Loved reading this with these two guys. Ten year age difference, but there was something in it for each of them.
Loved reading this with these two guys. Ten year age difference, but there was something in it for each of them.
"The Bees" has made both me and my three-year-old curious about bees (he has been carrying around my book, pretending to read stories about bees from it). So we're enjoying these children's books I got him. The artwork in the Honeyed History book is gorgeous. The Life and Times book has some great info.
Read this one cover to cover a few years ago. It shares a shelf with some of my favorite books about books that I like to browse for inspiration.
Back at work after a two week vacation, wishing I was home with this book. I'm increasingly curious to watch this relationship's layers emerge. Though the harshness of and seeming lack of trust in their relationship is interesting, I'm still eager to see some moments of vulnerability come out. Only about 100 pages in.