Need to read something else...
Need to read something else...
Merry Christmas to all!
My gift to myself is to abandon both these books. I have so many others I want to read and these just aren't cutting it.
My grandmother made this stocking for me 48 years ago!
Enjoyed the book and currently watching the movie with Baby Girl (her idea-she hasn't read the book). Preparimg for some ugly crying ahead.
Starting my next library book, a nonfiction account of the life of Lettice Knollys. Lettice married Rober Dudley which turned her into Elizabeth's enemy. Complicated family maps and character bios should help me keep track of everyone.
Dont know where I went wrong with this book, but it just didn't grab me. Maybe because I was listening to The Lost Queen and it was so good. Or it could have been the time crunch since I only had a 7 day library loan.
This book is soooooo good I'm actually enjoying #audiowrapping and trying to get some reading time towards #25infive tonight.
And here are the books that I couldn't say no to...
I really, really tried to read all these books before buying or checking out more books. But, I failed. I went to the library looking for a specific book. They didn't have it and I walked out with four other books. One of which is limited to a 7 day loan.
I do have just the two unchecked books left from my original goal.
How is it that each time I read one of Boyne's novels I think "this one is now my favorite"?
And this may be the first time I've read all my BOTM selections within a month of receiving them.
Interesting. Might explain why some books don't work for me in audio.
Listened to the Audible original version which was good, but I don't think Jane Austen works for me in audio. This took me about a month to finish because I kept losing interest.
Started partway through my 8 hour drive home. It's so good! Normally I get tired of listening to an audiobook after an hour or two. Not with this one.
Times Critics‘ Top Books of 2018 https://nyti.ms/2E2Pfse
Haven't read the article yet and probably haven't read most of the books either. Thought I'd share anyway.
Travelling for work. It's so cold here I don't want to go out to dinner with the rest of my group. I just want to come back to my room and read my book. So I bought crackers, brie, fig spread, and the makings for margaritas.
Maybe because our life experiences have been so different, but this collection of essays made me feel sorry for Jessi Klein. She came across to me as judgemental (of herself and others) and unhappy. While she was brutally honest in this book she didn't need to be. For example, I can't help but think her son will not ever want to know she masturbated to porn while pregnant with him. But, what do I know? To each her own.
Looking for a cookbook and noticed this on the shelf at the bookstore. I'm not a fan of Martha Stewart so even P&P can't entice me to contribute to her book royalties.
I've only read the tagged book and must correct that so it's off to the bookstore for me tomorrow!
The 10 Best Books of 2018 https://nyti.ms/2ztLNUE
The President (Kevin Kline) wakes up to a visit from the Angel of Death (Billy Crystal). Much hilarity ensues.
Just a couple hours long so perfect for a short road trip. This was one of my November free Audible selections.
I'm an engineer, so magical realism doesn't always work for me. I like Real. And I like Obvious Magic. Magical elements that make me question accepted reality - not so much. But, I LOVED THIS BOOK. it's based on the founding of Liberia. The desire for freedom by the 3 main characters is also the beginning of the nation's formation. But, like most people grounded in reality I now want to know the "real" story of Liberia.
I love to read by the Christmas tree in the morning before getting ready for work. Only 50 pages left in this book, but I don't think I have enough time to finish it this morning.
Iced coffee sounded good with breakfast today even though it is only 15F outside.
Don't think I'll make it, but this is an ambitious goal for me.
Snow storm on the way? Bring it on. I've got a book and a blanket and no reason to leave the house.
We just dropped Baby Girl off at college. Archie is most sad to see her go.
In my happy place...
What you can't see is The Christmas Chronicles playing on Netflix above the fireplace. It's the most wonderful time of year!
Planning to shop small tomorrow at our local downtown. There are a couple of lovely bookstores I plan to go to.
I love Mizzou football games but I could be home reading a book.
