Not bad but not that great either mainly because there is not a constant pace in the story and some time this makes it difficult to get the point the authors is trying to make. #2022
Not bad but not that great either mainly because there is not a constant pace in the story and some time this makes it difficult to get the point the authors is trying to make. #2022
A good book, interesting to read and to rediscover what was going on with the youngsters during the sixties and seventies: so much passion and wish to do things and change the world that we do not see nowadays. Easy to read, sometime confusing with names and references to people that disappear from the narrative for sometime and then they‘re back. #2022
I don‘t know what to say, difficult to make sense of the story to me, maybe translation in Italian did not help to make sense of the humor, but for sure the only reason I was able to finish it is because is short….#2022
Maybe I am missing something but all these good words about this author are not really justified in my view: not easy to follow up the story, a lot of things are to be guessed, and not clear to the end. The plot is interesting but writing has some gaps in the narrative. #2021
Short stories, easy reading and intriguing at least some of them. Recami, Simi and Manzini were my preferred ones. All of them have at least one reference to Camilleri/Montalbano being this the first of the series without him…….and you feel it. #2022
Good reading to start knowing the background of Petra that I haven‘t read, yet. #2022
Easy reading to remember about those times around end of the 60‘s, a lot things going on, and football was among the ones that interested everybody.not so interesting is in those parts with all the details about football players of those years …..#2021
Finished in one week, last book read in #2021. Was interesting reading, noir, criminal stories developing in the 70‘s mixed with political struggle going on at that time in Milan, center of Italian Business. I had almost forgot how much was going on that time…..
Louise Penny surprised me. Was first book by her but will no be last, for sure. Very intriguing, complex way of putting life stories together and make it sound so real. #2021
First time reading Alicia, and the book left me with such a good feeling that I‘m looking forward to start the Pedra series. The book is very well written, flows well, and the story is so different! #2021
Read it just after the 1st part and I was not disappointed. it does not flow easily as the 1st but still very informative about last part of WWII in Italy and pst war period. #2021
The type of book that talk about history without you realise it. The added value comes from the cultural heritage that goes with the people wherever they move to: dialects are part of this, together family traditions and “low profile” characters from remote villages. Well written and reach of references and research make it more than worth reading, a pleasure. #2021
Great book! The result of in depth research for each metropolis, the reading brings you easily back and forth to 7000 year ago to nowadays, revealing interesting information about the impact that each one of them had on human history. #2021
An amazing book, with a central amazing story but so many others intersecting each other with different characters that leave you without breath till the very last page. A must read! Looking forward to read next Valerie Perrin book….#2021
Vietnam, seen through the eyes of a family that reflects all the struggles the country went through in the 20th century. So much suffering compensated by so much sweetness and love. #2021
Something different, a family story through the last 3 centuries in northern Italy, bringing along the history of a country that has not changed so much. #2021
Great book, easy and very interesting to read notwithstanding the matter is not easy. A very broad and comprehensive section of notes and references to deepen all the subjects. #2021
Not easy to read , a story very sad and complex crossing of feelings and personalities involved, not very credible. #2021
A very interesting narrative about the start of the Offshore exploration for hydrocarbon in Ghana. A struggling personal story affected by the politics penetrating the business. #2021
A long story with a lot of interesting characters along two centuries of history of Italy. Nice plot but the pace is not all the same and gets better toward the end. #2021
Bought the book at the airport not knowing the author even though is ver well know being the book the last about the Commissario Balistrieri. Another interesting commissario with a background not so “clean” but always so present on all his actions and choices. Da molto lontano just loses momentum towards and the end too many death and cruelty is inserted throughout the story not adding too much about the already well delineated characters. #2021
Manzini writing a story without Rocco Schiavone: I was worried about being disappointed but actually read it all once. Very intense deep book about life and death forgiveness and hate that make you think a lot. #2021
The first book I read by Scott Turow and really interested in reading about a title that I‘ve heard about a lot also because of the movie. Very very well written and I think is going to become one of my favourite authors of genere. #2020
The book closes the Penguin series about the history of Europe. I read few of them like the latest two by Ian Kershaw, a great historian that makes history easy to read understand and interesting while you learn. #2020
Well, what to say, a nice surprise: a genuine non fiction story through a full century, from WWI to date making a poor family from North East Italy grow move die and fight to tell about what Italy has become. #2020
Isabel Allende, what else to say, probably at one of her best book at least among the ones I read. #2020
It takes a few pages before getting involved into the plot but all in all a good story and well written. #2020
Camilleri arranged a story written for a movie to a novel by Commissario Montalbano. The pace is not the same as in another books and the story itself a doesn‘t stand so much together.....not one of its best for sure. #2020
Great book by Camilleri, a very intriguing plot which sees Commissario Montalbano involved with deep personal troubles.....but not trouble enough to stop him from solving another case. #2020
1st book by Giovanni Ricciardi I read and must say was good reading, nice plot and interesting characters. #2020
That is supposed to be the last one about Commissario Montalbano, very different the way the story develops and ends with the contribution of the author interacting with him...#2020
Nice book, nice reading about Florio‘s family and a piece of Italian or better Sicilian history. #2020
Long time since I read the other famous book by De Cataldo “Romanzo Criminale”: this one is a different pace very well written as well entering into the mess of the relationship between state/government representatives and mafia, business and politics, at the birth of the so called “second republic” in Italy. Good reading, by the way. #2020
My first book by Svetlana, must say a different writing but very involving and very real. I cannot imagine a more effective way of rendering all the drama behind Russian culture and recent history. Having lived in Moscow for 5 years I can now understand better why of certain things and faces! #2020
I found it as eBook and the title was not thai intriguing but as I scanned through it and started reading it was not possible to stop till the end. While reading I also watched the HBO series and was even more motivated to get to the end. Well written and informative, definitively. #2020
A very well known title and movie but never thought about reading it. I must admit that it was a nice surprise: short but very intense. #2020
Simenon, pure Simenon. A simple story but so dramatic and such an introspective character, this man that looked the train pass by. It seems that you can really be in his mind and his sickness, almost scaring. #2020
Short story but incredibly involving. Few books with many more pages cannot feature such kind of characters. Will read few others by Sepulveda. #2020
Impressive the way the book is written: a style that for being written a century ago is very impressive...but not very easy to get through the end. All these stories crossing each other back and forth make New Your look like a little village where everybody knows everybody, rich and poor and despised. #2020
4th book in a row by Graham Greene, not so easy to read and the story doesn‘t flow so easily. I do not know if it was because of the translation. #2020
This is the third book in a row by Graham Greene that I read ..... and must say it‘s a shame I did not read anything by this great writer before. A plot that starts out in a very calm and slow motion rendering very well what was Havana and Cuba before revolution, and the non sense of the Cold War spying business. #2020
Great story and great reading such that is hard to stop.... till the very end with a surprising turnaround. #2020