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Some Writer!: The Story of E.B. White
Some Writer!: The Story of E.B. White | Melissa Sweet
59 posts | 35 read | 63 to read
SOME PIG, Charlotte the spider s praise for Wilbur, is just one fondly remembered snippet from E. B. White s "Charlotte s Web." In "Some Writer!," the two-time Caldecott Honor winner Melissa Sweet mixes White s personal letters, photos, and family ephemera with her own exquisite artwork to tell his story, from his birth in 1899 to his death in 1985. Budding young writers will be fascinated and inspired by the journalist, "New Yorker" contributor, and children s book author who loved words his whole life. This authorized tribute is the first fully illustrated biography of E. B. White and includes an afterword by Martha White, E. B. White's granddaughter. "
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#MelissaSweet is one of my favorite author/illustrators. Her work is exquisite.

erzascarletbookgasm 😍 I‘ve been looking for this book! 4y
Caryl I love Melissa Sweet! 4y
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#boundtogetherjune #sentimental

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ E.B. White was a childhood favorite and I really enjoyed this children's biography by Melissa Sweet. I've read quite a few books recently that she has illustrated and I love her collage style of art.

OriginalCyn620 Cute! ❤️ 4y
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Delightful! 🐭 🕷 🦢

#MiddleGradeMarch book 19
#OHStayAtHome day 1, book 2

LibrarianRyan Yrahh 4y
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LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
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amber_ldsmom Love this! 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻❤️ 4y
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Definitely important!


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What a great poem from EB White! Precursor to Charlotte‘s Web?


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BookishMe Lovely illustration 4y
TheBookHippie Such a wonderful beautiful book! 4y
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erzascarletbookgasm I‘ve been looking for this book! 😍 4y
megnews @erzascarletbookgasm I got it as an ebook from the library. It is great! 4y
Crazeedi Looks good 4y
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This book was great. It is a biography of E.B. White, who wrote one of the most beloved stories of Charlottes Web, and was written in 2016. The book tells of the writing that was done by E.B. White and how some of his works got turned into movies.
Something that I really appreciated while reading this book were the illustrations. These illustrations included some pictures that were drawn and some that were real photographs of E.B. White.

em_lemo One of my favorite pages throughout the book includes what was given to En for his eleventh birthday.
“Now the best part of the summer was not just being out of school by waking early, before the rest of the family, and sneaking out onto the lake in his own canoe.“
I liked this because the book was very organized and well thought out when it came to the placement of his life as a young child.
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Does anyone else still check out books from the children‘s section like I do? I love this story of writer E.B. White ❤️

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Oh my gosh, this is the sweetest book.

TheBookHippie I love it too!!! 5y
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This is a biography written for children, & it‘s one of the best biographies I have ever read. It is magical & meticulously worded & a true piece of artistic craftsmanship. The art is perfection, including illustrations, original manuscripts, photographs, & hand lettering, all used expertly. E.B. White said that anyone who writes down to children is wasting his time. He would have loved to see that Sweet‘s biography of him took that advice.

Krisjericho I chose this photograph because I maintain that White‘s “Where‘s Papa going with that ax?” from Charlotte‘s Web is the very best opening line in literature. 6y
Tamra Is that the opening line of Charlotte??? I don‘t recall that and wow, that‘s not what you‘d find today! (edited) 6y
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This book is a B, Orbis Pictus award winner and can be used in the classroom as an AS, IR, PR, or CR. #UCFLAE3414SP18
This book is a wonderful mix of personal letters, notes, photos,and family ephemera and detailed illustrations about the life of writer E.B White who is most well known for writing Charlottes Web. The title of this book is actually a reference to Wilbur from Charlottes Web who is deemed “Some Pig” by Charlotte.

paulettevp Charlotte‘s Web was one of my favorite books growing up. I had no idea about this book! I would definitely incorporate it for an Author‘s Study or Charlotte‘s Web Unit. Love this! (edited) 6y
Cruzdia1 A UDL strategy that can be used for this book is 1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information. An ESOL strategy that could be used with this book is 20: List the most important words and phrases you use or plan to use in a presentation, transparency or chalkboard. (edited) 6y
Cruzdia1 Here‘s a link with some activities that have been developed by national reading experts for you to use with children, ages birth to Grade 6. That way they can become great writers like EB White! http://www.readingrockets.org/article/25-activities-reading-and-writing-fun 6y
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Elwyn White loved words. When he was a child, he would chase them through the pages of the dictionary and crafted into poems for the St. Nicholas magazine. As a young man, his words led him to writing jobs at some big city newspapers, like The New Yorker. When his own stories came calling, White turned his words into classics books, like Charlotte‘s Web and Stuart Little and has had the hearts of his readers ever since.