Working my way through my recent purchases. Picked this for my next read because I can't handle the chunkster or another political nonfiction read.
Informative and infuriating. So glad I read this. I highly recommend if you want to be an educated participant in our democracy. That's the only way we can stop the disfranchisement explained in this important book.
I'm giving this a "Pick" because "You Are Missing Out If You Don't Read This" isn't a choice!
I knew this, but this book confirms it - our country is led by hypocrites who talk democracy but do whatever they can to subvert it and retain power. I'm mad.
Hmmm, not sure what to say about this book. This did not read easy for me. Some really long sentences that I had to read more than once. In other places I just skimmed because I was bored. This seemed to diverge from Tana French's usual style, and it didn't work for me.
Waiting at the DMV. Wonder how many pages I'll get read?
Decided to set a goal to read 100 pages each day so I can finish this book before I forget what happened at the beginning. The problem is I hate stopping in the middle of a chapter. So, I'm compromising and stopping at defined breaks. Here's how much I have to read today... and go to work, and finish the laundry, and cook dinner...
Audiobooks are a challenge for me since I don't really have a commute anymore. So I've been listening to this when on the treadmill, which isn't often enough!
I enjoyed this book, plus I learned that John William, author of one of my favorite books, was pretty much an asshole. He went through marriages about as frequently as some people buy cars. He pretty much did what he wanted when he wanted to do it, never mind he had three kids he didn't see that much. Knowing this though doesn't take away from my appreciation of Stoner. Debating whether to read his other two novels.
Friday eve plans - Toasted Coconut Caramel Sundae and a good book.
Apparently John Williams's (author of Stoner) grandfather cautioned him "Don't read so much. You'll make your brain tired."
What a foolish thing to tell a child.
These are my latest purchases that I'm going to make myself finish before buying another book or borrowing anything from the library.
Starting with the tagged book because Stoner is an all time favorite and I want to know more about its author. I'm just afraid I will have a few items from John Williams's backlist to add to my #tbr list.
Natalie and Will met in law school and discussed the perfect way to murder someone on their first date. Years later Natalie takes justice into her own hands, but has to include Will, now her husband, to finish the job.
There are several aspects of the story that didn't ring true, but it is still a page turner. Trigger warning for pedophilia. The topic is given about as soft a treatment as possible, but it's still horrible to think about.
Went to the bookstore today and didn't buy any books, but did make a purchase. Trying to decide which pair of gloves to keep and which to give my daughter in her Christmas stocking. Feeling good I actually have a Christmas gift purchased.
Gillian Flynn Peers Into the Dark Side of Femininity https://nyti.ms/2yWugEs
Yep, posting another link to another article in the New York Times.
Just arrived yesterday and I'm actually going to start the tagged book tonight. Must be a #botm record for me.
A cute modern romance which I finished in less than 2 days (which is quick for me). I have to admit some frustration with the main female character's decisions/behavior. Since this is a common complaint of mine I think it is more a reflection on me than the books I read.
I'm enjoying this book and coffee this morning. Whipped cream always makes for a great start to the day!
Starting this while watching election returns. Fingers crossed I'm happy with both.🤞
Not sure how I missed this scandal when it happened, but so glad I read this nonfiction account of Elizabeth Holmes and her blood testing company Theranos. Prime example of how greed and ambition can drive people to do really bad things.
If the woman pictured ever asks you to invest in her company run away as fast as you can!
The library took its audiobook back before I finished, but I don't mind. Just couldn't get into this audio which happens sometimes with me.
Back at the car dealership to get my stereo software upgraded and excited to start this.
This book takes an investment of time at almost 500 pages, but it is returned to the reader through writing that makes one forget mermaids aren't real. Mr. Hancock comes to own a mermaid baby he puts on display. The fortune he earns allows him to search for another mermaid in the hope of winning favor with Angelica Neal, a well known whore and future Mrs. Hancock. Angelica is the true center of the story which has an evident female theme.