This was a great novel, so many well developed characters and you really peel back the layers of what it might have been like for Korean immigrants and Japanese born Koreans during the war and the stigma that still continues today. Very eye opening, I thought it had too much sex initially, but after reading it thru it adds to the rawness of the story and makes the characters feel more real. I loved pachinko and couldn‘t put it down.
Great writing, lots of hidden meanings I‘m not great at with novels but I did enjoy the story and the lessons.
Great nonfiction that read like a mystery fiction novel! Writing is spot on. This true story account is .... there are no words to describe the atrocities the Osage tribe endured. I hope you pay them the respect they deserve to read their story.
10,000 people died! 5 times as many of the titanic, but because they were Germans deaths during ww2 nobody knows about it. I read Ruta Septys “Salt to Sea”, and wanted to learn more about the true story. Shocking survival stories. Makes titanic look like a breeze.
This book is the true story of the Bielski brothers, if you‘ve seen the movie Defiance with Daniel Craig... the movie is based on them. Amazing story, and great writing. Shocking accounts of survival, just fascinating.
Great read if you‘d like more personal accounts of what happened on the Serbian death marches during ww2, in the epilogue the author tells most of the eye witness accounts were based off of real stories, even though the characters are fictional. Also recommend her other book Salt to Sea
Been trying to get more into classic literature, this book for me was a good read, had its ups and downs but all the whole and moving works.
Couldn‘t put this one down, another great story into the life of Edith Hahn living under Nazi regime as a Jew. You really get to know Edith in depth, and a bit of the curtain behind the psychology of what went on is understood. I‘ve always wondered what the German people thought and how the events lead to one tragedy after another. This books helps you understand.
What‘s not to love about this Biscuit of a horse. Touched my heart learning of him and all his quirks, I fell in love with him and in the end he fell in love with everyone around him. This is one of my favorite authors, also loved book Unbroken, I wish the author could write more. Thanks Laura Hillenbrand, your words make Seabiscuit live on in our hearts forever.
Great story telling! And if you want a history lesson in maritime vessels during World War Two, this is a must read. Loved the writing, I have picked out another of the authors books to add to my list.
Loved this book, I thoroughly enjoyed unbroken as well... I learned a lot more about rowing then I had anticipated but by the end of the book I could comprehend why all the elements were essential to describing the outcome. Loved every page.
Great historical fiction read. Does a good job at telling the story from two different sides, and has awesome imagery and hidden meanings throughout.
Love this author and love this classic novel. Should be required reading.
This book changed a lot about what I decide to read now. My first book transitioning from fiction into nonfiction, I was completely enthralled with this book from beginning to end. Such vivid descriptions of what actually took place. This is now what I spend the majority of my time reading, historical nonfiction. The movie was an awful take on the book however.
Wonderful book, great characters , and I enjoyed how it follows the course of the war.
What‘s not to love about this iconic book. Don‘t watch the movie first :)
Very good writing, great characters, and really felt like a part of history even it being a novel.
One of my first historical fiction novels, I enjoyed the book. Was confusing at first as it jumps from times and places and changes the narratives often.