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Once Upon a River: A Novel
Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
A demonstration of outstanding skills on the river of American literature. Entertainment Weekly "Bonnie Jo Campbell has built her new novel like a modern-day craftsman from the old timbers of our national myths about loners living off the land, rugged tales as perilous as they are alluring. Without sacrificing any of its originality, this story comes bearing the saw marks of classic American literature, the rough-hewn sister of The Leatherstocking Tales, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Walden.Ron Charles, Washington Post
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Day 22 & 23
Once Upon was a book I never expected to like; required for class. After the death of her father, Margo sets off on a journey with her rifle, supplies & beloved Annie Oakley bio. Searching for her mother, she will need all her survival instincts & skills. Will she survive or will the rivers inhabitants chew her alive? I haven‘t read A Drop yet but believe it‘s also about survival.

#whatsonyourshelf #historicalfiction #feminism

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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I grew up in a small town next to a river in Michigan, and this is a terrific book.

1. Nope.

2. Time with my husband, pets, and close friends as autumn turns to winter.

Thanks for the tag, @Sace !

Cosmos_Moon 💜 4y
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Once Upon a River | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Went to my favorite vegan bakery and got some yummy peach pie (because Pi day!) and little miss thing thinks she should get some too. No pie for Elliot cat today, tho. 😹

Wish I‘d had the comfort of pie for the first part of this book. It‘s been a bit of a hard read for me. Looking forward to finishing tonight.

#catsoflitsy #piday

readordierachel Mmm, vegan peach pie sounds delicious! 5y
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Once Upon a River | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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The blurb about this book on Litsy neither does it justice nor accurately describes it, so don‘t let that throw you.

I was blown away by this novel: fantastic writing, wonderful character development, a thought-provoking and tragic storyline, and amazing imagery throughout. It‘s equal parts beautiful and brutal, heartbreaking yet optimistic. Definitely not for those that have need of trigger warnings, but a truly great book.


sprainedbrain It‘s been a long time since I had a #LGPOG book to read, and my gosh, did @Owlizabeth pick an awesome one! ❤️ 5y
Owlizabeth 🥰🥰🥰 I‘m so glad you enjoyed - can‘t wait to get this back for a reread!! 5y
BarbaraBB The blurb compares it to True Grit, which I didn‘t like at all. Should I ignore that comparison too? 5y
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sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB I haven‘t read True Grit, but based on the blurb for it, I would guess the comparison is due to a teenage girl on their own? I would probably ignore that comparison too—Margo sure doesn‘t have a cowboy helping her. 😬 5y
BarbaraBB Thanks. I‘m not a fan of westerns. Which True Grit is.. 5y
sprainedbrain @BarbaraBB this is definitely not a western. Set around 1980 in very rural Michigan. 5y
BarbaraBB Happy to hear that! Thanks! ❤️ 5y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Robert Heinlein would have approved. #SpecializationIsForInsects

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“You‘ve got every right to try to live any goddamned idiotic way you want to.”

This is the core of my philosophy.

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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What better setting to read Once Upon a River than the Kalamazoo River?

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Check out my June 2019 Month-in-Review and Mid-Year-in-Review. Many books were read and reviewed (not Once Upon a River, though—I started that yesterday). https://everydayshouldbetuesday.wordpress.com/2019/07/02/june-2019-month-in-revi...

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wow, just wow. This book is going to stay with me for a long time and it will definitely be one to which I return. The allusions to classic literature and mythology made me want to be an English major again.

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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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You come up with a list of the BEST BOOKS you read in 2018 (they don‘t have to have been published in 2018; you could include Jane Eyre (1847) if you just read it for the first time). You get matched up with another Litten (hopefully with similar taste). You let *their* list guide your reading for the month.

Big Question: Would you rather do this in December (to close the year out right) or in January (to start 2019 off on the right foot)?

