My final pick for the 2016 #2016readharderchallenge can't wait to start!
My final pick for the 2016 #2016readharderchallenge can't wait to start!
I picked this up because every review I came across likened it to Black Mirror and it did not disappoint. (If you haven't watched Black Mirror, go do it!) This collection of short stories explores the impact of technology and our treatment of the environment in the not so distant or improbable future. The stories I enjoyed the most examined how relationships are affected by future technology.
Best way to relax after camping and a birthday party for a 5 yr old.
I read this for the horror book challenge for the #2016ReadHarderChallenge. I tried to read it and tried to listen to it. Horror just isn't my thing. It wasn't suspenseful, which is a good thing in my book, and only a little gruesome. Great concept, awful reader (unless monotone readers are your thing). The best bits were the sample Orsk catalog bits, highly amusing. Definitely one to read and not listen to.
Struggling with the Horror Story #2016readharderchallenge. It's too scary, but slightly amusing. I'm a wuss when it comes to horror.
Giant Days is just how I like my graphic novels; funny and feminist. It's charming and the characters are super relatable. I'm also a sucker for lady friendship stories. I just can't wait to watch them grow together. It gave me the same freshman fuzzies I got from reading Fangirl.
Giant Days is just how I like my graphic novels; funny and feminist. It's charming and the characters are super relatable. It gave me the same freshman fuzzies I got from reading Fangirl.
"I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end." -Luna Lovegood
We are not sent into the world to air our moral prejudices.
The diversity I have been craving in YA urban fantasy has been filled. Please, sir, can I have some more? No, really. I want more!
Such a sweet and simple way of understanding emotions when a loved one dies. A book for any age that will warm the heart and make you shed a small tear.
I cannot wait to dive into this suffragette's biography. She sounds like a fascinating woman. Sorry, Hamilton, you're on the back burner for now.
Go back a few centuries and they are in their full glory - but I am in Africa, watching the conquerors arrive.