If you like westerns this will appeal to you, if that‘s not your usual genre then I wouldn‘t bother.
If you like westerns this will appeal to you, if that‘s not your usual genre then I wouldn‘t bother.
I was fairly underwhelmed with this one. I‘m still undecided if that‘s due to my bias over loving the original so much.
I couldn't get into it, I hated he characters and I was just really bored the whole time.
Amazing!! I'm really mad no one has ever recommended this book to me! I really wish I read it a long time ago.
My favorite urban fantasy. I really love anthologies and I love this one the most.
Such an amazing story with complex characters! I loved this book so much, perfect read for December.
This book is absolutely garbage. If you want a book that implies being disabled means your life is not worth living and some forced "romance" I guess this is for you.
This is a fun book that had so many twists to it that I never saw coming. I think it's a fresh take on dystopian genre.
Oh man everything is happening and twists are coming out of every which way.
There are nine other environments, each containing between two and twenty individuals, but they are much smaller. Several hundred humans live in the menageries, and a few thousand on the nature preserves. A few hundred more are kept by private owners...those are the worst of all
I love love loooooved this book! Lydia is my favorite Bennet sister and this retelling from her pov is excellent! I highly recommend it!
Oh man this is so good and makes Lydia way more complex
😂 I love Lydia, she's so self absorbed and terrible. Fav Bennet sister
A fun and unique book that poses the question of what if every character written lived in a world together. My favorite part is the main character is one of the princesses from The 12 Dancing Princesses.
Interesting but the author kept inserting herself into Nan's life story which was not needed.
I LOVE this book! Henrietta Howel is my new favorite character! I'm so excited for the rest of this series. Seriously I cannot recommend this book enough.
It's as fun as an adult as it was as a kid! Definitely love this book!
Okay, this book IS good literature BUT I feel I would get more out of this if I read it in a group or a class instead of as an independent reader. It is difficult to get through not just in the language but there is violence and sexual assault as well.
Wonderful memoir! Mara Wilson is an amazing storyteller and I hope to see more from her. Her book was really moving and relatable.
The style tried to go for an actual history book but failed. It ended up a fairly boring novel where I did not connect to any of the characters. The movie was actually better because it was campy fun.
Absolutely loved this book, lived up to the hype. I loved that it was told from an all female perspective and that everyone was so shady you didn't know who done it.
Amazing LGBT fantasy! Completely turns the love triangle trope on its head.