#bookquote "No Alyssa," she explained. "I mean, I know what you are."
#bookquote "No Alyssa," she explained. "I mean, I know what you are."
In honour of #InternationalWomensDay, repost of Alyssa 'teaching manners' from book 1.
"They may slay my mortal body, but time is on my side and I shall spend it well."
This series just continues to deliver. I have read many of Gav's previous works and they're good. But this was a step up. He's always had a particular skill with characters and dialogue, this took that to a new level. Exceptional writing, top marks.
Back on the reading wagon!
* Italy 43 To 44
* Just say no
* Iron within iron without
* The sleeper must awaken!
* Looks like meats back on the menu boys!
#reader #readersofinstagram #writersofinstagram #writerslife #lotr #dune #horusheresy #wwii #theartofsayingno
This is the best WW2 history book I have ever read, and I have read quite a lot! I was absolutely astounded by everything in this book. The detail, the passion, the narrative. Richard Atkinson has taken the magnifying glass to this sometimes overlooked aspect of the desert war; when American entered the war and learnt her deadly trade. Everything is precise and flows from the pages. I couldnt put it down. Exceptional.
I'm a massive S.T.A.L.K.E.R fan so this was required reading for me. I was not disappointed. Simple, easy to learn skirmish rules with a Soviet style post-apocalypse flavour. It lends itself very much to narrative campaign play as you and your crew explore 'the Zone' battling both other teams and the Zone itself. Excellent. Hats off to the author and illustrator, well done.
Exceptionally well written and researched, this is a sadly necessary book in Northern Ireland. Necessary because our civil servants and politicians had to be held to account for the RHI mistakes. To quote the book, the sequence of events is like something out of 'in the thick of it'. Mistake after mistake, both products of individual decisions and the systems of governance themselves. A must read, plenty of lessons to be learnt.
Nick Page once again fills in some of the blanks in the story of early Christianity. In this book, he concentrates on the Gospels and expertly weaves both the biblical account and the historical to give a complete picture of the life and times of Christ and his followers. The detail is well research and easy to grasp, and certainly helped explain many of the stories around Jesus and his followers. A must read.
I didn't know quite how Guy Haley would follow John French's excellent 'The Solar War', but follow it he did! The story is every bit as epic as it's predecessor and delivers on drama, action and intrigue. This series is setting a very high bar. Exceptional writing, amazing story. A very worth while read.
This is without doubt one of the best books I have ever read. Despite the original being written back in the 60's, it's story is as relevant today as it was then. A soldier who came to Christ, and took on a mission of global importance. A faith tested and refined under almost unbelievable circumstances. A life, devoted to a single task; supporting persecuted Christians. This is an amazing story. Read it.
This is an exceptional book. John Lennox proves once again that he is an exceedingly talented writer and researcher. With conviction and skill he addresses many detailed questions around both the Christian faith, and science, providing a detailed rebuttal to the likes of Professor Dawkins as well as a compelling and intelligent argument for the existence of God.
It's not that Ghost Archipelago tops Frost Grave, but it is definitely it's equal. Rather than just move the mechanics to a 'warmer climate', Ghost Archipelago offers a suitably different gaming experience. Rather than avoiding combat, as with Frost Grave wizards, your Wardens can be customized to be actively seeking it out! The scenarios, crew, treasures and awards are all suitably different. If you loved Frost Grave, this is for you.
This is a resounding 'beginning of the end' for the Hours Heresy series. John French has managed to not only write a personal story, involving much loved characters, but also a system wide conflict involving dozens of fleet engagements and thousands of ships. The story is a grand epic, a worthy starting point for the Siege of Terra. A must read.
This was an exceptional book. A detailed, personal account that gives an insight into the patience and determination required for such important negotiations. It's a day by day, sometimes hour by hour story of the journey to peace in Northern Ireland, with plenty of odd little anecdotes thrown in. A must read.
This is the first Robert Harris novel I have read, and will certainly not be the last. He has written a detailed political drama that is deep, passionate, and full of strange and intriguing characters, most of whom actually existed! From great generals to grand orators Robert gives them all sufficient screen time and the story is driven forward with wonderful twists and turns. And it's the first in a trilogy; I cannot wait to read the rest of them
A very interesting read, taking the many aspects of the invasion that never was. Leaving the actual Battle of Britian, Peter Fleming instead concentrates on the politics and plans of the two sides. What the Germany forces really thought of the plan, and how britian adapted. The unusual counter invasion plans made and what eventually became of the grand enterprise itself.
I have read many books about Field Marshal Montgomery. They have been critical of both his tactics and character, but have not covered his talents as a soldier and his achievements. This book, tells both sides. Of the odd character who never accepted that he could be wrong. But also the seasoned professional, exceptional trainer and motivator of men and a man who ultimately helped the allies win the war.
This is a short but very interesting book, taken from one of JK Rowling's speechs during a Harvard University commencement speech. It is an honest admission of the difficulties she faced in becoming published, and how she overcame these difficulties. A good read for any aspiring author.
I have some more reading to do. Then, some writing...
#writersofinstagram #writer #amwriting #writerslife #peptalks #writerstoolbox #wonderbook
Another exceptional read from Guy Haley who is quickly jumping into my top 10 authors. With skill Guy writes both the personal story of individual Titan crews, and the grand drama of a vast, brutal war of God Machines against God Machines. Horus Heresy readers will be thrilled by the set pieces, technology and attention to detail. A must for any fan before the grand finale of "The Solar War" .