AlexaDP For this book, I believe the ESOL strategies, 4; linking lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge, 11; placing language in meaningful context, and 12, teaching to two objectives, language and content. For the UDL strategies, I think 7.2, optimizing relevance, value, and authenticity, 8.1 heightening salience of goals and objectives, and 3.; activating or supplying background knowledge are great for this book and story. 7y
AlexaDP https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-e2daE0hoOBSXZJMlBKM0xMRUU/view this link came from Melissa Sweet‘s website, and it is a teacher‘s guide that gives information about E.B. White, Melissa Sweet, and provides an array of discussion questions that can be used in the classroom to promote higher level thinking in students. #ucflae3414f17 7y
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Loved reading this with these two guys. Ten year age difference, but there was something in it for each of them.

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Early illustration options for Charlotte's Web. The upper right one, inspired by the Mona Lisa. . .

I am crying. 😂😂😂😂😂

Demanda I want these on my wall!! 7y
Demanda So damn creepy haha 7y
tpixie Love it! When I saw the title 'Some Writer' I immediately thought of Charlotte- ' Some Pig!' 7y
MissKatie @tpixie yes! I think you would like this book 😊 7y
tpixie @MissKatie it looks good! Stacked!! I LOVED (edited) 7y
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"He was seven or eight years old when he looked a sheet of paper 'square in the eyes' and thought, 'This is where I belong.'"


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A MUST READ!!!! An outstanding biography that highlights the writing/publishing process of beloved classics. #CampReadALot

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"What happens too me when I cross... into Maine...? I cannot describe it.... but I do have the sensation of having received a gift from a true love." - E. B. White. Truer words were never spoken. Missing Maine right now

MrBook I want to visit Maine again soon. 😩 7y
Heatherleegee @MrBook I need to go back soon too 7y
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Sweet nostalgia. I'm lusting after this book.


If you like E.B. White you will enjoy this 176 page picture book geared towards young readers.

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I love these illustrations by Sweet in this biography of EB White.

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LOVED this book! As you read it, you feel like you're a part of E.B. White's life. You get to know him from his age as a child, to an adult with pictures and words directly from him, his friends and family. The real photos, his own handwritten work and the current illustrations make the book come alive! Read this book to learn how his children's classics came to be, learn about his personal life and advice on life and writing. This is a must read!

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I haven't sat down to read this one yet, but I've been flipping through it quite a bit.

E.B. White has plenty of #Anthropomorphic characters to go around. #FeistyFeb

Ericmanciniwriter His book of essays is just the best 7y
saresmoore @Eamann Oh, I'll check it out! 7y
Ericmanciniwriter There's a essay in there called Death of a Pig that might my G.O.A.T. 7y
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saresmoore @Eamann Well, that's saying something! I think I've actually heard of "Death of a Pig" specifically. Thank you for recommending. 7y
shawnmooney I am catching up on your recent posts. I haven't read nearly enough White but I love his stepson Roger Angell's essays in the New Yorker! 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney I haven't read anything of Roger Angell's yet, but now I want to! Have you read his autobiography? 7y
shawnmooney That one set unread on my shelf for years before I liquidated my library of 10,000 books in order to move to Japan. So, no. :-) He's still going strong at age 95 or 96 and just last year published another collection of essays which I very much enjoyed, 7y
saresmoore @shawnmooney 😳 I'm assuming the move was worth it...that's a lot of books. How impressive that he is still writing! Thank you for the recommendation. 7y
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The words of E. B. White ring true decades later. "Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day."

