This is my favorite John Scalzi book. Fun, well written. I have both audio books too :) can't wait for him to make a sequel!
This is my favorite John Scalzi book. Fun, well written. I have both audio books too :) can't wait for him to make a sequel!
Quite a bit of fun, but somehow not as satisfying as the original Sherlock Holmes novels. I really wanted that magical feeling back, but may be I am setting the bar too high? Or may be not, given the mini TV series was so amazingly well done.
An educational read. The first half was history of satellites, cellphones and Motorola. Very interesting, best part of the book. The second half takes place in the last two decades and is the story of Iridium after it launched. It felt a little too long to me.
Recently finished reading Uprooted, after I took a pause in the middle, this is why my sister, who started reading it after me, did finish before me. #ReadingWithMySister is one of the best things in life.