This retelling was really cute! #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #readersofinstsgram #bookworm #booknerd #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #geekerella
This retelling was really cute! #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #readersofinstsgram #bookworm #booknerd #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #geekerella
Just over a chapter into this book tonight...I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it !
The Night Circus! I enjoyed the slow pacing and world building of this novel. I kind of wish that there was less romance in it though and that a different relationship was developed more through the novel.
#bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #readersofinstsgram #bookworm #booknerd #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict
My love for British Classics began with Pride and Prejudice 💖 #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #igreads #bookworm #booknerd #bookchallenge #bookgram #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #janeausten #prideandprejudice
I love the Chronicles of St. Mary's series ✨ it is so witty, quirky, fun and filled with history. #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #bookworm #booknerd #bookgram #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #joditaylor #chriniclesofstmarys
This is a fantastic novel and a fresh take on the dystopian genre! #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #igreads #bookworm #booknerd #bookchallenge #bookgram #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #shadesofgrey #jasperfforde
I love the dedication for The Deathly Hallows
I really enjoyed all of the 80's references in this book! 4.5 🌟 #bookish #books #bibliophile #reader #book #igreads #bookworm #booknerd #bookchallenge #bookgram #booktography #bookphotography #booklove #goodreads #bookaddict #readyplayerone