Very much enjoyed this one. It‘s very relatable if you‘ve ever felt like an outcast. Great first book of 2018!
Very much enjoyed this one. It‘s very relatable if you‘ve ever felt like an outcast. Great first book of 2018!
Once again... great ideas... not so great execution. Very disappointed in this one.
I started off being completely into this one. I love a good thriller even though this one felt familiar (as they all seem to lately) but I was into it until I hit somewhere around the halfway mark and it derailed big time. I feel like the ending was rushed and scattered and it felt very sloppy. In an overcrowded market of thrillers, this one isn‘t a stand out. Meh.
I‘m frantically telling everyone I cross paths with to read this book... as well as “Between the World and Me”.
Unexpected treasure. Very refreshing set of stories, beautifully written. The stories all felt like different voices but I still felt like they all connected. I‘m usually very dissatisfied with short stories but not these. I‘ll probably pick up a copy for myself for Christmas.
Ooh I was in the mood for a good adventure story and this one did not disappoint.
Really intriguing topic and a quick engaging read.
"Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize as food" A good rule of thumb when choosing items at the supermarket.
This one made me feel like I was on one long acid trip and I actually kind of loved it. I don't know why it took me so long to get around to reading it.
Finally getting started on All About Love tonight. I adore bell hooks, this should be a good one.
"Insanity is contagious" and that's exactly how I feel reading Catch-22. I'm really starting to like it.