“your comfort zone is this big Q,this big!the way you felt tonight,that‘s the way you should feel your whole life.All the things you want in life are way out there”-Margo Roth Spiegelman
“your comfort zone is this big Q,this big!the way you felt tonight,that‘s the way you should feel your whole life.All the things you want in life are way out there”-Margo Roth Spiegelman
I‘m still waiting for a person to come out of nowhere to tell me that i‘m a werewolf or out of nowhere i “accidentally” slip through a wall at a train station.Or i find a hidden world in a closet. I feel like any minute i could just wake up and this would all be just a dream.I would wake up to world filled with werewolves,queens,kings,warlocks,wonderlands,unique people and harry potter of course...but reality keeps smacking me on the face.
“twelve pillars of the castle of time will bear.twelve creatures rule land and sea.the eagle is ready to soar in the air,five‘s the foundation and also the key.In the circle of twelve number twelve becomes two.The hawk hatches seven,yet three is the clue”-ruby red