It IS time!
An anthology very much about ideas in science over, and perhaps at the expense of character. Perhaps it's too early to judge yet, though, as I'm only two stories in and already doubting this assessment.
Been spacing out Banks' Culture novels for years, not wanting to blaze through but rather to grow and read along with them. 3+ years in, I'm now around to book 6 of 11 (10 novels and one short story collection). This one is intriguing, as out masquerades as something other than a Culture novel.
After coming out or a personal and professional funk, my sweet lady suggested now as a good time to read one of her favorites. Based on these intro, I'm inclined to agree.
Any audiobook/Dublin Murder Squad love? I thoroughly enjoyed the first two books in the series and am looking forward to the next three.
There are plenty of good reasons for fighting, but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you, too.
Among my favorite novels, Independent People explores the depths to which we seek in placing principles and pride over family and friends. I'm in desperate need of a reread.