"Who would have thought she would experience this horror at a church camp?" My thoughts exactly the entire time I've been reading this book!
"Who would have thought she would experience this horror at a church camp?" My thoughts exactly the entire time I've been reading this book!
The foyer is my reading room of choice this morning. Fawning over all the blooms on this cover before I spend an afternoon in the yard.
I am only 16 pages into this book and am very intrigued. Getting some reading in while I bake some chicken, taters and green beans for lunch for the next couple of days.
Worked in the yard and garage for several hours today. Turning in early on a Sunday night with this beauty I picked up from the local library book sale.
Taking a little break this week from reading Weavers Needle to do a little writing instead. Making some changes to a book I wrote back in 2010. Can't believe it's been that long!
Seriously y'all?! I'm 0-2 today. Not sure how I didn't catch it when I skimmed the summary and grabbed this from the clearance rack.... but I've already read this one too 😂
When you finally decide what to read next, go to put you're reading it on Goodreads, and realize you read it three years ago 😂
Thank goodness for Sunday. My favorite Harry Potter movie is coming on and I'm about to finish this book.
Saturday night. Girl Scout cookies, iced coffee, heat, book.
These brownies are supposed to be for after dinner.... but brownies and books just sound good together.
Monday's are always late nights for us. Finally curling up with the bedtime essentials.
When Kmart is closing and everything is on sale...
The snow has set in for the evening. Came straight home from work and cozied up by the fire place. I cannot get enough of this book. Need to get the rest of the series ordered!
Getting in a little reading with my breakfast before the Christmas take down resumes.
And the first book of 2017 is..... Wanted something sparkly to start off the new year
Tomorrow we will clean and take down decorations. Today, the hardest decision I'm making is which book will be my first of 2017.
By far one of the best books I've read in a long time. Twists and turns from start to finish, some predictable, some unexpected. Definitely one that makes you think about what you would do if you were in the characters shoes. Would be a fantastic movie! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Three reasons why guys open doors for girls - even though they know their girl can do it herself. ❤️❤️❤️
Put the Halloween books away and started reading new holiday books this morning. 🎅🏼❤️
Where my love for spooky began! These would keep me up at night but I devoured them!
The Beast has been setting #relationshipgoals since 1991.
This was a nice little haunting read to kick off fall and Halloween festivities. I really like the characters in the book, however they push the limits of being plum crazy and trying to solve a crime themselves. I had a pretty good idea who the killer was, but the book kept me reading until the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It's 85 degrees in October. So I'm doing nothing tonight but sitting outside and reading.
When you go to Walmart and take pictures of all the books you don't want to forget you want to read.
There's nothing on the radar but it's been misting all morning. So I'm in the truck with my pudding and my book while Dustin plays ball.
A long drive calls for an audio book.
Cuddled up on a chilly Friday night. This is one of the best books I've read in a long time!
A missing girl. Set in England. Ties to the Royal family. I'm in!
Most of the book I really enjoyed. I liked the characters. How the story was narrated. And the story line. Until the end. There was quite a build up throughout the whole book with a couple of story lines. One of them ended strongly. The other fell flat for me, but I understand why the author went in that direction. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Doing a little camo business today with my man. Of course I brought a couple of books.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is one of our favorite bedtime stories. So glad my dad kept all of my books from when I was her age 💗
Im the girl who reads at the salon while my color sets.
Ending our long weekend with his and hers reading in our reading chair in our bedroom in front of our little fire place ❤️
Up early(ish) on a Saturday morning. Got my book and coffee to get through drying my hair.
Kicking off the long Labor Day weekend with my feet kicked up reading a little Mary.
Mountains and new books. Great weekend with my man in Virginia.
The first thing I always do at the book store is look for the book I'm reading. Didn't take long to find this one in the new book section at Barnes and Noble today.
I've been studying hardcore the past couple of weeks. The only time I get to read Missing, Presumed is while I am drying my hair in the morning. Squeezing in every second. And yes, my notes are color coded 🙈
A great mystery. Very action packed. I loved Lilly. I love that she is well before her time. She is strong and courageous and doing something very very few women were doing in that time period. She's definitely one of my favorite characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Vacation changes when you take a 3 year old. Snuck in a little reading time (like 20 pages) and enjoyed every bit of the sun and sand and splashing in the water.
50 great books for toddlers http://myboredtoddler.com/50-great-books-for-toddlers/
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I give this book 4/5 stars because there is nothing wrong with the book itself. It sucks you in, has a good story line, twists and turns and good mystery. However I feel like it's the same story in all of her books. Very familiar if you've read her other series'.
⭐️⭐️⭐️This book was just ok for me. I was intrigued by the summary. I thought the story sounded interesting, but the it fell flat for me for the most part. It took me quite a bit of time to read it and it moved slowly for me. In the end, I was glad I stuck with it and found out who the killer was.
Early morning softball. I may have brought 3 books and our tablet just to be sure I had enough reading to do 😂
A stormy evening with a new book. Trying something new with a different time period.
As I walk into work today, I'm thinking I'd like to turn right back around and enjoy the sunshine and some reading time.