching it! Recommended.

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Maurice | E M Forster
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“...unspeakables of the Oscar Wilde sort...”

That this was a readily understood reference in 1913/14...and “asylum work.”

(Book is fantastic by the way.)

Maurice | E M Forster
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My next read. Fascinating story behind the story. Forster wrote it in 1913-1914 but the book wasn‘t published until 1971 (after Forster‘s death in 1970). It‘s described as before its time for “its affirmation that love between men can be happy.” I‘ve seen it described as one of the author‘s best books by a number of people and am excited to read it.

suzisteffen I love this book and I bawled my eyes out watching the movie. 5y
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Road trip!

Maurice | E M Forster
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I watched Bohemian Rhapsody last night ( all the 😍😍😍😍) and felt the need to read more about gay men. So I picked up this and James Baldwin‘s Giovanni‘s Room at B & N. Great so far! #LGBTQ

Maurice | E M Forster


Maurice | E M Forster
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‘People were all around them, but with eyes that had gone intensely blue he whispered, “I love you”‘ #Iwanttoholdyourhand #heyjune

Cinfhen Fantastic choice and love the photo 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 6y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Im loving this. Such an important contribution to gay fiction.

Maurice | E M Forster
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1️⃣ I liked Maurice, actually. I really did. Also Remains of the Day.
2️⃣ Blargh. I find them generally to be ugly.
3️⃣ None of the books I like are "adaptable". I mean, look what was done to Cloud Atlas! There is talk of adapting Those Who Walk Away From Omelas, and I shudder.
4️⃣ Hi @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ?
@JenlovesJT47 #tuesdaytidbit

Lostinagoodbook I never did read Maurice but I loved Howard‘s End. 😊 6y
tournevis @Lostinagoodbook Maurice is good. A heartbreaking love story. 6y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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1) Maurice by E. M. Forster
2) 4 - This makes me realize how old I am & how many I have lost.
3) ant
4) Waffles with vanilla yogurt
5) ✅

#Friyayintro @jesshowbooks

CSeydel ✋🏼 6y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I read four books this month. Therefore, they are all my #FebruaryFavorites. I have improved my game since I usually read one book per month. They were all good in their own way.
#HeartsAndHardcovers @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Way to go!!!! 👏🏻📚💕👍🏻☺️ 6y
Ingerella Great job! 6y
kspenmoll Congrats!!! 👏🏻🎉 6y
Dulcinella Great reads! 6y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I am taking a stab at blogging. Please check out my review: https://toeyreishuman.com

Feedback and comments are welcome.

(Photo from my Kindle app)

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Maurice | E M Forster
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Yay! It arrived just in time for the weekend

Tamra Book Cougars (podcast) are buddy reading this one. 6y
RobinGustafson I‘m going to try and read it in time for the Book Cougars buddy read 📚📚😊 I intended to obtain a copy weeks ago 6y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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“Pain had shown him a niche behind the world‘s judgements, whither he could withdraw.”

Maurice | E M Forster
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I‘d love to find a hardcover in good condition of Maurice for the Book Cougars February read along but I‘ll likely settle for paperback #bookcougars #readalong #hardcover

ReadingEnvy My copy is inside a collected works edition that I think I got at Half Price Books 20 years ago! 7y
RobinGustafson @ReadingEnvy Is it green? I used to have a collected works edition too. I must have traded it in because I can‘t find it anywhere! 7y
ReadingEnvy @RobinGustafson yes with an ugly yellow painting shiny cover 7y
RobinGustafson @ReadingEnvy sounds like one in the same 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I've been taking my time with E.M. Forster's Maurice. Every night before bed I read a few chapters and absorb everything. This passage, which happens about midway through, is just beautiful.

Maurice | E M Forster
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Every time my eyes pass Maurice on the shelf, Space Cowboy by Steve Miller Band plays in my head: "some people call me Maurice *wolf whistle*"... That's a happy memory song for me, my dad sang it when he used to play guitar. ?
#musicaltitles #maybookflowers

Lindy What a good story/title combo for this prompt! 7y
ItsAnotherJen Ahh..love that song!! 7y
tpixie Loved that song! Woke up to it in middle school 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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I'm always a little at a loss with Forster, his writing often seems pretty but superficial and his characters so flighty and changeable that I struggle to connect. Maurice is not lacking in these issues but it is such a brave, personal, difficult novel of societal pressure, hiding, lying, self-hatred forced onto gay men that these issues are of secondary importance. If more people could live by this line we would all be happier #TacklingTheTBR

Hobbinol 👍🏻 7y
LeahBergen I've had this one on my TBR for so long! 7y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen Me too! I didn't love it but I already knew Forster's writing want really for me. Definitely worth reading though, as difficult and heartbreaking as you'd expect 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Day 14 of #riotgrams is #kissingbooks. I don't read romance outside of fanfics (and few fanfic romances at that) so these are books with kissing. And yes, there's erotica, so sue me. I'm trying here! 😊

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Maurice | E M Forster
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"I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort."

My trip to Oxford had the perfect pairing--Maurice is an eloquent depiction of a young man's internal and external difficulties in coming to terms with his homosexuality in modernizing times--so relevant to Forster's own experience. This touching work accompanied me as I walked the grounds of Oxford's most famous (homosexual) literary alumnus--Oscar Wilde himself! Nerd moment ♡ #booksaroundtheworld

Lynnsoprano Love your picture! 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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Fellow Littens, check this out! This is the Szabó Ervin Central Library in Budapest, Hungary. Built in the 1890's, this palace area is still open and filled with students studying all hours of the day (also open for visitors!). It's one of the most beautiful libraries I have ever stepped foot in--what I would give to study in a beauty like this! I wish the pictures didn't wash out the chandeliers, but you get it ;) #booksaroundtheworld

MrBook 😱😱😱😱 7y
TrishB Gorgeous 💗 7y
LauraBeth Beautiful 💕 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster
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A variety for #readjanuary #titlewithapropername photo day.
The dilemma was which title to post this under!

aeeklund That's always such a hard decision!! 7y
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Maurice | E M Forster

You confuse what's important with what's impressive.

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Maurice | E M Forster
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"But books meant so much for him he forgot that they were a bewilderment to others."