I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sandcastles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skill is their capacity to escalate.
I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sandcastles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skill is their capacity to escalate.
I stopped watching for the ridicule, the scorpion's tail hidden in his words. He said what he meant; he was puzzled if you did not. Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart?
You worry about them, he told me, not about yourself, and when one of your soldiers tells you his uncle died of a heart attack and you see the pain in the whites of his eyes, suddenly you hurt, too, way deep down inside. The truth is, I wanted to suffer from that kind of sick love. I swear it, I really tried.
But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.