Librarybelle Great idea! I‘d vote January! 6y
zezeki I like this idea! Month doesn't matter to me. 6y
Jerdencon I‘d vote January too! Fun idea! 6y
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ErikasMindfulShelf I vote for January 6y
FantasyChick Love this idea! Definite vote for January! 6y
Laughterhp Great idea! I vote January! This is kind of like what we did in April right? 6y
monalyisha @Laughterhp Yes! Just with slightly different qualifications for the books chosen. 🤗 6y
TheDaysGoBy This sounds fun! Either month 6y
AsYouWish This sounds awesome!!!! Either month. 6y
thewallflower0707 Sounds like a great idea! 6y
sammisho I would love to do this. My vote is for Jan. December is Christmas Romances month! Lol 💞🎄 6y
Derf Great idea, January I think. Would be a good New Years resolution to read some books I wouldn‘t normally. 🙌🏻👍🏻 count me in either way. 6y
CouronneDhiver January 6y
TheLibrarian Love this idea. January!! 6y
sprainedbrain Ooooh, I would love to do this! Like another freaky Friday. 😃 I would prefer January! 6y
BookNerd9906 Love this! Sounds fun. 6y
Bookish_AF I would be up for trying this out! January would be preferable. 6y
Elma This sounds fun! 6y
LapReader I‘m in. January would be best for me. 6y
Moray_Reads This sounds like a cool idea. Would be fun for January 6y
monalyisha I know some of you have signed-up already but I‘m going to tag everyone who‘s commented since it‘s easier & faster. 😉 Forgive me/ignore me if that‘s you! Everyone else: registration is open! @Librarybelle @zezeki @jerdencon @irre @FantasyChick @laughterhp @TheDaysGoBy @AsYouWish @thewallflower0707 @sammisho @LoverofLit @DannyHattan @CouronneDhiver @TheLibrarian @sprainedbrain @BookNerd9906 @whippoorwill815 @Elma @LapReader @Moray_Reads 6y
Laughterhp Thanks! I‘ll do it this week! I‘ve been out of town and haven‘t been able to register yet! 😊 6y
monalyisha @Laughterhp Totally! Take your time & enjoy being away! Just a heads-up. 😊 6y
Derf @monalyisha I‘m in! Just signed up 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
Laughterhp I don‘t know if this question has already been asked and answered, but how many books should be on the list we provide? 6y
monalyisha @laughterhp Anywhere from 5-20; your choice! (Personally, I‘d rather receive a lengthier list to choose from than a shorter one — but if you haven‘t *loved* 20, then I wouldn‘t reach for it. However many faves you‘ve got, stick ‘em on there!) 6y
Laughterhp Thanks, also sorry. If I would have clicked on the link it had the answer 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ 6y
monalyisha @Laughterhp 😆 It‘s cool! You were just trying to be prepared. 6y
zezeki 😱😱 I forgot to sing up, and now I see the form is closed😭 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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I posted a warning on GoodReads, Slack, and in the journal but it bears repeating: For those who will receive this #LGPOG book & journal after me, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL IN HANDLING THE LURES! THOSE ARE #6 TREBLE HOOKS AND THEY *WILL* HURT IF THEY PRICK YOUR SKIN! AND OBVIOUSLY, KEEP AWAY FROM EYES, EXPENSIVE SHIRTS/SWEATERS, CURIOUS ANIMALS AND CHILDREN!

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Going into this one absolutely absolutely blind over the weekend! I didn‘t even read any of the journal entries that accompanied it!

(📷: #LGPOG book and journals atop our wooden canoe) 🛶

MeganAnn Enjoy!! This has been my favorite one so far! ❤️ 6y
Owlizabeth I really hope you like it!!! 💜📚💜 6y
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Once Upon a River | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“Nothing wrong with being a hermit, so long as you have friends when you need them.” Smoke to Margot - Once Upon a River.

I can relate ❤️

Owlizabeth 💜📚💜 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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📖 Book: Bellweather Rhapsody
🔵 Food: Blueberries. Or Brussels Sprouts. Can‘t choose! 🙈
💪🏻 Author: Bonnie Jo Campbell
⚰️ Movie/Show: Beetlejuice (movie), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (show)

JoScho Love me a good collage! Nicely done. Thanks for playing 😊💖 6y
Clare-Dragonfly Excellent taste in food and movies! 😄 How do you like your Brussels sprouts? My favorite way to cook them is roasted with olive oil, salt, and nutritional yeast. 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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What a read!
I choose this book as a result of a reading challenge that had us choosing a book in our home town, but I settled for one in my home state. Michigan!! It took me a while to convince myself to pick this one up and begin reading, but once I did, couldn‘t put it down. Travel memoirs are growing on me and this one hooked me early and was a page turner until the end. A story of heartbreak, revenge, growth and healing. A must read for all!

