I FINALLY made it into Powell's Indiespensibles!! *happy sigh*
I FINALLY made it into Powell's Indiespensibles!! *happy sigh*
A cup of tea, air conditioning, and THIS
My run of incredible books has come to an end! This was a DNF for me, although I can understand why others would like it. Maybe it was just not the right time for me.
This is now tied with The Redemption of Galen Pike for my favorite collection of short stories ever. The writing is amazing and they evoke an incredible sense of time and mood. Even though many of them are dark, they were still like comfort food to me because I disappeared into the author's world
From the opening chapter of Grunt... (Mary Roach is a national treasure...)
This book affected me emotionally about 75 times more than A Little Life. Absolutely brilliant and deeply unsettling. Wish I could talk about it with many others.
Holiday weekend, sittin' by the pool, about to start this little gem. Also, wine.
What a fantastic book. Lisa McInerney can write dialect like WHAAAA?!?