Sick in the Head is a perfect read for anyone who needs a book they can pick up and put down at will. Like, for example, if you just got two puppies! It is filled with short, wildly informative, interviews with comedians!
Sick in the Head is a perfect read for anyone who needs a book they can pick up and put down at will. Like, for example, if you just got two puppies! It is filled with short, wildly informative, interviews with comedians!
Franny and Zooey blew my mind. I loved Catcher in the Rye in High School, but I honestly didn't expected to be as affected as I was by this J.D. Salinger. Loved every second and can't stop thinking about it. #usedbooks #mustread
Any fan of King and/or historical fiction will flip over this book. King brings his best and you find yourself pulled in and away. Highly recommended!
Legend is great for anyone missing The Hunger Games!!!!