Look what cane today! Sasha investigating. #thegirls #emmacline #eleanoroliphantiscompletelyfine #gailhoneyman #thewomaninthewindow #ajfinn #botm #bookofthemonthclub
Look what cane today! Sasha investigating. #thegirls #emmacline #eleanoroliphantiscompletelyfine #gailhoneyman #thewomaninthewindow #ajfinn #botm #bookofthemonthclub
This is my first book read for 2018 and I read it in one day. I wish I had relationships like Claudia has with her family and friends and that I was as witty and smart as her. The drama of high school theater productions is spot on as well as social class differences in the students and loneliness of going to a high school different from the one all of your friends that you have know forever are going to. #owlcrate #foolishhearts #emmamills
This is not a book you pick up for a quick read. This is meant to be savored. The sequel of The Bear and the Nightingale, you definitely need to read the first book in order to understand the consequences and meaning behind what is going on in this book. If you loved the first book, you will love and be even more invested in the characters in this book. I received a free advanced copy of this book for review consideration. #thegirlinthetower
Conspiracy-theory, fugitive from the law, car chase books aren't my usual choice of reading material but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters' quick wit and banter make them entertaining and enduring. I would definitely recommend. This is the second book in the series but I did not read the first and I do not feel like I missed anything. I received a free advanced copy of this book for review consideration. #burningbright #nickpetrie
#DaisyGoodwin did a great job of conveying how little control #QueenVictoria actually had over her life and how she was manipulated and controlled even after she was queen and you felt the frustration and anger she felt. I am glad she started to grow into her role and started to mature as the book progressed though I felt she was still a little frivolous, acted childish at times, and was clingy to the point of being annoying towards the end.
#TheOtherEinstein is a work of fiction but #MarieBenedict did base ideas and plot of the story from the letters the Einsteins wrote to each other, friends, and colleagues so there is no definitive proof that Mitza did collaborate or actually came up with any of Einstein's theories and deserves credit. Albert Einstein was put up on a pedestal by the world for his groundbreaking theories that changed science forever but he was a very flawed human.
Spooky. Paranormal. Angsty. The mystery of the #Mathers and #theDescendants curse kept me turning the pages. There was the perfect mix of witches/ghosts/premonition/history/folklore. I loved all the history and backstories that seemed to tie in at the end. Overall, I liked that the moral of the story for the witch trials and modern day bullying were connected and made me think about causes/prevention of both. #HowtoHangaWitch #AdrianaMather
Angelology with the hunt of an ancient artifact with some young adult romance is how I would best describe this book. I enjoyed the background information given about the angel hierarchy, the Book of Enoch, and the "untold history" from biblical times the author spun to make the plot of this story. The mysterious elements of Hope's Mark and her mission gradually unfolding made the book fly by when I had chance to sit down and read it. #darkhope
This book drew me in quick. I probably would have read it in one day if I had enough time to just sit and read all day. This creepy story has you questioning what everyone, including Krya, has in their past and everything you thought you knew about all the characters. Well-written and submersive plot kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what really happened in the last 4 years and whose story/memories can you really trust? #thetwilightwife