This book is gorgeous.
This book is gorgeous.
I wouldn't normally go in for Martha Stewart, but I saw this book at the library and I happened to be wearing my Pride and Prejudice shirt from @outofprint so...
I'm normally not a big fan of anthologies, but the way this book is structured, where it retells the story of Episode IV from the perspective of the side characters, really tied it together and gave it a good sense of forward motion and excitement. I wasn't a fan of every story -- the cantina sequence really dragged on -- but for the most part it's gold with few duds. I hope they do the same for the 40th anniversary of ESB.
I honestly don't remember why I requested this from the library, but I decided to give it a shot and ended up really enjoying it! It's a murder mystery set in a medeival village, told from the perspective of the priest. And it's told backwards, starting with the discovery of the body going back to the day the guy died. You would think this limits your possibilities, but in the end it was surprisingly effective and made a lot of thematic sense.
It only took three years of on-again/off-again reading, but I finally finished the Hamilton biography, all 800 pages of it, and I'm a bit sad it's over. Where else am I going to find this blend of politics and war and writing, oh so much writing. This guy was *nuts* and I'm sad we didn't get more from him.