The first book for book club! I‘ll probably post a bunch for this book to keep my thoughts organized and use the tag #bookclubthoughts
The first book for book club! I‘ll probably post a bunch for this book to keep my thoughts organized and use the tag #bookclubthoughts
So careful and yet somehow she ends up in a coma... #bookclubthoughts
This quote hit me like a truck. I had to put the book down and hug someone after reading it. I get the feeling I‘m going to be crying a lot while reading this book.
I always kept my distance from Anthony Bourdain because back in the day he seemed like...well kind of an ass. But after reading all of the stories and information online recently about his life, his beliefs, and his determination to educate us ignorant Americans on the rest of the world through food, I realized that I need to hear what he has to say. A trip to the library was necessary.
I think I‘ve figured it all out, but I really hope I‘m wrong. I still have 250 pages to go and if I know the “twist” already, it‘s just going to drag on. Please please tell me there‘s something I missed here!
One of the mysteries in this book is whether or not George exists and if he does, why the school faculty is pretending he doesn‘t....but to me the greatest mystery is how these parents believe this insane story about a child being expelled over a coat.
Hobbits eat 6 meals a day, sit around in their adorable town relaxing all day, and believe you‘re still in your tweens until age 33.
Sounds good to me! Sign me up!
First time in a long time that a book filled a page of my journal with lines I like. This book is disgusting and interesting and not at all dry like I thought it would be. Moving on to the second part of the series today.
I feel like I need a thorough shower after every chapter of this book. The subject matter is so disgusting to me, that I‘m cringing the entire time I‘m reading. Hopefully I get used to it eventually so I can enjoy the rest of the series.
Instead of a reading challenge for 2018, I decided I‘m going to tackle Volume I of the ever growing list of books recommended to me by @brutalbookworm
Looks like an interesting year! #2018readinglist
“If a system is chaotic (most are), then it implies that however good the resolving power may be, the time over which the system is predictable is limited. Perfect predictability is not achievable, simply because we are limited in our resolving power.”
Wait, is this a random Welcome to Night Vale quote, or the motto of The Commonwealth of The Lunar Chronicles?! 😂 #wtnv
Got the call from the library yesterday; my holds were in and now these babies are all mine! So excited to continue my buddy read with @brutalbookworm
Just gotta finish my current book first...
Am I the only one who uses library receipts as bookmarks? I‘ve done this for as long as I can remember.
(P.S. This picture is blurry because I‘m in a very spoiler-y part of the book. Things are getting good!)
Wooo it‘s been awhile since I kept up with Litsy! But I have a shiny new card for the massive library 5 minutes away from my house, and I am definitely getting some use out of it.
It was only a matter of time until I started this series. The next two books are on hold and waiting for me to bring them home. Let‘s do this.
Found this book awhile back and I keep putting off reading it. But I‘m drawn to it. Whenever I look over my tbr pile, this book always jumps out at me. I finally caved. I hope it‘s as cool as it looks.
As a former Detroit Auto Industry worker, I can attest to this. WE are the assembly line. Add machines to your heart's content; you still can't do it without us. #selfindulgentpost #letmehavethis
Sometimes I stumble upon something that reminds me that I live in a really cool place. With all the struggle, violence, drugs, and poverty in most of Detroit today, it's easy to forget what a historic and interesting place it is.
Found this at a thrift store during the weekend getaway for @brutalbookworm (of course we went on a book hunt) and thought it sounded interesting. When I searched goodreads for this book to add it to my "currently reading" list, I discovered that it has apparently been on my tbr list for 5 years! I had totally forgotten about it!
So the joke goes like this: a former child pageant queen, her adoring and neglected brother (who used to dabble in the occult), an ex-cult member, and the damaged police officer son of a murdered prostitute walk into a library...
Holy crap, Dekker. You may be a little heavy-handed with the tragic backstories here.
My newfound gym addiction is seriously cutting into my lounging on the couch reading time, so the great Amy Poehler is now providing my workout inspiration via audiobook. I've never felt more badass.
P.S. I absolutely love memoirs written by funny people. They tend to have the best life advice in them. Also I usually listen to them rather than read them, so everything is in the author's true voice.
A total solar eclipse is rare and remarkable to all. But to me, sitting in the shade with a book, watching the man I love skip rocks like a child and being totally overwhelmed with bliss is the most rare and remarkable thing of all. This is a beautiful moment. The sun is disappearing, but I feel full of light.
It appears that the bookmark I chose for this adventure is highly appropriate.
(P.S. If you've never heard of The Raven Café, I suggest you look it up. Hands down one of my favorite places.)
Finally, a break from the unbearable heat! It's been too long since I last stretched out on the grass with a good book.
The best friends are the people who take you to a new bookstore and then message you as soon as they get home to see if you started reading your new books yet.
This book is brought to you by babies and alcoholism!
I couldn't put it down, but it's not necessarily because I was enjoying it. I kept waiting for the story to twist. I was promised an unreliable narrator and a shock. What I got instead was terribly predictable. Don't get me wrong, the book was written well and I can see why some people enjoyed it. However, I was looking for something unpredictable and that's not what I got.
From what I've seen so far, this quote pretty much shapes the main character's personality. Everything in her life, even her birth, is a passive experience. It's frustrating to read.