Suet624 Beautiful quote 7y
GatheringBooks @Suet624 Thanks! I thought so too. :) 7y
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My amazing, smart, handsome husband just came home with books for me. He said it's a reward for doing so well in the #24in48 #readathon. 🤓 It is for occasions like this, my friends, that I keep an updated wishlist!

tpixie I love 💖 the title Some Writer! What's the crossword one? (edited) 7y
saresmoore @tpixie It's just a collection of crossword puzzles. Because I love crosswords. I'm actually an octogenarian trapped in the body of a millennial. 7y
swishandflick He's a keeper! 7y
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saresmoore @swishandflick He really is! I'm thankful that we found each other. 7y
tpixie @saresmoore keep doing those crossword puzzle's and then you'll have a millennial brain trapped in an octogenarian body!!! 7y
saresmoore @tpixie 😂 Yes! That's what I'm aiming for! 7y
Donna_sBookMinute Oh how sweet. Enjoy your reads. 7y
saresmoore @Donna_sBookMinute Thank you! I'm sure I will. 😊 7y
SharonGoforth Awesome!!📚📚 7y
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I saved the best for last. #melissasweet is AMAZING #endpapers #readjanuary @RealLifeReading

Cinfhen Gorgeous photo 💕 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟I learned a lot of interesting information about #ebwhite from the text, but almost more so through the illustrations. #melissasweet has an exquisite way of presenting her subject matter. Her collage style brings out so much more in the story then simple picture illustrations would.

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@WanderingBookaneer Your recent posts about #thegirls made me think of this chapter from #melissasweet 's biography on #ebwhite and his style of writing.

WanderingBookaneer I loved this book. Then again, I'm a huge fan of Melissa Sweet. 7y
Lmstraubie @WanderingBookaneer Her books are stunning! I get so lost in the pages & can look at the same page 5 different times & see it in 5 different ways. 7y
Lmstraubie @WanderingBookaneer Ditto! And Balloons Over Broadway 7y
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Reading this book feels like looking through a scrap book of the subject's life. #melissasweet does such a beautiful job presenting her information #teachersoflitsy

Reviewsbylola I love that format. 7y
Lmstraubie @Reviewsbylola She has also done one called Balloons Over Broadway about Tony Sarg who invented the balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade & one called The Right Word about Roger & his thesaurus. There are others too, but these are the ones I am familiar with. They are beautiful! 7y
rachelm I loved this one 7y
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loved! #kidlit

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A few more #kidlit #2016favorites to share... Some Writer is a beautiful biography of beloved author EB White. You can tell from the details in this book's design and illustrations that Melissa Sweet has deep love for her subject matter. A masterpiece!

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I just read this last night and it was SO GOOD! Read in one sitting and told my kids this morning this was a book I would buy!!

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Merry books.

Graciouswarriorprincess Great stack! 8y
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#TBRRecommendation I saw this book highly recommended...by a chef, actually, Dorie Greenspan...on Instagram. I love the cover! Definitely need the hardcover. Will add it to my stack.

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Seriously with this book and this man and his love for children and words.

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This is an excellent book and I love it though I'm trying to sort out how much of that love is due to my being a kidlit nerd and how much is due to true excellence. Does it have a wide appeal outside children's literature aficionados? Will children pick it up outside of being forced to read an author biography? I don't know. I do think it is the best author biography option for a kid. So many of the words are actually White's too. It's beautiful.

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Clearly I LOVED this book! Melissa Sweet is an amazing illustrator, and shows off her writing chops too. Who doesn't love E.B.'s stories? But what do you really know about him? What do the E and B stand for? What name did he go by from college on? Why did one librarian officially put the "not recommended to purchase" stamp on STUART LITTLE? How many times is he cry through the last chapter of the CW's audiobook? Read this and you'll know! #kidlit

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More great writing advice!

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Good stuff from E.B. White on writing. #kidlit

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The making of the perfect first line!

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Glad I have this to fall back on!

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currently reading

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From the same illustrator who magicked The Right Word, the Caldecott-winning biography of Peter Roget, this is a gorgeous tribute to the life and writings of E. B. White. Just wonderful.

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Stopped at Barnes & Noble for the educator appreciation days and spotted an educato's guide for this title. Lucky for me... They had a copy of the book! And no, it is not for school OR my daughter (but she can borrow it!)

BookishMarginalia We got this in the mail this week too! 8y
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So excited about this one. I ❤️ Melissa Sweet's work.

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