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Joined September 2021

Feedback | Robison Wells

Becky and benson broke out of the sells they were running down the hallways and they all look the same boom! Iceman and someone else came around the corner behind Becky and benson was two people from the fort so benson and Becky went down these stairs into a room there were two people sitting in chairs there he went to break a window and all of the sudden a face appears in the window.

Feedback | Robison Wells

When he got inside he was knocked out by a taser when he woke up he found a cart of machines on it hooked up to him then he jumped up to his feet and herd a voice speaking to him the person was trying to get benson to tell him information on something that the person needed to know

Feedback | Mira Grant

Iceman to Becky to the underground complex benson had to go there to stop what they were doing to the people there. When he got there faces were appearing in the windows and benson realized that there were new students coming to the school. Once they showed up and the door opened benson yelled stop to the person holding the door to not close it.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Once iceman and the other person leaves benson comes to the fort with Becky and benson said to him self that he needs to leave all of the people that have been hurt are his fault. That night he doesn‘t even sleep in the fort he headed to the cafeteria to talk to someone he knows about leaving.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Manson comes running from around the corner of the fort with a “6” inch kitchen knife iceman didn‘t react at all Manson just dropped straight to the ground blood coming out of his ear he was dead. A woman came out of a red truck and picked up the body and put it in the back of the truck.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Benson and Becky are running from trees to bushes to hid from iceman because he‘s angry at the behaviour of the people in the fort after they killed someone he gathered them all and asked them questions ‘Screw You‘ someone said boom they all dropped to the ground scream moaning iceman was torturing them.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Just a little bit after midnight the leader of the Fort wakes up benson and another girl and they head into the forest there going to the lunch room but they took every thing out and put beds for people to stay in. When they got there there was a girl sitting on a couch waiting for them but there was another girl that standing by the wall in chains.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Benson and Becky are in this dog out hole to hide them from someone that they know are coming and that person is iceman he comes in a truck with someone else iceman gets out and barge into the rooms throwing people out to look for benson and Becky he‘s breaking everything in the rooms to try and find they.

Feedback | Robison Wells

After Benson saw Jane he grabbed two rugs and went back for Becky and soon they came up to the tree line by the town and they saw two men standing there one of them was arguing with Jane and the other was leaning against the wall in an instant one of the men saw Benson and Becky he started to walk to his he barn were Jane was and he asked her for help with Becky.

Feedback | Robison Wells

Even 15 pages into the book it‘s already thrilling Benson and Becky are stranded in the woods and Becky‘s shoulder is injured and Becky is loosing a lot of blood. Suddenly Benson sees smoke in the air and he leaves Becky in the woods to go check the town and he sees Jane and he couldn‘t believe his eyes.

Variant | Robison Wells

This teenager was brought to this special school and it was the last school that would accept him and as he was walking through the school when he was brought to a room where an older teenager told him the rules and that there were groups in the school that he could join hi thought that it was like a prison

Variant | Robison Wells

I was in class with me day and I didn‘t have a book to read In class and so I just grabbed a book off the shelf and I grabbed this book and all the beginning of this book it‘s really catchy and so I started to read this book and it‘s really goog


Butler, Artemis, and holly as well as root were traveling through the arctic and they were under this over hang and it seemed unusually to butler then he realized that it was a trap. There were three goblins in the sky with hover chairs and soft noses. Suddenly the over hang crumbled on top of root and he was stuck in a blink.


So Artemis fowl and the LEP fairy officers Root and Holly are going with fowl and Butler to arctic Russia to try and find the person who is behind kid napping Fowls farther and when they where traveling three goblins ambushed them but they were missing all of there shots and Fowl and butler are hiding in a over hang they didn‘t realize that it was a trap and it caved in. Holly and fowl are trying to get on a train to get Root and Butler our.

MrsBabki Thank you for the review. It needs editing for sure, but you‘re on the right track. 3y
MrsBabki Can you change your username to your name so I know who you are right away. 3y
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I‘m reading this book and at the beginning of the book it talked about the end of the last book and then it got into the beginning if this book and his dad was legally declared dead but Artemis knew that he wasn‘t. He was determined to prove that he wasn‘t.

LibrarianRyan The horrible things the movie did to this book. Such a great series. 4y
MrsBabki Need editing - reread before you post. Good start Pozzi. 4y
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