Book haul from today's visit to the Friends of the Library used book store.
Book haul from today's visit to the Friends of the Library used book store.
One of my favorite poems from Pessoa & Co., a book of poems by Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa.
Enjoyable early 1900s Portuguese poetry. Pessoa writes his observations of the natural world, the stars, and his feelings, and philosophical thoughts about the gods and the soul. Reminded me a bit of the Romantic poets.
Great on audio, read by Lin Manuel Miranda. The writing was exceptional and the story was so sweet. There were tears. Many tears. Highly recommend.
These are my top 10 for this year. Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra was outstanding.
Picked up Samurai's Garden and The Road to Escape by Patricia Kiyono at a book release event today! The author kindly signed them for me, and I received a beautiful hand made book bag and bookmark as well. #patriciakiyono #romance #read #books #swag
A lot of my early romance reading was done in secret, as I was a young teen and reading books well beyond my experiences. Reading books like Ghost Fox, Lucky, Knight in Shining Armor, and tons by Johanna Lindsey, Shirlee Busbee, and Kathleen Woodiwiss, plus seeing the movie Cat People, were formative experiences in my youth. 💕
"It is remarkable, when you consider it, all the complicated works we construct to avoid anything that might disturb us or cause us pain. The bulwarks and baffles we build up, the moats and the mazes."
I ate up the earlier 3 Graveyard Queen books. Happy to dig into this one!
"Late one evening I stepped out of my little hut in the rice paddies of eastern Bali and found myself falling through space. Over my head, the black sky was rippling with stars..." I've been captivated by this book from the first sentence.