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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My thoughts on life summed up in one short dialogue!
This is how I‘m going to respond to someone next time someone talks about being normal to me!! Bravo!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell

And loving a new person might eventually dull the pain of having lost the people you had loved before, even if it didn‘t happen as quickly as you wanted it to.

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Happy National Book Day, litsynerds!!! 📖🙂📚

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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This book is a treasure! Thank you, @MeganAnn for putting it on your #freakyfriday list!

It‘s about a young woman coming of age in the early 1980‘s on the Michigan riverside. It might not be for everyone, as Margo lives a harsh life, suffering from all manner of ills - including multiple counts of sexual abuse. But the writing! The writing is GORGEOUS, which makes it just my kind of book.

*Continued in comments below👇🏻

monalyisha 1/3: Each character, from Margo‘s absent & negligent mother, to the dying, chain-smoking, live-on-your-own-terms “Smoke”, to the river dog Nightmare, to the rivers themselves (the Stark & the Kalamazoo) has a distinct, well-developed voice — even if it‘s haltingly delivered, impeded by emphysema, lack of confidence, or loneliness & disuse. (edited) 6y
monalyisha 2/3: Margo‘s struggle to become her own woman (& not a river angel, sprite, nymph, or the product of every man‘s dreams) is honest, heart-wrenching, and laden with terror and beauty. The quiet moments of introspection & the total *presence* of the setting are just as remarkable as the more shocking, eventful moments — perhaps more-so. (edited) 6y
monalyisha 3/3: I can‘t say enough good things about this book. Thanks to @MeganAnn, I‘ve found a new author to love. I‘m thrilled to learn that she‘s written three previous novels. They‘re sailing straight to the top of my TBR — and I‘ll be purchasing a copy of this one for my personal library. 6y
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Eggs Wow 😳Stacked! 6y
monalyisha @Eggs Yes! 🙌🏻 I hope you find it as well-crafted & impactful as I did! 6y
MeganAnn @monalyisha Yes, exactly!! I‘m so happy you loved this one as much as I did! ❤️ I haven‘t read any of her other novels yet, but they are definitely on my TBR as well! 6y
mcipher What a review! ❤️ 6y
monalyisha Thanks @mcipher 🤗! 6y
JaclynW Nice review! 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“She lay in her bed and listened to the high-pitched whispering and whistling all around her boat: a flock of cedar waxwings resting during their northern migration. She whispered and whistled back to them in their secret language. As far as she could tell, every language was a secret language, secret and manipulative and hopeful, starting with... nursery rhymes.“


MaleficentBookDragon Love that photo. 6y
Eggs Beautiful 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Wow!! That photo!! 6y
ladym30 Great photo! 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“I‘ve been trying to figure out how to live,” Margo said, but didn‘t know how to go on & so crossed her arms over her chest.

“Me, too. Haven‘t figured it out yet,” Smoke said & held out his hand. Margo uncrossed her arms & took the hand in hers so it stopped shaking. She wished she could see his eyes. He said, “You‘ve got every right to try to live any goddamned idiotic way you want to.”

I love the interactions between these two characters! 😭

mrozzz Beautiful 6y
Christine11 Lovely photo! 6y
Karkar There is something very satisfying in a clear stream running over rocks.... 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“You can‘t get ahead in this life if you don‘t finish school.”
“I don‘t want to get ahead. What‘s so great about getting ahead?”


