I love, love, love this quote! 🙌
There are so many highlightable passages in this novel; I never want it to end, yet I'm desperate to keep going.
I can't stop laughing at this paragraph...also, this book is fantastic. Thanks to @Sarahsbookshelves for the recommendation!
Do I really have to go to work today?!! Only a few chapters in and I'm already delighted!
Although it can be a tough read, at times, I am so glad I finally decided to read this one!
"I grew up on a farm eating butterbeans and pork chops, so to slide my pristine pumps underneath a white tablecloth and eat lobster Thermidor and foie gras, crown of strawberries and Key West turtle soup...no words do it justice."
When I can't get anything else to stick, something light and comical usually does the trick. Just one of many amusing quotes, so far!
I loved feeling transported to Morocco; I was not as crazy about the ridiculous and rather unbelievable plot twist that consumes the second half of the novel. The writing is beautiful; the story line was not for me.
Well, March is looking good already! Excited to get into this one!!
"One of the great understated tragedies of humankind was that people were always thinking about something."
I'm not sure I can do this one justice! To say that I was moved by these stories would be a monumental understatement. At 208 pages, you have no excuse NOT to read this one; please, go read it, and then return and tell me what you think.
"History clears away the blood, records the results, but that doesn't mean the blood wasn't there."