Perfect. Just perfect. Sarah J. Maas knows how to torment me and make me incredibly happy all at once. This series is so beautifully written. One of my favorites no doubt.🖤🖤🖤🖤
Perfect. Just perfect. Sarah J. Maas knows how to torment me and make me incredibly happy all at once. This series is so beautifully written. One of my favorites no doubt.🖤🖤🖤🖤
Psycho has been one of my favorite horror movies for quite some time! So when my boyfriend bought me the book Hitchcock used to make the film I was overjoyed! Hitchcock stayed true to the book! I wish I read it before the movie because I already knew the plot twists! Still a great suspense book!
This fictional telling of the story of Jack the Ripper was so interesting! It started off a bit slow, and I had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the 19th century lexicon but after I adapted to it I loved it! The main character is brave and bold. Especially being a woman during this time period with a career choice that many frowned upon. It's a great who dunnit. 🔎📰
Cute read :) I really liked! It was a feel good read with some intense lessons at the end. The ending was perfect for the message Matson wanted!
Absolutely magnificient. This story told a part of history that many do not know about, including myself. It was emotional, heartbreaking, and just simply genius. Thank you Ruta Sepetys.
One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books! Tahereh Mafi has such a way with words. I personally related to Juliette (minus the whole touch me and you will die thing) on so many levels. The character development in this series is outstanding!