Cinfhen Love the graphics😍 6y
MeganAnn 😍 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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I called this, I called this, I CALLED THIS! 😱


MeganAnn Oh I remember thinking the same thing at that point! It‘s a bit like watching a train wreak, the aftermath, and the clean up but in the most beautiful, soul searching kind of way! 6y
monalyisha @MeganAnn I was so disappointed when he came on to her, too! I so just wanted her to have found a friend to talk to. 😭 6y
monalyisha @MeganAnn I was also surprised by the passion she felt for him, since it all hit her so suddenly! I‘m not mad at it, story-wise, though. At least not so far. 😉 (edited) 6y
MeganAnn @monalyisha right?! After everything else she‘s been through she desperately needs a friend 😩😭 6y
MeganAnn @monalyisha I think the entire time I read this book, I was surprised that I loved it so much because I shouldn‘t have. But I guess that‘s the mark of a great author that can make you feel so much for the character and still fall in love with the book in the end. 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“Only then did Margo see the teenage girl in the yard, lying barefoot in a lawn chair... The girl was reading a book, & it took Margo a few seconds to make out what it was she had on her stomach: a giant rabbit, weighing maybe 20 lbs. She was using that rabbit to hold her book up. The rabbit‘s ears were longer than the girl‘s hands, & they twitched, but otherwise the rabbit just sat there. Margo laughed out loud.”

#bunlife 🐰💖📖

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 😍 I want to read with a bunny! ❤️ 6y
MeganAnn Aww 😍 this looks like a lovely way to spend a Sunday! 🐇📚❤️ 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Book by @MeganAnn , coffee by @whippoorwill815 : Littens have shaped the whole of my morning. 💞📖☕️

Bookish_AF Aww yay I love this! I hope the coffee is good as I haven‘t tried that blend before! 6y
MeganAnn 😍😍😍 Love this!! 6y
monalyisha @whippoorwill815 The coffee‘s great! Although, I‘ve rarely met a cup of coffee I didn‘t like. 😉 6y
Zelma Well then, your morning can‘t go wrong! 😆👍 (edited) 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Look at this beautiful, light-filled sunroom complete with cozy couch & a book. I‘m never going back to work. #lifelonglunchbreak

Zelma Logical decision. 👍 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Tfw 3/3 of your match‘s #freakyfriday books involve violent deer death. 😂

“She‘d be fine after that initial cut, after she turned the deer from a dead creature into meat... She reached up & stuck the knife... into the flesh below where the ribs came together. Pulling down hard & steady... she unzipped the buck from sternum to balls, tore through skin, flesh & corn fat, & then, as the guts sloshed into the galvanized trough, she closed her eyes.”

MeganAnn I swear I don't only read books where deer die! 😬😂 Some of the books on my list have no violence against deer at all! 😂😂😂 6y
monalyisha @MeganAnn I thought this might surprise you, too! What a ridiculous coincidence! 😂 6y
CouronneDhiver 😆😆 6y
MeganAnn @monalyisha absolutely! I'm now racking my brain trying to remember if there is deer hunting in the other books you had on your stack... 😂😂😂 6y
LibrarianJen 😂😂😂 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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When you‘re freezing your butt off at work, so you spend your lunch break reading *on* the heater. 🤷‍♀️📖

Starting my third #freakyfriday book from @MeganAnn ‘s list!

LibrarianJen I really loved this book! 💖 6y
MeganAnn Oh I hope you like this one better! It‘s a more recent favorite I read for our postal book club and completely fell in love with! ❤️ 6y
monalyisha @MeganAnn If the first few pages are any indication, I‘m going to *love* it! 6y
MeganAnn @monalyisha 😅😅😅 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”

~Groucho Marx~

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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This was a “meh” until the last 100 pages, when a character showed up that I cared to read about. I stuck with it for the Michigan setting. #MittenLitten #RoadTripping 3/5⭐️

Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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This book. Amazing! ✨ ✨✨✨✨

I finished yesterday and I‘m still digesting it. Chose a brewery called Steel Bender where a small steel mill used to be. It‘s probably the closest brewery to the river we have right now. The combination of river and steel is perfect for the novel. I couldn‘t decide which beer to get so I got a flight. (Ignore my bro-in-law in the back 😂). #booksandbrews #Litsygoespostalog

