So good! Relevant, inspiring, powerful, complex.
Finished my #24in48 just under the wire! Read 1.5 books, listened to several hours of a looong audiobook, and sprinkled in some short stories and comics... It was fun! And now, sleep. 💤
Making some headway on the next book on my #24in48 list. I've heard so much about the parallels between Butler's imagined future and our current climate and... Yeah, wow, this book is painfully prescient. She saw the sinister truth of "Make America great again" 20 years before it became an actual slogan in a presidential election. She tried to warn us!
First book of #24in48 done! I reread The Shining recently, and really enjoyed this continuation of Danny's story. Such a treat to spend a few hours finishing this up today.
Got my #24in48 started with some audiobook listening on the way back from dropping my husband and kid off at the airport. They are visiting family, and I'm now home alone! For the first time in almost 2 years! It may be awhile before I can do another readathon, so I'm excited to give it a try this weekend!
Finally got to this book--definitely my favorite read of 2017 so far. I can't believe I missed ten years worth of opportunities to read it! #tgifgiveaway
The writing was great, and I will definitely read more Megan Abbott. I found myself frustrated with the main character and her many blind spots, though. I realize this was probably the point, but it kept taking me out of the story. As much as I enjoyed this look into the ultra competitive world of elite gymnastics, this wasn't the right book for me at the moment!
A small but beautiful and haunting work. It's been a few years since I read anything by Morrison, and wow--such incredible writing! (Stating the obvious, I know!!)
It took me a minute to get into this one, and I wasn't fully caught up in the story until the end of Part I. Still, thoroughly enjoyed the return to this world and these characters.