LOL, I thought I was going to get things done tonight.
LOL, I thought I was going to get things done tonight.
Hey @Litsy what if there was an option - for those of us who are lazy and/or not arty photo experts - to auto-include book covers in our posts? I keep not posting bc no one cares about no image posts but I often don't have the book I want to talk about on my person.
(Also, LIFE DEBT was great and I'm still thinking about it.)
Did I pick my next read for its epigraph? You bet I did. (Also because Elizabeth Hand is a genius, of course.)
A fun Friday photo for @Liberty who has seen this - and most of my pictures of Halo interrupting and/or supporting my reading - before! It was hard to pick but I had to go for the book in which I (kind of) (briefly) appear as a character. ♥️
Ellis on the future - which is the present, since this is from around 2008 - is one of my favorite things. More, please.
Liked all the details, the connections, the families, the bits of other stories, but just couldn't get into the central romance.
I really didn't expect to be addicted to a story about how crappy it was to be a teenager in love hundreds of years ago, but I ordered the sequel before I was even finished with part one. So great.
Read in two days & would like to start over again immediately. She's amazing.
If you would like to write the next great dystopia, this book should be on your reading list.
I don't recommend finishing this one when you're home alone at night. So creepy, so great.
This week's no-I-will-not-cry-in-public reading. It ended exactly like it was always going to end. Not my favorite book in the series, but I will miss these characters a lot.
SO EXCITED to add this beauty to my collection.
Many of the pieces in here were once blog posts I'd already read, but that familiarity just made the experience of reading this - mostly on the subway - oddly comforting. And ass-kicking at the same time.
I was a total nerd for Arthur stories as a young'un and I always wanted to read this but never managed to. So I picked it for WORD's classics book group (this is the year of international classics). We'll see if anyone shows up! (This is Molly Code for WHAT HAVE I DONE.)
I have a burning need to talk about this book, which I finished last night and which made me think a lot of thoughts about Star Wars books in general. But mostly I AM MAD ABOUT THIS BOOK but I LOVE Asajj Ventress. #conflictedfeels
When you are supposed to be sending a review copy to someone else but it just ... falls into your bag on the way out the office door.
Everything else goes on forever.