Cupofjo Nice!! 7y
LibrarianJen OMG @Cupofjo they have an IPA called “almost manaña” and you know I don‘t like IPA‘s but this one has pineapple and other citrus and it‘s sooooo good. 7y
Owlizabeth Yaaaaaayy!! 7y
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Cupofjo @LibrarianJen ah! That sounds so good!! 7y
LibrarianJen @Cupofjo 🍻 @Owlizabeth thank you so much for sending this book. I love it so much! 7y
Amandajoy My last name is Bender, I feel I need to hit this brewery up! 7y
LibrarianJen @Amandajoy YESSSSS! We need to plan a meet up some day. 6y
Amandajoy We should! I‘m moving out of state soon, but I‘m going to be up north the beginning of May (I think the first weekend). Maybe something then? 6y
LibrarianJen @Amandajoy Sure! I may be going to Colorado at some point but don‘t know for sure yet. 6y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Breakfast! Also, 43 pages left in this novel that I can‘t seem to put down. 💖

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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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✅ Coffee
✅ Book
✅ Porg
Kids entertained without my help....still working on that.

ephemeralwaltz Loooove!😂 I'm missing the Porg on my list. 7y
gjacobs Happy spring break! 7y
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Once Upon a River | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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I‘ve been MIA on litsy this past week. It was a super busy week this week. I received quite a lot of bookmail though! Blue Plate Special and Winnie Flynn from @Bookworm83 Daughter of the Siren Queen pre-order, and the tagged book is @Owlizabeth lgpog selection! I can‘t wait to dive in.

ApoptyGina69 I‘ve read Blue Plate Special. After you e read it, you‘ll think about it whenever you have to crack a lot of eggs! 😀🍳 7y
LibrarianJen @ApoptyGina69 Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully it isn‘t bad because we do eat a lot of eggs in this house...🥚🥚🥚🍳 7y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ WOW. What a great journey.

Owlizabeth Yaaaaayy!!! 7y
Owlizabeth Also, I have that same blanket! 7y
Reecaspieces I enjoyed this book too!! 7y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Just received my next Litsy Goes Postal book 😁👏🏻 @Owlizabeth I am very excited to read this today 🖤

BooksForEmpathy Loved this so much!! Enjoy!! 7y
MeganAnn I LOVED this one too!! Have fun reading! ❤️ 7y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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This book was really good. It touched on a lot of sad and even disturbing subjects, but it was a great way to see the way some victims can associate love and life after the events. I love the way she incorporated her connection to nature both good and harsh. I have never read one of her books before, but this was heartbreaking and so beautiful in a lot of ways. I know a lot of people might not relate, but a great read for insight of victims. ❤️

Owlizabeth Yaaaaaay!!! 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @Owlizabeth it was such a great choice 🙌 7y
BooksForEmpathy Agreed!! 7y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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This book will take you on a wild, heartbreaking, and heroic ride. I never would have picked it up myself, but thanks again to #lgpog and @Owlizabeth I opened it up and devoured another new favorite.

Margo Crane endures countless acts of violence and abuse and abandonment as she paddles up the river to try and find her mother. I was swept away by the atmospheric writing + storytelling, falling in love w/ this fierce young woman page after page.

Owlizabeth Yaaaaayyy! I‘m so glad you enjoyed it!! 7y
MeganAnn I loved this one too!! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Got my work cut out for me this morning 💕. Favorite day of the week and I couldn‘t be happier!

CoffeeAndABook Enjoy 🐬 7y
emilyhaldi Looks like the perfect morning 😆 7y
mrozzz Some good books to look forward to! 7y
ReadingEnvy Oh I've never read a novel but this author but love her short stories. 7y
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Once Upon a River | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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And now little #Coale is curled up with me on the chair while I read a great book and drink my tea. A perfect ending to a lovely day! 😸📚

Bookzombie 💕🐱 8y
LauraJ So sweet! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Adorable!😻 8y
brariane42 I LOVE that book. I've seen Bonnie jo speak a couple times and she's just absolutely amazing. One of my all time favorites. 8y
MrBook 😻😻😻 8y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Books read in January. (Plus 2 audio). Includes A,B, and half of C for #litsyatoz since I couldn't choose between authors and titles and am trying to do both. 😬

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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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Library haul! Bottom two are mine, top one was a free book that I grabbed for my girlfriend. She said she'd look it up, and I managed to snag her a copy for free!

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 8y
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Once Upon a River: A Novel | Bonnie Jo Campbell
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"Margo was getting the idea that maybe she loved Brian, that love was different than she expected, that it was something ordinary. "

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