As always, Dale Ralph Davies delivers a thoughtful, historical, intelligent, detail and spiritual journey through the 'Games of Thrones' era of 2nd Kings. His stories and teachings are spot on and a joy to read. A must have for any Christian seeking to learn more.
Exceptional. Exactly what I needed for editing my own manuscripts and has, I believe, improved my writing. I would highly recommend for new and existing writers. A must have.
An excellent daily bible reading guide. Perfect for parents, and worth a read.
An excellent and well written 'what if' campaign book for Bolt Action. It lays some basic alternative history ground work, then provides plenty of gaming variety for both the defenders of the British Isles, and their opponents. A good buy for something a little different.
The bullet journal method is an excellent and highly adaptive life-organising methodology. This book, provides not only the basics required for beginners to make use of it, but also a extensive collection of hints and tips for veterans in expanding the use of their own Bullet Journals. Highly recommended.
This book does exactly what it says on the tin, for the stories truly are heralds of the final epic siege of Terra. So many story threads are brought together, on both the loyalist and traitor side. Anyone following the series, particularly from the very beginning, will be very pleased. Well worth the read.
"You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do, say and think."
Marcus Aurelius
This excellent historical book covers the attack on the West Wall, Hitlers last defensive obstacle in the west. It covers in detail the battles in Hurtgen forest and beyond, when Patton finally crossed the Rhine. It is a fitting tribute to the men who died, on both sides, in those terrible battles.
If you want to know how to write bible reading notes, read one of Dale Ralph Davis books. The research, both biblical and historical, is there, as well as the personal touch and the sometimes needed humour. This was a joy to read day by day, I would recommend for anyone.
Perhaps overlooked due to his later books like 'Stalingrad' , Crete 1941 is just as good as any of his historical epics. The plans, the battle and the aftermath are all discussed and outlined in detail. The bizarre orders, human endeavours, reversals of fortune and plain bad luck that dogged both sides; they all play there part. Read it.
Antony Beevor has an incredible ability when it comes to research and writing. D-day is another exceptional example of this, with detailed analysis of this War defining event and its immediate aftermath. Not just the military but political and at times personal impact of D-day are laid bare in his well researched writing. A must have for WW2 enthusiasts and in my humble opinion, his best work.
I remember reading this several years ago, not long after reading Stalingrad. As with all of Antony Beevor's books it is packed with detail, from personal accounts to the statistics of losses on both sides. It begins as the last battles of the war in Europe are played out and the end of the Nazi regime is nigh. The book is at times brutal in its honestly, but this is necessary for this climatic battle. A must read.
As usual, Antony Beevor delivers a detailed, thoughtful and deeply researched book. Previously I would have counted D-day as his best work but Arnhem now ranks as a close second in my mind, even above the legendry Stalingrad. Personal accounts mix seamlessly with grand strategy and the whole book feels tightly written with every aspect of the battle covered with respect and care. Well worth it.
As usual, Antony Beevor delivers a detailed, thoughtful and deeply researched book. Previously I would have counted D-day as his best work but Arnhem now ranks as a close second in my mind, even above the legendry Stalingrad. Personal accounts mix seamlessly with grand strategy and the whole book feels tightly written with every aspect of the battle covered with respect and care. Well worth it.
An excellent book on the soviet experience in Afghanistan.
A detailed thoughtful story of what happened after the terrible tragedy of the Russian submarine Kursk sinking. The plans to raise her, as well as the equipment and people involved are all covered. An excellent read.
A exceptionally detailed examination of the Spanish Armada. Commanders, tactics, technology, politics. It's all there in thought provoking detail and very well told. A must read for any history buff.
Excellent. Very well researched and written in a very accessible way. I'd recommend for any first time parents. Definitely worth a read for a lot of very good ideas and plans.
A sharp, well written and deep skirmish war gaming book. It's sci-fi theme will remind you of 'infinity' but with greater emphasis on individualising each character and creating a continuous narrative. A good buy.
An excellent Warhammer 40k story. Fast paced, action packed with a cast of well realised characters. If you like the Alpha Legion and like a bit of special forces style intrigue, this is an excellent book.
Scary how close victory was during this battle...
He's done it again. A masterpiece of Warhammer 40k fiction. A deep, riveting, action packed, intelligent, compelling , sequel to The Talon of Horus. If you are a Warhammer fan, particularly a Chaos player, this is an exceptional read.
This...this is pure writing genius. Every paragraph feels hand crafted. If you are anyway interested in Warhammer 40k, read this.
This is a slow burn book, but worth the time. I'm on page 100 now and it's characters are coming into there own.
This is the book I've been looking for. I've read simular books on the Chechen wars but they've either been from the Russian perspective or only covered the conflict in passing. This book covers the exact tactics adapted by the Chechen fighters during two brutal wars. There is no political aspect here. It simply deals with how they fought. Small unit tactics, ambushes, sniper work; it's all here. An must read for those interested in modern tactics
A very good prologue book to the current series of films. It's well written and very interesting, worth a look definitely.
This may as well be called 'Antony Beevor's big book of war.' It covers every battle, every action, every political and military victory and defeat. Yet despite spanning the entire conflict, and including the brutal battles of Asia and the eastern front, it still manages to provide so many personal stories of those caught up in the most brutal war mankind has ever fought. A must read.
A stunning, brutal, detailed story of one of the wars most harrowing battles, from start to finish. It makes for grim yet interesting reading for anyone interested in World War 2, particularly the battles on the eastern front.