Can we make #CoverLustFriday a thing on Litsy too, @gigireadsromance ?
Because I am currently obsessing over this gorgeous bodice ripper art! 😍
Can we make #CoverLustFriday a thing on Litsy too, @gigireadsromance ?
Because I am currently obsessing over this gorgeous bodice ripper art! 😍
I am enjoying this book SO much!
TRUE enemies to lovers:
“And in that unlikely moment, as she held his dagger poised high, ready to strike, Royce thought she was the most magnificent creature he‘d ever beheld; a wild, beautiful, enraged angel of retribution, her chest rising and falling with fury as she courageously confronted an enemy who towered over her.”
If he‘s not thinking of how beautiful I am as I‘m about to kill him, he‘s not the one.
Is he even your book boyfriend if he‘s not bringing you bouquets of chocolate covered coconut bars (Bree prefers Almond Joys, but my favorites are these bars, who like Archer Hale, are Unreal 🥺) or picking all the folded chips from the bag because he noticed they‘re your favorites?? 🥹🖤
Archer‘s Voice is $1.99 Kindle Deal today, and if you couldn‘t tell by my profile picture, I BREE ARCHER HALE FOREVER.
Sunshine + Chatty Girl 4ever ?
My love for Gabriel Scott deserves a #CoverLustFriday feature.
That jawline, his witty snark (don‘t worry, our heroine serves it right back to him), his starchy soul paired with a cool façade, his very particular tea preference (strong with a splash of milk, one sugar, and NEVER in a paper cup), oh and did I mention he can‘t sleep unless Sophie is next to him?
Spoon feed it all to me, thankyouverymuch.
If Sebastian St. Vincent and West Ravenel had a baby, his name would be Benedict Chatham, and that should tell you all you need to know about this book before you devour it whole and are still hungry for more, because there‘s just no way to get enough of this kind of histrom hero (I make zero apologies for that run-on sentence).
Thank you to @gigireadsromance and @nadiaandstepbacks for introducing me to Benny and his floral-flask carrying ways.🤍
I blame @gigireadsromance and @nadiaandstepbacks for me ditching my dizi this morning to read this instead.
Marriage of (in)convenience? Broke groom? Spitfire bride who just wants her independence?
Sign. Me. Up.
“I rubbed my hand absently over my chest, wondering if it was indigestion from my sh*tty cold pizza.”
(Spoiler Alert:
It‘s never indigestion, you grumpy, emotionally constipated dummy. But this “Is it love or is it a stomach ache” mini-trope gets me every dang time 😍)
Summer thunderstorm happening right outside my window while I‘m curled up with my dog on the couch reading, I couldn‘t ask for a better Saturday evening. 🤍
My first official post to get things rolling here.
I stayed up until 5am last week finishing this grumpy-sunshine, feels-filled, finding-yourself delight, and I‘ve decided Kate Clayborn can do no wrong.
She‘s nailed down her own brand of rhythm and pacing, with a balanced blend of humor and heart.
Her descriptive writing, her lovably flawed characters, and relatable storytelling always combine for a delicious treat from start to finish. 🤍