Just started The Water Witch! I'm excited to see how it goes!
Just started The Water Witch! I'm excited to see how it goes!
Finished with The Demon Lover last night! Can't wait to read the sequels!
Not sure yet whether I'm gonna enjoy this one or not...
Nearly finished and don't want it to end. Luckily, I have the two sequels!
Read this one and while I enjoyed parts of it, I left it feeling a little bit let down. :/
I called the twist, but I really really don't want it to end the way it is!
Since I finished rereading A Discovery of Witches, I moved onto rereading Shadow of Night. Because I'm still hopelessly in love with this series.
Probably one of my absolute recent favourited. I've read it twice and it still makes my heart flutter, lol. I'm in love with both of the leads.
Since I'm feeling... not myself, I'm rereading one of my favourite books, A Discovery of Witches.
Started reading Armada and not sure what I think of it. :/