I love this sentence as I can relate to it so well.
Found this beauty at a used bookstore in my neighborhood. Only just started it, but the writing is wonderful so far. And I love the cover!!!!
Oh my did this book break me! I loved this book though. It made me laugh, made me angry, made me cry and made me think. I couldn't have asked for more of the author. Now I need to process and maybe cry a bit more.
I know I'm late to the party, but I am excited to start reading this book. I have heard great things about it. 🙂
This book is off to a real slow start. It's a selection for my bookclub so I'm going to try to see this through to the end. Here's to hoping it gets better. 🙂
This book was heartbreaking, but absolutely beautiful. Fans of the poem Annabel Lee will appreciate the dark beauty of the story. I could not put this book down.
This is one of the most beautiful covers I have seen on a book. Love it! Can't wait to dig in and get lost in a different world. 😊
"Meredith immersed herself in novels. For some reason, fiction hit on the meaning of life so much more concisely than real life itself did." I completely agree. Made me smile.
My book hall all in the bargain bin. My idea of winning the lottery!
My plan is to devour this book all weekend. I enjoy her character development and her writing style! It's fun to read outside your norm. I usually stick to fantasy. 😃
Giving this a try. Have not read anything by her before.
And I pick a book that wasn't even in the pile. 😊
One of my all time favorite books! The writing is beautiful and the story is enchanting. I can't recommend this book highly enough.
I finished this book a few days ago and was deeply touched by the story. If you love family secrets and lies this is the book for you. God is woven throughout the story so if that bothers you then you may not like this book. However, I thought it was moving and full of hope.
"Everyone else seemed to have forgotten the way we met him, but I couldn't. Did that make me the only Divinovich in a family full of Divines?" From The Dark Divine by Bree Despain. Loved this quote. Made me laugh.